Affichage de 2631 à 2640 sur 6409
Minimal-Invasive Posterior, Anterior and Anterolateral Approach in Hip Replacement: Is There a Difference in Functional Outcome and Restoration of Hip Biomechanics?
Christian Khonen, Maïté van Cauter, Innocent M'Bra, Laura Wallard, Christine Detrembleur, Philippe Mahaudens, Didier Postlethwaite, Jean-Emile Dubuc, Olivier Cornu
SM Orthopedics & Muscular System, 2017, 1, pp.1001-1006. ⟨hal-03462946⟩
Shared and cooperative control of ground and air vehicles: Introduction and general overview
Frank Flemisch, Yigiterkut Canpolat, Eugen Altendorf, Gyna Wessel, Makoto Itoh, Marcel Baltzer, Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, David Abbink, Paul Schutte
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Oct 2017, Banff, AB, Canada. pp.858-863, ⟨10.1109/SMC.2017.8122717⟩. ⟨hal-03412508⟩
MPC-based shared steering control for automated driving systems
Chunshi Guo, Chouki Sentouh, Jean-Christophe Popieul, Jean-Baptiste Haué
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Oct 2017, Banff, AB, Canada. pp.129-134, ⟨10.1109/SMC.2017.8122590⟩. ⟨hal-03412464⟩
Adaptation of the level of automation according to the type of cooperative partner
Lydia Habib, Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, Patrick Millot
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Oct 2017, Banff, AB, Canada. pp.864-869, ⟨10.1109/SMC.2017.8122718⟩. ⟨hal-03412472⟩
Instrumentation des décisions publiques. Approche ontologique
Michel Labour, Igor Crevits, C. Hemery
9ème édition du colloque Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, École des Mines d'Alès, Oct 2017, Nimes, France. ⟨hal-03432040⟩
Planar Pythagorean-Hodograph B-Spline curves
Gudrun Albrecht, Carolina Vittoria Beccari, Jean-Charles Canonne, Lucia Romani
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2017, 57, pp.57-77. ⟨10.1016/j.cagd.2017.09.001⟩. ⟨hal-03234857⟩
Scaling and flow dependencies over forward-facing steps
Anthony Graziani, Marc Lippert, David Uystepruyst, Laurent Keirsbulck
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2017, 67, pp.220-229. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2017.08.009⟩. ⟨hal-03545610⟩
The Scotland Act 1978: a response to the SNP's Breakthrough
Edwige Camp-Pietrain
Stéphane Porion. Fresh Perspectives on the UK in Crisis, Atlande, pp.303-336, 2017, 9782350304335. ⟨hal-04078264⟩
Two stage particle swarm optimization to solve the flexible job shop predictive scheduling problem considering possible machine breakdowns
Maroua Nouiri, Abdelghani Bekrar, Abderrazak Jemai, Damien Trentesaux, Ahmed Chiheb Ammari, Smail Niar
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 112, pp.595-606. ⟨10.1016/j.cie.2017.03.006⟩. ⟨hal-03401105⟩
Évaluation Technico-Spatiale du réseau d'infrastructure d'assainissement par les SIG
Abdessalam Hijab, A Amrani, Hafida Boulekbache-Mazouz
GeoOttawa 2017, Oct 2017, Ottawa, Canada. 8 p. ⟨hal-03267436⟩