EUNICE: First Peer-IR-View tools released

The first tools developed by and for the international relations departments of the Peer-IR-View project have just been published on the EUNICE website.

Peer-IR-View: a project dedicated to international relations departments

Peer-IR-View is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project focusing on the value and importance of knowledge management within international relations departments. It is one of the many actions carried out by the EUNICE alliance, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program. The aim of this project is to build innovative and transferable tools, useful for any partnership.

Each tool will enable partners to become aware of each other's activities and suggest improvements to meet the challenges within international relations departments, in order to optimize the quality of services and, consequently, to be more competitive at national level and stronger at European level.

The development of the Peer-IR-View project has already enabled the international relations offices of each EUNICE university to come together and improve knowledge retention and peer-to-peer support approaches.

Les premiers outils sont désormais disponibles

Les trois premiers outils, le IRO Benchmarking Toolbox, le IRO Video Pills Handbook et les Peer-to-Peer Expert Sessions sont accessibles sur le site de l'alliance. 

En savoir plus et découvrir les premiers outils Peer-IR-View.

En savoir plus sur Peer-IR-View