259 Résultats pour votre recherche
Defense of Hajer SRIHI's thesis
Defense of the thesis "Stratégies de stabilité en position assise chez les personnes vivant avec une lésion de la moelle épinière : de l'estimation utilisant des modèles descripteurs quasi-LPV à la validation expérimentale" by Hajer SRIHI, doctoral student in the automatic control department at LAMIH.
The defence will take place on Thursday 21 December 2023 at 10 a.m. in Amphithéâtre 70 A in the Bâtiment Abel de Pujol 2 - Le Mont Houy, Valenciennes.
Published on 20/12/2023
Fête de la science 2023
You like sports, you like science so come and discover how Laura Wallard, ambassador for the Hauts-de-France Region for the Fête de la science 2023 and researcher at LAMIH makes the 2 rhyme.
Published on 10/10/2023
Study on point emergence alignments that can form a dynamic visibility mask for tramway systems.
Published on 28/09/2023
Return on the event "Parity in Scientific Research
Returning to the event "Parity Scientific Research" organized by the LAMIH Parity-Equality Commission, moderated by Kathia Oliveira and her co-equal Damien Méresse.
Published on 18/11/2022
The Collaborative, Hybrid, Intermodal Land Transportation - Rail Simulation platform allows the driving of a tram/train in a simulated environment for experimental purposes.
Published on 01/04/2022
Project launch: from cognitive science to the new generation of "PSTs
On January 11, a collaborative research project between the RAILENIUM Institute of Technological Research, SNCF, SNCF Réseau, SCLE and the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 research laboratory of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France was launched at the IRT premises in Saint-Denis.
Published on 08/02/2023
The " BREAQ " project for BRaking Emissions characterisation & mitigation for Air Quality improvement funded by ADEME and led by ALSTOM deals with the impact of rolling stock on its environment in terms of emissions.
Published on 13/09/2023
Higher education teacher
Applications must be registered on GALAXIE from February 24, 2022 (10:00 AM) to March 31, 2022 (4:00 PM).
Published on 21/06/2022
A look back at the "Women in scientific research: a new generation" seminar
The 3rd edition of "La recherche Scientifique au féminin" took place on November 29.
The event, organized by the Parité-Egalité Commission of LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, brought together no fewer than 186 students from INSA Hauts-de-France as well as male and female researchers from LAMIH.
Published on 12/12/2023
Best Paper Award for Enka Blanchard
Dr. Enka Blanchard (LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, CIS-CNRS ? Chôros) received the award for best paper in usability security and technical issues at E-Vote-ID 2022
Published on 19/10/2022