Affichage de 2481 à 2490 sur 6409
La rithmomachie, un "jeu pédagogique" du 11ème au 16ème siècle
Francois Goichot
22ème colloque inter-IREM Epistémologie, 2018, Grenoble, France. 19 p. ⟨hal-03187606⟩
Hybrid control design for limit cycle stabilisation of planar switched systems
Mohammed Benmiloud, Atallah Benalia, Mohamed Djemai, Michael Defoort
International Journal of Control, 2018, 91 (7), pp.1720-1729. ⟨10.1080/00207179.2017.1327723⟩. ⟨hal-03428129⟩
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC)
Smail Niar, Mazen Saghir, Giuseppe Lipari, Özcan Özturk
2018. ⟨hal-03403076⟩
Huir y volver durante la Guerra de Flandes (1566-1609)
Yves Junot, Violet Soen
José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez; Bernard Vincent. Refugiados, exiliados y retornados en los mundos ibéricos (siglos XVI-XX), Fondo de Cultura Económica, pp.29-53, 2018, 978-84-375-0782-8. ⟨hal-04320129⟩
Effect of robotic-assisted gait rehabilitation on dynamic equilibrium control in the gait of children with cerebral palsy
Laura Wallard, Gilles Dietrich, Y. Kerlirzin, Jonathan Bredin
Gait & Posture, 2018, 60, pp.55-60. ⟨10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.11.007⟩. ⟨hal-03464963⟩
Sensibiliser les étudiants du Master Audiovisuel et Multimédia à la veille technologique
Caroline Guillaume-Blaydes, Marie Zwingelstein, François-Xavier Coudoux, Michel Pommeray, Philippe Thomin, Nicolas Vieville, Willy Yvart
13ème Colloque Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes, CETSIS 2018, Oct 2018, Fès, Maroc. pp.201-206. ⟨hal-03549543⟩
Mechanical Properties, Structure, Bioactivity and Cytotoxicity of Bioactive Na-Ca-Si-P-O-(N) Glasses
Assia Mabrouk, Ahmed Bachar, Ali Atbir, Claudine Follet-Houttemane, Cyrille Albert-Mercier, Arnaud Tricoteaux, Anne Leriche, Stuart Hampshire
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2018, 86, pp.284-293. ⟨10.1016/j.jmbbm.2018.06.023⟩. ⟨hal-04351733⟩
Anseÿs de Gascogne
Jean-Charles Herbin, Annie Triaud
H. Champion, 184, 2018, Classiques français du Moyen Age. ⟨hal-03259704⟩
Catalog of Invisibility Requirements for UbiComp and IoT Applications
Rainara Carvalho, Rossana Andrade, Káthia Marçal de Oliveira, Christophe Kolski
26th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'18), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Aug 2018, Banff, Canada. pp.88 - 99, ⟨10.1109/RE.2018.00019⟩. ⟨hal-03337996⟩
Functional and Corticomuscular Changes Associated with Early Phase of Motor Training
Sylvain Cremoux, Dimitri Elie, Cecilie Rovsing, Helene Rovsing, Mads Jochumsen, Heidi Haavik, Imran K. Niazi
4th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, Oct 2018, Pisa, Italy. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-01845-0_151⟩. ⟨hal-03462927⟩