Forum Entreprises et Poursuite d'Études
Meet our 3rd year B.U.T students
Two events in one for our 3th year students
Whether you're looking for promising talent to add to your team or offering higher education for B.U.T graduates, take part in this event by registering for the Forum organized for our 3rd year Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie (B.U.T) students.
- Date: January 25, 2024
- Event location: IMTD - Campus Mont Houy
- Times: 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Registration deadline: December 29.
Forum Entreprises - Jobs & Internships
If you're looking for Bac+3 graduate talent to strengthen your teams, don't miss our Business Forum dedicated to jobs and internships. Students from the 3ème année de Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie (B.U.T) will be on hand to meet companies looking for interns for the first half of 2024, as well as those recruiting passionate new employees.
This event offers the opportunity to establish direct contact with our future graduates, discover the exceptional skills they have acquired throughout their academic career and discuss professional opportunities within your company.
To register for the Forum Entreprises and seize the opportunity to connect with exceptional talent, click on the link ICI.
- Company relations : Bénédicte Henneton
03 27 51 12 86 / @email

Further Studies Forum
For establishments offering higher education courses open to B.U.T graduates (BAC+3), our Forum Poursuite d'Études is a golden opportunity to meet 3rdème year students. Take part in this event to present your training offer and talk with motivated students.
To register for the Forum Poursuite d'Etudes and meet our 3rd year B.U.T students, click on the link ICI.
Pedagogy administrative manager : Magalie Destrumelle
. 03 27 51 12 81 / @email