Mardi des chercheurs UPHF-UMONS 2023
  • The research

A look back at Mardi des Chercheurs 2023

The scientific event attracted more than 150 visitors and rewarded a dozen doctoral students.

Researchers' Tuesday, an event in collaboration with UMONS

Imagined by the University of Mons in the early 2000s, since 2015 Researchers' Tuesday has been held in turn at UPHF and UMONS. This year, the event set up by the École Doctorale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France is dedicated to scientific research, and took place at the IMTD (Institut des Mobilités et des Transports Durables) this Tuesday, June 14, 2023.

PhD students from both universities had the chance to present their research through scientific posters, while visitors were encouraged to vote for their favorite poster in each category.

This year, the competition was also open to PhD students from across the EUNICE alliance, who were able to present their work in a dedicated videoconference session.

Competition results

We congratulate the following PhD students, winners in their respective categories: Halima ElBouami, Meryem Mounaj (Biology, Medicine, Health / Chemistry); Marwa Afnouch, Itbissam Saadi (Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies / Mathematics and their interactions); Alham Bernaoui, Myriam Hammani (Social Sciences / Humanities); Amel Ait Ghezala, Benjamin Zielinski (Engineering Sciences); Daniel Garcia-Lopez (EUNICE).

The jury also awarded the "Show your PhD" competition prize to Maxance Lardjane, and the "Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility" prize to Mohammed Hojeij. Finally, the prize for best thematic poster was awarded to Marwa Afnouch, for her poster "Application of Machine Learning in the field of medical diagnosis, Use case: "Bone metastases"", which thus wins a stay in one of the countries of the EUNICE alliance.

The jury also awarded the "Show your PhD" competition prize to Maxance Lardjane, and the "Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility" prize to Mohammed Hojeij.

Liste des Vainqueurs

Prix numéro 1 – Biologie, Médecine, Santé / Chimie :
Halima El-Bouami ; Chimie des matériaux ; CERAMATHS

Prix numéro 2 – Biologie, Médecine, Santé / Chimie :
Meryem Mounaj ; Chimie des matériaux ; CERAMATHS    

Prix numéro 3 – Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication / Mathématiques et leurs interactions :
Marwa Afnouch ; Traitement du signal et des images ; IEMN

Prix numéro 4 – Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication / Mathématiques et leurs interactions :
Itbissam Saadi ; Electronique, microélectronique, nanoélectronique et micro-ondes ; IEMN

Prix numéro 5 – Sciences de la Société / Sciences Humaines et Humanités :
Alham Bernaoui ; Littératures comparées ; LARSH

Prix numéro 6 – Sciences de la Société / Sciences Humaines et Humanités :
Myriam Hammani ; Arts : plastiques, spectacle, musique, esthétique, sciences et histoire de l'art ; LARSH

Prix numéro 7 – Sciences pour l’Ingénieur :
Amel Ait Ghezala ; Automatique, productique ; LAMIH

Prix numéro 8 – Sciences pour l’Ingénieur :
Benjamin Zielinski ; Mécanique, énergétique, génie des procédés, génie civil ; LAMIH

Prix numéro 9 – EUNICE :
Daniel Garcia-Lopez de l’Université de Cantabria

Prix du jury - Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale :
Mohammed Hojeij ; Mécanique, énergétique, génie des procédés, génie civil ; LAMIH

Prix du jury – meilleur poster thématique :
Marwa Afnouch ; Traitement du signal et des images ; IEMN

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