
Affichage de 1601 à 1610 sur 6407

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Development of an Intelligent Garment for Crisis Management

Guillaume Tartare, Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, Ludovic Koehl, Xianyi Zeng

This chapter presents an intelligent wearable system based on the design of an instrumented garment specially designed for firefighters and focuses on the context of crisis management. A powerful application of intelligent garments is related to risk management in hostile environments. By learning…

Frédéric Vanderhaegen; Choubeila Maaoui; Mohamed Sallak; Denis Berdjag. Automation Challenges of Socio-technical Systems : Paradoxes and Conflicts, John Wiley & sons; ISTE, pp.287-306, 2019, Systems and industrial engineering series, 978-1-786-30422-3. ⟨10.1002/9781119644576.ch9⟩. ⟨hal-03394761⟩

  • Poster de conférence

Wayfinding Modeling: a Way to Design Interactive Aid System for People Mobility with Intellectual Disability (ID).

Aymen Lakehal, Sophie Lepreux, Laurie Letalle, Christophe Kolski

RJC IHM 2019, Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheuses et Jeunes Chercheurs en Interaction Homme-Machine., Jul 2019, Montaigut-sur-Save, France. ⟨hal-03389490⟩

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Être comtesse de Hainaut aux XIe-XIIe siècles

Emmanuelle Santinelli-Foltz

Marie-Geneviève Grossel; Jean-Pierre Martin; Ludovic Nys; Muriel Ott; François Suard. Uns clers ait dit que chanson en ferait. Mélanges de Langue, d'histoire et de littérature offerts à Jean-Charles Herbin, Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, pp.721-739, 2019, 9782364240650. ⟨hal-03630477⟩

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Point de vue boisson, nous préférons le champagne : à propos de quelques marqueurs thématiques non prototypiques

Véronique Lagae

Marie-Geneviève Grossel; Jean-Pierre Martin; Ludovic Nys; Muriel Ott; François Suard. Uns clers ait dit que chanson en ferait. Mélanges de langue, d’histoire et de littérature offerts à Jean-Charles Herbin, Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, pp.467-479, 2019, 9782364240650. ⟨hal-03631975⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Properties of High Entropy Alloy coatings by laser melting

Anais Galliere, Hervé Morvan, Jean-François Trelcat, Laurent Boilet, Alex Montagne, Mariana Henriette Staia, Mirentxu Dubar, Maxence Bigerelle

33rd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Jun 2019, Naples, Italy. ⟨hal-03474885⟩

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Dynamic Managerial Capabilities

Véronique Ambrosini, Gulsun Altintas

Dynamic managerial capabilities are a form of dynamic capabilities. They are concerned with the role of managers in refreshing and transforming the resource base of the firm so that it maintains and develops its competitive advantage and performance. To do so, managers must develop entrepreneurial…

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Oxford University Press, 2019, 9780190224851. ⟨10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.20⟩. ⟨hal-04070430⟩