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Épistémologie et Histoire des Mathématiques : architecture d’une réforme, les mathématiques modernes dans la seconde moitié du XXème siècle
Arnaud Carsalade, Francois Goichot, Anne-Marie Marmier
Time-domain study of the Drude–Born–Fedorov model for a class of heterogeneous chiral materials
Serge Nicaise
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2013, 36 (7), pp.794-813. ⟨10.1002/mma.2627⟩. ⟨hal-03163846⟩
Proceedings International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport
Mourad Abed, Mounir Benaissa
International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT), 2013, Sousse, Tunisia. ⟨hal-03566412⟩
Component based framework to create mobile cross-platform applications
Joachim Perchat, Mikael Desertot, Sylvain Lecomte
The 4th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, Jun 2013, Halifax, Canada. pp.1004-1011, ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2013.06.140⟩. ⟨hal-03472627⟩
Assisted Channel Estimation with Dynamic Allocation Pilot Subcarriers for OFDM Communications
Boudali Ouarzazi, Atika Rivenq, Iyad Dayoub, Marion Berbineau
Wireless Engineering and Technology, 2013, 04 (04), pp.155-160. ⟨10.4236/wet.2013.44023⟩. ⟨hal-03383023⟩
L’Éros antique de Pascal Quignard
Bénédicte Gorrillot
Littératures, 2013, Pascal Quignard et l’amour, 69, pp.65-80. ⟨hal-03540661⟩
Divagation pyroclastiques
Ludovic Nys
Bulletin trimestriel de Pasquier Grenier, 2013, 113, pp.16-20. ⟨hal-04054660⟩
Prediction of Long-Term Chemical Evolution of a Low-pH Cement Designed for Underground Radioactive Waste Repositories
T. Bach, Isabelle Pochard, Céline Cau-Dit-Coumes, Cyrille Albert-Mercier, André Nonat
Cement-Based Materials for Nuclear Waste Storage, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., pp.239-249, 2013, 9781489989680. ⟨hal-03065972⟩
Protocoles expérimentaux pour la caractérisation de la décohésion dynamique des Composites à Matrice Organique
Vincent Joudon, Gerald Portemont, Franck Lauro, Bruno Bennani
MECADYMAT 2013, Apr 2013, Brest, France. ⟨hal-03513282⟩
Numerical approximation for options pricing of a stochastic volatility jump-diffusion model
Rajae Aboulaich, Fouzia Baghery, Abdelilah Jraifi
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and statistics, 2013, 50 (20), pp.69-82. ⟨hal-03134982⟩