LAMIH doctoral students' day
On January 11, the LAMIH organized its 3rd Doctoral Students' Day (JDD).
This event allows the laboratory's doctoral students to get together, present and discuss their thesis topics with all the members of the laboratory.
Each doctoral student had between 1 and 3 minutes to present his or her thesis (context, scientific obstacles to be overcome...) before a jury made up of laboratory staff.
This was followed by a time of exchange with the jury and the audience to explore the subject further.
The research was divided into 4 categories:
- Health, Human & Disability
- Transport & Mobilities
- Simulation & Smart City
- Industry, Robotics & Manufacturing
Congratulations to the 53 PhD students who took part in this popularization exercise, the juries had a hard time deciding between you.
A special mention for this year's winners:
Thematics: Health, Human & Disability
- Best presentation prize: Jérémy GONTHIER "Hallux limitus et orthèse plantaire : impact de la limitation articulaire sur la biomécanique du geste sportif"
- DDRS Award: Nicolas Cauchois "Design and evaluation of a context-sensitive communication aid: application to people with cerebral palsy"
Thematics : Transport & Mobilities
- Best presentation prize: Charles Guaquiere "Modeling the diffusion of particles from rail braking application to the underground network"
- DDRS Prize: Ines Marzougui" "Energy valorization of waste heat from an internal combustion engine coupled to a Stirling engine"
Thematic: Simulation and Smart City
- Best presentation prize: Afaf Aloullal "Multi-period stochastic programming models and techniques for logistics distribution systems"
- DDRS Prize: Monica Perez "Developing sustainable and resilient approaches to improve the performance and sustainability of port hubs and platforms in the context of the Physical Internet: the case of maritime terminals in the Hauts-de-France region"
Thematics: Industry, Robotics & Manufacturing
- Best presentation prize: Benjamin ZIELINSKI "Couplages Matériaux procédés en conditions dynamiques extrêmes : étude des évolutions microstructurales d'alliages innovants"
- DDRS Prize: Sara Jacob "Proposal of a methodology for human-robot cooperation: application to a robotized disassembly cell"
The day ended with a good galette to enjoy all together
For PhD students who were unable to attend this 3rd edition of the JDD, see you next year.
Bravo to the organizing team for this wonderful event rich in exchanges.