UPHF and INSA Hauts-de-France take part in EAIE conference (Rotterdam)
From September 26 to 29, the EAIE 2023 (European Association for International Education) conference took place, with the participation of UPHF's Pôle de Relations Internationales and INSA Hauts-de-France's Service Relations Internationales.
The EAIE (European Association for International Education) conference is a key annual meeting place for reaching out to international partners, strengthening and creating new avenues for cooperation, as well as exchanging views on major trends in international collaboration. The 33rd edition of this conference took place in September 2023 in Rotterdam (Netherlands).
UPHF's Pôle de Relations Internationales and INSA Hauts-de-France's Service Relations Internationales attended the show with the aim of meeting partners, forging new relationships but also exchanging best practices and trends in international relations in higher education.
Caption: UPHF/INSA HdF representatives at EAIE: J. Brindle (PRI), A. Degaugue Bac (PRI), C. Morin (DRI INSA HdF), S. Dusart (SRI INSA HdF), C. Garçon (PRI)

UPHF wins best poster competition
The poster session is an integral part of the EAIE shows, and consists of the presentation of theses, reflections and results concerning the internationalization of European establishments. This session also provides an opportunity to exchange views with other show participants.
On this occasion, the International Relations Cluster presented a poster entitled " Peer-IR-View: Knowledge management tools designed by and for international relations offices " to introduce participants to the tools developed as part of the Peer-IR-View (EUNICE) project, which closed at the end of September 2023. The Peer-IR-View poster is the winner of the best poster competition for session 3.
Discover the Peer-IR-View poster by clicking here.

Results of the Peer-IR-View project
This award comes in phase with the culmination of the Peer-IR-View project, developed as part of the EUNICE alliance. This Erasmus+ strategic partnership project resulted in the creation of sixteen knowledge management tools in the field of international relations in higher education, to be discovered on the EUNICE website.
