Fête de la science : retour sur les événements organisés au sein de l’UPHF
  • Fête de la science

Fête de la science: a look back at events at UPHF

From October 6 to 16, the Fête de la science was held in mainland France. For the occasion, various events were organized at UPHF.

On October 10, Eric Cattan and Sébastien Grondel, researchers at IEMN UMR CNRS 8520- site de Valenciennes, presented OVMI (Objet Volant Mimant l'Insecte). Middle-school students discovered the world's smallest nano-drone and the work carried out by these 2 UPHF teacher-researchers.


On October 12 and 13, the IUT organized a number of fun and educational workshops on the Mont Houy and Maubeuge campuses. Pupils from primary to high school were able to try their hand at robotics, electronics or even computing through games.

Finally, on the afternoon of October 12, the Mont Houy campus welcomed the Thiant elementary school for a series of sports, fun and artistic workshops. An event to learn more about the human body and organized by the cultural service and Laura Wallard, Senior Lecturer, researcher at the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, and Hauts-de-France ambassador for the Fête de la science 2023. 

fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF
fete de la science à UPHF