123 Résultats pour votre recherche
International symposium: The challenges of cultural misunderstanding
Linguistic, legal and translational reflections
Published on 06/02/2024
Human-machine shared control for intelligent vehicle safety and energy
Published on 27/10/2023
Plana Radenovic's conference
As part of the continuing lecture series led by the Université des Savoirs Partagés (USP), Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France will welcome Plana Radenovic.
Thursday, November 16 at 6pm, campus du Mont-Houy, Matisse building, amphi 500.
Free admission.
Published on 25/10/2023
"The 'new' history of the Cold War" session 1
History Master's Seminar
Coordinator : Frédéric ATTAL (LARSH)
Published on 29/09/2023
Characterization and modeling of the impact behavior of a thin-fold composite: towards taking into account the evolution of ballistic protection performance
Published on 20/10/2023
CERAMATHS - DMATHS seminar: presentation by Emmanuelle Crépeau
The CERAMATHS mathematics department seminar will host Emmanuelle Crépeau (Université Grenoble-Alpes), Thursday, February 1, 2024
Published on 23/01/2024
2023 Academic Palms Award Ceremony
Published on 24/10/2024
L3P-SHN in the spotlight in La voix des sports
In an interview with La voix des sports entitled "À l'UPHF, La révolution est en marche", Jérôme Graindorge, deputy director delegated to digital uses and educational innovation at UPHF, highlights the Licence Pluridisciplinaire Projet Personnel dedicated to High-Level Athletes (L3P - SHN) planned for the future start of the academic year in September 2024.
Published on 16/01/2024
Fault detection, reconfiguration and fault-tolerant control of multi-agent systems
Published on 06/11/2023