Bâtiment Malvache
Bureau 108
Fonctions actuelles
- Diagnosis and correction of human failures in human machine systems : application to car drivingThe research deals with systems where a human operator is in the control loop and is in charge of the global safety (like most transportation systems).In these systems, the main cause of casualty is in human errors or failures. Our approach is to monitor the human operator's activity in order to trigger specific assistance systems when necessary.The research is applied and multidisciplinary and include statistical pattern matching techniques, fuzzy modelling, automatic control, control sharing and human factors. The exeprimental filed is car driving.This lead to many collaborations (more than 25 since 1994) with academic or industrial partners in the context of funded scientific research projects such as Predit ARCOS, ANR ABV (auto adaptive assistance systems, control sharing between driver and and automatic driving system ...) or directly with automotive companies such as PSA Peugeot Citroen or Renault (Driver loss of vigilance detection, realtime workload estimation ...)Main academic collaborationsTU Berlin (D): Prof M. RoettingUniv of Tsukuba (JP): Dr Makoto ItohIFFSTAR: Dr S. Espié (LEPSIS) ; Dr S. Glaser (LIVIC)Univ. Evry: Dr L. NouvelliereMain industrial collaborations:Continental automotive: Dr S. Boverie ; M. CourPSA Peugeot Citroen: Dr V. Roussarie, S. MasfrandRenault : Dr A. KemenyVeolia: X. PommeretSince 1999, advisor of 7 Phd dissertationsAlexis TODOSKOFF (1999) : Driver vigilance estimation through multidimensionnal analysis of behaviour indicatorsGuillaume BRISSARD (2004) : Modelling of driver's longitudinal regulation behaviourNicolas TRICOT (2005) : Autoadaptive longitudinal regulation assistance systemsJean-Marc GIRARD (2007) : realtime driver workload assessment through multidimensional classificationDelphine DUBART (2009): Methodology for knowledge extracion from driver behaviourKarine YOUNSI (2010) : Statistical diagnosis of driver's intentionsBoussaad SOUALMI (in progress) : Control sharing between the driver and an automated system
- Head of the SHERPA driving simulator
The SHERPA-lamih driving simulator is the result of a collaboration between the lab and the French car manufacturer PSA Peugeot Citroën. This simulator is based on a Peugeot 206 mock-up fixed on a 6 degree-of-freedom motion platform (Rexroth Hydraudyne). The front view is displayed on flat screens via three video projectors, allowing an overall field of view of 180°. The three rearview mirrors are equipped with small LCD monitors that provide an unlimited field of view. A sound generator reproduces the sound of the engine, aerodynamic noise, as well as the sounds coming from the other vehicles on the road. From a hardware point of view, SHERPA is build around an optical fiber ring that connects together 15 PC computers, each one dedicated to a specific task: dynamic model calculation, image generation, sound generation, etc. Such a configuration provides a good realism level, compatible with the goals of this study.
This experimental platform represent a global investment of 1.5 million euros since 1996.
- Since 2008Expert for the ANRT for evaluation of projects dealing with drivingSince 2008Member of the bureau of the GO2 « Transport systems quality » in the PREDIT 4 (5 year national research program of the ministery of transportation)Since 2009Expert for the AERES (French national evaluation agency)
Dans le groupe de recherche
Dans le laboratoire
Au niveau national
Revue internationale avec comité de lecture
Sentouh C., Fouka M., Rath J., Popieul J.-C. (2024). Adaptive Observer-Based Output Feedback FTC for Nonlinear Interconnected Vehicle Dynamics with Unknown Actuator Faults. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. [IF=14] [DOI=10.1109/TIV.2024.3384547].
Nguyen A.-T., Guerra T.-M., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2024). Decoupling-Based LPV Observer for Driver Torque Intervention Estimation in HumanMachine Shared Driving Under Uncertain Vehicle Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. [IF=5.9] [DOI=10.1109/TASE.2024.3394240].
Glida H., Oudainia M., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2024). A New Model-Free Shared Control for Lane-Keeping Assist System: Theory and Experimental Validation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. [IF=14] [DOI=10.1109/TIV.2024.3445176].
Glida H., Sentouh C., Chelihi A., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2024). Event-Triggered Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode/Neural Network for Lane Keeping Assistance Systems in Steer-by-Wire Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. [IF=14] [DOI=10.1109/TIV.2024.3430086].
Perozzi G., Oudainia M., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Rath J. (2023). Driver Assisted Lane Keeping with Conflict Management Using Robust Sliding Mode Controller. Sensors, 23, 4. [IF=3.847] [DOI=10.3390/s23010004].
Pan J., Nguyen A.-T., Guerra T.-M., Sentouh C., Wang S., Popieul J.-C. (2023). Vehicle Actuator Fault Detection With Finite-Frequency Specifications via Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Observers: Theory and Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no.1, pp. 407-417. [IF=6.239] [DOI=10.1109/TVT.2022.3204326].
Nguyen V., Sentouh C., Pudlo P., Popieul J.-C. (2023). Model-based shared control approach for a power wheelchair driving assistance system using a force feedback joystick. Frontiers in Control Engineering, 4:1058802 [DOI=10.3389/fcteg.2023.1058802].
Sentouh C., Fouka M., Popieul J.-C. (2023). Virtual Sensor: Simultaneous State and Input Estimation for Nonlinear Interconnected Ground Vehicle System Dynamics. Sensors, 23, 4236 [DOI=10.3390/s23094236].
Oudainia M., Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Popieul J.-C. (2023). Adaptive Cost Function-Based Shared Driving Control for Cooperative Lane-Keeping Systems with User-Test Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. [IF=8.2] [DOI=10.1109/TIV.2023.3317979].
Oudainia M., Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Popieul J.-C. (2022). Online driver model parameter identification using the Lyapunov approach based shared control. Frontiers in Control Engineering, 3, ISSN 2673-6268 [DOI=10.3389/fcteg.2022.1055915].
Fouka M., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2021). Quasi-LPV Interconnected Observer Design for Full Vehicles Dynamics Estimation with Hardware Experiments. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 26, pp. 1763-1772. [IF=5.673] [DOI=10.1109/TMECH.2021.3074743].
Perozzi G., Rath J., Sentouh C., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2021). Lateral shared sliding mode control for lane-keeping assist system in steer-by-wire vehicles: Theory and experiments. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. [IF=5.0009] [DOI=10.1109/TIV.2021.3097352].
Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Benloucif M., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Driver-Automation Cooperation Oriented Approach for Shared Control of Lane Keeping Assist Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 27 (5), pp. 1962-1978. [IF=3.882] [DOI=10.1109/TCST.2018.2842211].
Guo C., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Haué J.-B., Langlois S., Loeillet J.-J., Soualmi B., Nguyen T. (2019). Cooperation between Driver and Automated Driving System: Implementation and Evaluation. Journal of Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 61, pp. 314-325. [IF=1.83] [DOI=10.1016/j.trf.2017.04.006].
Benloucif M., Sentouh C., Floris J., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Online adaptation of the Level Of Haptic Authority in a lane keeping system considering the driver's state. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 61, pp. 107-119. [IF=1.83] [DOI=10.1016/j.trf.2017.08.013].
Guo C., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Haué J.-B. (2019). Predictive shared steering control for driver override in automated driving: A simulator study. Journal of Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 61, pp. 326-336. [IF=1.83] [DOI=10.1016/j.trf.2017.12.005].
Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Rath J., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Human-machine shared control for vehicle lane keeping systems: a Lyapunov-based approach. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 63-71, ISSN 1751-956X. [IF=1.387] [DOI=10.1049/iet-its.2018.5084].
Rath J., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Personalized Lane Keeping Assist Strategy: Adaptation to Driving Style. IET Control Theory & Applications, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 106 115, ISSN 1751-8644. [IF=3.296] [DOI=10.1049/iet-cta.2018.5941].
Benloucif M., Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Cooperative Trajectory Planning for Haptic Shared Control between Driver and Automation in Highway Driving. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66 (2), pp. 9846-9857, ISSN 0278-0046. [IF=7.503] [DOI=10.1109/TIE.2019.2893864].
Guo C., Sentouh C., Haué J.-B., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Driver-vehicle cooperation: a hierarchical cooperative control architecture for automated driving systems. Cognition, Technology & Work, pp. 114. [IF=1.26] [DOI=10.1007/s10111-019-00559-2].
Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Zhang H., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Fuzzy Static Output Feedback Control for Path Following of Autonomous Vehicles with Transient Performance Improvements. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 99, pp. 1-11. [IF=5.744] [DOI=10.1109/TITS.2019.2924705].
Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Fuzzy steering control for autonomous vehicles under actuator saturation: Design and experiments. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Volume 355, Issue 18, pp. 9374-9395. [IF=3.576] [DOI=10.1016/j.jfranklin.2017.11.027].
Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Sensor Reduction for Driver-Automation Shared Steering Control via an Adaptive Authority Allocation Strategy. IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 23 (1), pp. 5-16. [IF=4.357] [DOI=10.1109/TMECH.2017.2698216].
Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2017). Driver-Automation Cooperative Approach for Shared Steering Control under Multiple System Constraints: Design and Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64 (5), pp. 3819-3830, ISSN 0278-0046. [IF=7.168] [DOI=10.1109/TIE.2016.2645146].
Nguyen A.-T., Laurain T., Palhares R., Lauber J., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2016). LMI-based Control Synthesis of Constrained Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems Subject to L2 or L-infinity Disturbances. Neurocomputing, 207, pp. 793-804. [IF=3.317] [DOI=10.1016/j.neucom.2016.05.063].
Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2014). Automation-driver cooperative driving in presence of undetected obstacles. IFAC Control Engineering Practice, 24, pp. 106119. [IF=1.814] [DOI=10.1016/j.conengprac.2013.11.015].
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P., Todoskoff A., Roetting M. (2012). Multivariate analysis of Human behavior data using fuzzy windowing. Example with driver-car-environment system. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25, 5, pp. 989-996, ISSN 0952-1976. [IF=1.844]
Younsi K., Floris J., Rajaonah B., Simon P., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C. (2011). Study of driver's behavior during overtaking situations. Advances in Transportation Studies an International Journal, 25, pp. 29-38, ISSN 1824-5463
Younsi K., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2011). Fuzzy segmentation for the exploratory analysis of multidimensional signals. Example from a study on driver overtaking behavior. IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics (Part A), volume 41, number 5, ISSN 1083-4427
Girard J.-M., Younsi K., Floris J., Simon P., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C. (2010). An analysis of driving performance evolution under high workload conditions. International Journal of Advances in Transportation Studies, 20, pp. 49-58, ISSN 1824-5463
Loslever P., Younsi K., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2010). Membership-value-based homogenization towards a descriptive multifactor multivariate data analysis. Example featuring quantitative and qualitative time variables in car driving. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2009). Using correspondence Analysis with a large set of Transition Matrices. Example with eye movement data and fuzzy space windowing. Intelligent Data Analysis, 13, pp. 917-942
Loslever P., Simon P., Rousseau F., Popieul J.-C. (2008). Using space windowing for a prliminary analysis of complex time-data in human component system studies. Examples with eye-tracking in advertising and car/head movements in driving. Information sciences, 178, pp. 3645-3664
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2007). Using Correspondence Analysis when the system description yields several transition matrices. Examples with simulated data and real driver-car environment system data. Cybernetics and Systems, 38,1, pp. 23-45
Tricot N., Rajaonah B., Popieul J.-C., Millot P. (2006). Design and Evaluation of an Advanced Driver Assistance System: The case of an Auto Adaptive Cruise Control. Le Travail Humain, 69, pp. 129-152
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2003). From classic statistical characterization to fuzzy windowing based characterization for the exploratory analysis of miscellaneous time variables: example in the field of car driving studies. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 137, pp. 271-296
Popieul J.-C., Loslever P., Simon P. (2003). Multivariate statistical analysis in complex system using the multiple correspondence analysis. II Example with the driver-car-environment system. Journal of Applied Systems Studies, 4, pp. 141-149
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2003). Multivariate statistical analysis in complex system using the multiple correspondence analysis. I Didactic example. Journal of Applied Systems Studies, 4, pp. 130-140
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P. (2002). Using failure detection and diagnosis methods to detect dangerous evolutions of the driver behaviour. IFAC- Control Engineering Practice, 10, 5, pp. 577-583
Revue nationale avec comité de lecture
Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S., Boverie S. (2014). Interactions homme-machine dans les véhicules automatisés : Le cas du partage du contrôle latéral à basse vitesse. Journal européen des systèmes automatisés JESA, Vol. 48, N° 4-5-6, pp. 511-538
Girard J.-M., Younsi K., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2009). Etude du système conducteur-véhicule-environnement sur simulateur avec perturbation de la tâche de conduite. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 43, pp. 263-294
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2003). Analyse de données provenant d'unités temporelles relatives au comportement d'un système complexe. II Exemple des mouvements oculaires dans le système conducteur-véhicule. Journal européen des systèmes automatisés, 37, 6, pp. 799-824
Deneux D., Popieul J.-C., Sallez Y., Berger T., Dupas M. (2002). Plateau projet pédagogique en productique. Mise en uvre d'une cellule flexible par des élèves ingénieurs. Mécanique et Industries, 3(2), pp. 129-136 [DOI=10.1016/S1296-2139(02)01149-1].
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Todoskoff A. (2000). Les chemins de l'analyse statistique de données temporelles. II Exemple de l'analyse du système conducteur-véhicule. Journal européen des systèmes automatisés, 34, pp. 979-1010
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2014). Human-Machine Interaction in Automated Vehicle: the ABV Project. In P. Millot, Risk Management in Life critical Systems, ISTE-Wiley, London, pp. 335-350, ISBN 978-1-84821-480-4
Popieul J.-C., Loslever P., Simon P. (2013). Modèles fondés sur l'analyse du comportement humain : exemple de la détection d'hypovigilance en conduite automobile. In P. Millot, Ergonomie des systèmes homme-machine : Conception et coopération (Traité IC2, série Systèmes automatisés), Hermès, pp. 141-184, ISBN 9782746239203
Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2007). Un oeil sur le conducteur. In Jean-Pierre Gex, Voir l'invisible, Omniscience, Sophia-Antipolis, France, pp. 36-37, ISBN 978-2-916097-13-8
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P., Todoskoff A. (2002). Detection of Evolutions in the Driver Behaviour Using Reliability Centred Maintenance Methods. In G. Johannsen, Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Elsevier, pp.
Conférence internationale avec actes et comité de lecture
Wang Y., Ota N., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C. (2024). ADAS Evolution: LSTM- Driven Autonomous Adaptation to Individual Driver Preferences. 5th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human Systems, Antalya, Turkiye, décembre .
Boudaoud M., Sentouh C., Cappelle C., El badaoui el najjar M., Popieul J.-C. (2024). New Observer-Based Fault Tolerant Shared Control for SbW Systems with Actuator Fault for Driver Assistance. ICINCO 2024, Porto, Portugal, novembre .
Nguyen A.-T., Guerra T.-M., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2024). Decoupling-Based LPV Observer for Driver Torque Intervention Estimation in Human-Machine Shared Driving Under Uncertain Vehicle Dynamics. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, octobre .
Oudainia M., Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Floris J., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2024). Driver-in-the-loop shared control in automated driving: A simulator study. Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, DSC 2024 Europe, Strasbourg, France, septembre .
Cisneros lombera D., Glida H., Sentouh C., Soualmi B., Popieul J.-C. (2024). Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Fuzzy Logic Driver Behavior Model. Drones 7, Strasbourg, France, septembre .
Wang Y., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Floris J. (2023). Empowering ADAS With Driver-Supervised Learning Of Preferences: Parameterization And Human- Machine Interaction. IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, octobre . [DOI=10.1109/IECON51785.2023.10312600].
Cisneros lombera D., Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2023). Driver model using Fuzzy Logic for virtual validation. 7th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation (ICITT 2023), Madrid, Spain, septembre .
Kahouadji S., Sentouh C., Cappelle C., Popieul J.-C., El badaoui el najjar M. (2023). Multi-Sensors Fault Detection and Isolation for Cooperative Control in Highway Merging. 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Rome, Italy, pp. 1601-1606, janvier . [DOI=10.1109/CoDIT58514.2023.10284191].
Oudainia M., Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Popieul J.-C. (2022). Personalized Decision Making and Lateral Path Planning for Intelligent Vehicles in Lane Change Scenarios. IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Macau, China, pp. 4302-4307, septembre . [DOI=10.1109/ITSC55140.2022.9922189].
Oudainia M., Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Popieul J.-C. (2022). Dynamic Conflict Mitigation for Cooperative Driving Control of Intelligent Vehicles. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Aachen, Germany, pp. 1445-1452, juin . [DOI=10.1109/IV51971.2022.9827379].
Gadmer Q., Richard P., Popieul J.-C., Sentouh C. (2022). Railway Automation: A framework for authority transfers in a remote environment. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 55, Issue 29, pp. 85-90, janvier ., ISBN 2405-8963 [DOI=10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.236].
Fouka M., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2021). Design of Quasi-LPV Observers for Interconnected Vehicle Dynamics Estimation With Experimental Validation. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Delft, The Netherlands, juillet .
Coeugnet S., Mars F., Bueno M., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Koustanai A., Pauzie A., Tattegrain H. (2021). A User-Centered Approach to Adapt the Human-Machine Cooperation Strategy in Autonomous Driving. Black N.L., Neumann W.P., Noy I., Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 221, Springer, Cham., janvier . [DOI=10.1007/978-3-030-74608-7_73].
Nguyen V., Sentouh C., Pudlo P., Popieul J.-C. (2020). Joystick Haptic Force Feedback for Powered Wheelchair - A Model-based Shared Control Approach. Special Session : Shared Control for Multi-Agent Collaboration at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Toronto, Canada, octobre .
Nguyen V., Sentouh C., Pudlo P., Popieul J.-C. (2020). A Biomechanical Model of Hand-Joystick Interaction of Powered Wheelchair User. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Toronto, Canada, octobre .
Perozzi G., Sentouh C., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2020). On Nonlinear Control for Lane Keeping Assist System in Steer-By-Wire Road Wheeled Vehicles. 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, juillet .
Nguyen V., Bentaleb T., Sentouh C., Pudlo P., Popieul J.-C. (2019). On a Complete Dynamical Model of Manual Wheelchair for Virtual Reality Simulation Platform. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Bari, Italy, octobre .
Simon P., Floris J., Benloucif M., Sentouh C., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Evaluation of a level 2 automated driving system prototyped in a dynamic simulator. 18th Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition (DSC), Strasbourg, France, septembre .
Rath J., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2019). A Lane Keeping Assist Design : Adaptation to Driving Style Based on Aggressiveness. American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, juillet .
Rath J., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Robust Lane Keeping Control in Automated Vehicles: A Driver-in-the Loop Approach. 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Maui, Hawaii, USA, novembre .
Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Multiple Controller Switching Concept for Human-Machine Shared Control of Lane Keeping Assist Systems. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Miyazaki, Japan, octobre .
Nguyen V., Sentouh C., Pudlo P., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Path following controller for Electric power wheelchair using model predictive control and transverse feedback linearization. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Miyazaki, Japan, octobre .
Benloucif M., Floris J., Simon P., Sentouh C., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Prototyping and evaluation of an automated driving system in the SHERPA simulator. Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Antibes, France, septembre .
Nguyen A.-T., Zhang H., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Input-Constrained LPV Output Feedback Control for Path Following of Autonomous Ground Vehicles. The 2018 American Control Conference, Milwaukee, WI, USA, juin .
Qin Y., Dong M., Xiang C., Kareemulla T., Rath J., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2017). Adaptive Robust Active Suspension Control Based on Intelligent Road Classifier. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, décembre .
Guo C., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Haué J.-B. (2017). MPC-based Shared Steering Control for Automated Driving Systems. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, octobre .
Guo C., Sentouh C., Haué J.-B., Popieul J.-C. (2017). Predictive shared steering control for driver override in automated driving: a simulator study. Driving Simulation and Virtual Reality Conference and Exhibition, Stuttgart, Germany, septembre .
Benloucif M., Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2017). A New Scheme for Haptic Shared Lateral Control in Highway Driving Using Trajectory Planning. 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, juillet .
Guo C., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Haué J.-B., Langlois S., Loeillet J.-J., Soualmi B., Nguyen T. (2016). Cooperation between Driver and Automated Driving System: Implementation and Evaluation. Driving Simulation and Virtual Reality Conference and Exhibition, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Paris, France, septembre .
Benloucif M., Sentouh C., Floris J., Simon P., Boverie S., Popieul J.-C. (2016). Cooperation between the driver and an automated driving system taking into account the driver's state. Driving Simulation and Virtual Reality Conference and Exhibition, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Paris, France, septembre .
Benloucif M., Popieul J.-C., Sentouh C. (2016). Architecture for multi-level cooperation and dynamic authority management in an Automated Driving System A case study on lane change cooperation. 13th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Kyoto, Japan, août .
Guo C., Sentouh C., Soualmi B., Haué J.-B., Popieul J.-C. (2016). Adaptive Vehicle longitudinal Trajectory Prediction for Automated Highway Driving. 2016 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 1279- 1284, juin .
Benloucif M., Popieul J.-C., Sentouh C. (2016). Multi-level cooperation between the driver and an automated driving system during lane change maneuver. 2016 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 1224-1229, juin .
Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2016). Takagi-Sugeno Model-based Steering Control for Autonomous Vehicles with Actuator Saturation. 4th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences ICONS 2016, Volume 49, Issue 5, Reims, France, pp. 206-211, juin .
Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Soualmi B. (2015). Shared lateral control with online adaptation of the automation degree for driver steering assist system: A weighting design approach. IEEE 54th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, pp. 857862, décembre .
Nguyen A.-T., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2015). Online adaptation of the authority level for shared lateral control of driver steering assist system using dynamic output feedback controller. 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, pp. 37673772, novembre .
Guo C., Sentouh C., Soualmi B., Haué J.-B., Popieul J.-C. (2015). Shared Control Framework Applied for Vehicle Longitudinal Control in Highway Merging Scenarios. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Hong Kong, octobre .
Guo C., Sentouh C., Haué J.-B., Soualmi B., Popieul J.-C. (2015). A hierarchical cooperative control architecture for automated driving systems. 22nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, octobre .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2015). Human-Machine Cooperation principles to support driving automation systems design. 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Toward zero traffic accidents (FAST-zero'15), Gothenburg, Sweden, septembre .
Nguyen A.-T., Laurain T., Lauber J., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2015). Non-quadratic approach for control design of constrained Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems subject to persistent disturbances. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2015), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-6, août .
Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2014). Both vehicle state and driver's torque estimation using Unknown Input Proportional Multi-Integral T-S observer. IEEE European Control Conference (ECC), Strasbourg, France, pp. 2957-2962, juin .
Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S., Boverie S. (2014). Human-Machine Interaction in Automated Vehicle : The ABV Project. 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 6344-6349, janvier .
Sentouh C., Soualmi B., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2013). Cooperative Steering Assist Control System. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, UK, pp. 941-946, octobre .
Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2013). A shared control driving assistance system: interest of using a driver model in both lane keeping and obstacle avoidance situations. 12th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, août .
Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2012). Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno LQ Controller for Lateral Control Assistance of a Vehicle. 2012 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, juin .
Sentouh C., Soualmi B., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2011). The H2-Optimal Preview Controller for a Shared Lateral Control. 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington DC, USA, octobre .
Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2011). Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno LQ controller for a shared control of vehicle. 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington DC, USA, octobre .
Simon P., Loslever P., Todoskoff A., Popieul J.-C., Roetting M. (2010). Suitability of Multiple Correspondence Analysis for a database exploration before inference analysis. Example with a driving simulator based study. 11th IFAC International Conference on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Valenciennes, France, septembre .
Younsi K., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2010). Study of multidimensional signals using fuzzy space-time windowing. Principle and example with the lane change maneuver. 11th IFAC International Conference on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Valenciennes, France, septembre .
Sentouh C., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C., Vanderhaegen F. (2010). Toward a Shared Lateral Control Between Driver and Steering Assist Controller. 11th IFAC International Conference on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Valenciennes, France, septembre .
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Todoskoff A. (2010). Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis for large driving signals database exploration. Example with lane narrowing and curves. Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2010), San Diego, USA, pp. 1184-1189, juin .
Younsi K., Floris J., Rajaonah B., Simon P., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C. (2009). Study of the driver's behavior during lane change situations. International Conference of Road Safety and Simulation RSS 2009, Paris, octobre .
Younsi K., Girard J.-M., Popieul J.-C., Loslever P., Simon P. (2008). Improving safety through online driver workload assessment. IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference, Beijing, China, octobre .
Girard J.-M., Younsi K., Floris J., Simon P., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C. (2007). An analysis of driving performance evolution under high workload conditions. International Conference Road Safety and Simulation (RSS) 2007, Rome, Italie, novembre .
Girard J.-M., Younsi K., Tricot N., Popieul J.-C. (2007). Towards a Real Time Workload of the Driver : The Analysis of Driving Performance Evolution under Overloaded Conditions.. 10th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems (IFAC-HMS 2007), Seoul, Korea, septembre .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P. (2007). Evaluation of Driver Assistance Systems : An Approach Based on the Exploratory Analysis of Temporal Data. 10th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems (IFAC-HMS 2007), Seoul, Korea, septembre .
Girard J.-M., Tricot N., Younsi K., Popieul J.-C. (2006). When does the driver workload reaches its limits. IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference, Toronto, USA, septembre .
Girard J.-M., Wilczyk M., Barloy Y., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2005). Towards a on-line assessment of subjective driver workload. Driving Simulator Conference North America, Orlando / USA, novembre .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Ordioni J., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S., Millot P. (2005). Cooperating with an assistance tool for safe driving. Proceedings of 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, juillet .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Ordioni J., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S., Millot P. (2004). Conception and evaluation of an advanced cooperative driving assistance tool. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Vehicle Power and Propulsion, Paris, France, octobre .
Sonnerat D., Tricot N., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Diagnosis methods applied to driver's environment identification. Proceedings of the IEEE SMC Conference, La Haye, Pays-Bas, octobre .
Tricot N., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Human Machine Cooperation : An automotive application. Proceedings of 9th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA SYMPOSIUM, Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, septembre .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Simon P., Legendre M., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Towards the study of the driver behaviour in an unusual tunnel. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology, Nottingham, UK, septembre ., ISBN 0-08-044379
Sonnerat D., Tricot N., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Pattern recognition applied to driver-vehicle-environment system identification. Proceedings of the Human-Machine Systems IFAC Conference (IFAC-HMS 2004), Atlanta, GA, USA, septembre .
Girard J.-M., Tricot N., Popieul J.-C. (2004). A driver model for auto-adaptive cruise control. Proceedings of ICTTP International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Nottingham, UK, septembre .
Tricot N., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Towards the design and the evaluation of a cooperative advanced driving assistance system of space headway regulation. Proceedings of ITS in Europe Congress, Budapest, Hungary, mai .
Tricot N., Rajaonah B., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Simon P., Anceaux F., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Design and evaluation of advanceds cooperative systems: an autoadaptive cruise control. European Congress & Exhibition on ITS, Budapest, Hungary, mai .
Rajaonah B., Tricot N., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Anceaux F., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Towards the design of an advanced cooperative system: adaptive cruise control. C. Stephanidis, Universal Access in HCI - Inclusive design in the Information Society, Mahwah, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 1198-1202, mai .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2003). A Driving Simulator for Man Machine Studies in the Field of Driving Safety. Actes de la conférence Virtual Concept, Biarritz, France, novembre .
Berger T., Deneux D., Popieul J.-C., Sallez Y., Tabary D. (2003). Mise en oeuvre d'une cellule flexible d'assemblage en plateau projet pédagogique. CETSIS 03, Toulouse, France, novembre .
Anceaux F., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Halluin N., Rajaonah B., Popieul J.-C. (2003). Methodological framework to assess driving behaviour and decision making. L. Dorn, Driving Behaviour and Training, Ashgate, UK: Adelshot, Strattford, novembre .
Tricot N., Rajaonah B., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Simon P., Anceaux F., Popieul J.-C. (2003). Design and evaluation of advanced cooperative systems: An auto-adaptive cruise control. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services - ITS, Madrid, Spain, novembre .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P. (2003). Diagnosing Driving Drowsiness Using Pattern Matching Techniques on Driver's Head Movements Evolution. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill and Knowledge, Göteborg, Sweden, septembre .
Simon P., Popieul J.-C., Loslever P., Leroux R., Sonnerat D. (2003). Car drivers eyes scanning behaviour during a monotonous journey on highway. Proceedings of 10th International Conference Vision in Vehicles, Grenade, Espagne, septembre .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P. (2003). Using Driver's Head Movements Evolution as a Drowsiness Indicator. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IVS'2003), Columbus, Ohio, USA, juin .
Tricot N., Rajaonah B., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Anceaux F., Popieul J.-C. (2003). Toward a modelization of drivers behaviour in different traffic situations for the design and the evaluation of advanced cooperative systems. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Columbus, OH, juin .
Tricot N., Sonnerat D., Popieul J.-C. (2002). Driving Styles and Traffic Density Diagnosis in Simulated Driving Conditions. IV'2002 - IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Paris, France, juin .
Sonnerat D., Tricot N., Popieul J.-C. (2002). Driver's Environment Identification using Automatic Classification Methods - Active Safety Application. IV\\\'2002 - IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Paris, France, mai .
Sonnerat D., Tricot N., Popieul J.-C. (2002). Diagnostic par analyse statistique multivariée appliquée à l'identification de situations de conduite automobile. CIFA 2002 - IEEE Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Juillet, Nantes, France, janvier .
Sonnerat D., Tricot N., Popieul J.-C. (2002). Driver-Vehicle-Environment System Characterization Using Statistical Analyses. ITSC 2002 - IEEE Inteligent Transportation Systems Conference, September, Singapour, janvier .
Popieul J.-C., Deneux D., Sallez Y., Berger T., Dupas M. (2001). Teamwork in a Pedagogical Lab. on a Flexible Manufacturing Cell. International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Montréal, Canada, novembre .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P., Todoskoff A. (2001). Detection of Evolutions in the Driver Behaviour Using Reliability Centred Maintenance Methods. Proceedings of the IFAC Human Machine Systems Conference, Kassel, Germany, septembre .
Millemann S., Panis S., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Dillies-Peltier M. (2001). Car driving activity : Human and vehicle behaviour on a long monotonous journey. Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference (DSC'2001), Sophia Antipolis, France, septembre .
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2001). Towards a practical comparison of statistical methods. I. The case of time data characterization methods. Application to the study of car driving vigilance. Proceedings of the 10 International Symposium on Applied Stochastics Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA'2001), Compiègne, France, juin .
Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2001). Towards a practical comparison of statistical methods. II. The case of the relationship obtaining methods. Application to the study of car driving vigilance. Proceedings of the 10 International Symposium on Applied Stochastics Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA'2001), Compiègne, France, juin .
Popieul J.-C., Todoskoff A., Simon P., Loslever P. (2001). How Condition Directed Maintenance Methods Can Help in Detecting and Diagnosing Dangerous Evolutions of the Driver Behaviour. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IVS'2001), Tokyo, Japan, mai .
Deneux D., Popieul J.-C., Sallez Y., Berger T., Dupas M. (2001). Plateau projet pédagogique en productique - mise en uvre d'une cellule flexible par des élèves ingénieurs. 7ème Colloque national sur la conception mécanique intégrée, la plagne, france, avril .
Deneux D., Popieul J.-C., Sallez Y., Berger T., Dupas M. (2001). Plateau projet pédagogique en Productique. Colloque national Priméca'01, La Plagne, France, avril .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Leroux R., Angué J.-C. (2000). Automatic processing of a car driver eye scanning movements on a simulated highway driving context. IEEE IV2000 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Dearborn, MI, USA, octobre .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Dillies M.-A., Angué J.-C. (2000). Car drivers eye scanning behaviour : Study during a long duration highway travel in a simulator. Driving Simulation Conference, Paris, France, septembre .
Berger T., Cauffriez L., Deneux D., Popieul J.-C., Sallez Y. (2000). Retour d'une expérience de pédagogie par projet, mise en uvre intégrale d'une cellule flexible en école d'ingénieur. CIFA-Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, lille, france, juillet .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P. (2000). Using failure detection and diagnosis methods to detect dangerous evolutions of the driver behaviour. 7th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skills, Aachen, Germany, juin .
Berger T., Cauffriez L., Deneux D., Popieul J.-C., Sallez Y. (2000). Retour d'une expérience de pédagogie par projet : mise en oeuvre intégrale d'une cellule flexible en école d'ingénieur. P. Borne, J.-P. Richard, P. Vanheeghe, Actes de CIFA'2000, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, UCIS, Villeneuve D'Ascq, France, pp. 600-605, janvier ., ISBN 2-9516453-0-9-1-5
Simon P., Popieul J.-C., Voillequin T., Angué J.-C. (1999). Description d'un système automatisé de recueil de l'exploration visuelle du conducteur en simulateur. DSC'99 Driving Simulation Conference, Paris, France, juillet .
Todoskoff A., Dillies M.-A., Popieul J.-C., Angué J.-C. (1999). Caractérisation du comportement du conducteur : une étude conjointe en simulateur et en conduite réelle. DSC'99 (Driving Simulation Conference'99), Paris - France, janvier .
Todoskoff A., Popieul J.-C., Loslever P., Simon P. (1998). Study of temporal evolutions of driver's behavior on motorway : multidimensional analysis of data related to vehicle kinetics and driver posture. 7th International Conference EAM, Valenciennes, France, décembre .
Todoskoff A., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Angué J.-C. (1997). Analysis of car driving behavior. 7th International Conference Vision In Vehicles, Marseille, France, septembre .
Simon P., Todoskoff A., Popieul J.-C., Angué J.-C. (1997). Towards a quantitative study of a car driver's eye movements : description of a filtering algorithm. 30th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Florence, Italy, juin .
Todoskoff A., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Angué J.-C. (1997). Evaluation method of driver's behaviour on motorway. 8th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Symposium on Transportation Systems, Chania, Greece, juin .
Simon P., Todoskoff A., Popieul J.-C., Angué J.-C. (1996). Toward an automatic processing of a car driver eye movements on a real highway driving context. CESA IMACS/IEEE Conference, Lille, France, juillet .
Conférence nationale avec actes et comité de lecture
Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2013). Contrôleur flou T-S optimal pour une assistance à la conduite. 22ème rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications, Reims, France, octobre .
Berger T., Cauffriez L., Deneux D., Pach C., Popieul J.-C., Sallez Y., Trentesaux D., Zambrano rey G. (2012). Du procédé réel au produit virtuel: Une palette d'outils réalistes au service des formations et de la recherche. Conférence Virtual PLM'2012, Micado, Reims, novembre .
Séminaire et autres communications
Simon P., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2023). Plateformes expérimentales du LAMIH pour le prototypage de systèmes d'aide à la conduite. Journée « Outils Logiciels et Matériels pour la Recherche sur les Véhicules Terrestres Autonomes », ENS Paris Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, octobre .
Wang Y., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Floris J. (2023). Renforcer les systèmes d'aide à la conduite grâce à l'apprentissage supervisé des préférences du conducteur : Paramétrage et interaction homme-machine. 9ème Journée Régionale des Doctorants en Automatique, UPHF, Valenciennes, France, juin .
Simon P., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2016). Driving Simulators Symposium: SHERPA-lamih. Driving Simulation and Virtual Reality Conference and Exhibition, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Paris, France, septembre .
Guo C., Sentouh C., Soualmi B., Haué J.-B., Popieul J.-C. (2016). Conception et simulation de fonctions du véhicule autonome cas d'étude : gestion d'insertion sur l'autoroute. Journées "Automatique et Automobile" du GDR MACS, Lyon, France, janvier .
Simon P., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2013). The SHERPA driving simulator as a technical platform for driver's state monitoring studies. 10. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, Berlin, Germany, octobre .
Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2012). Cooperation improvement of a T-S LQ controller for a shared lateral control of vehicle. Journées "Automatique et Automobile" du GDR MACS, Versailles, France, mai .
Popieul J.-C., Debernard S., Floris J., Poulain T., Simon P., Sentouh C., Soualmi B. (2011). Control sharing between the driver and an assistance system for low speed automation. 9th Berlin Workshop on Human-Machine Systems, Berlin, Germany, octobre .
Soualmi B., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2011). Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno LQ controller for the lateral control of vehicle. Journées "Automatique et Automobile" du GDR MACS, Bordeaux, France, juillet .
Younsi K., Rajaonah B., Floris J., Popieul J.-C., Simon P. (2007). Identification of driver's lane change intention on motorway by pattern matching method. 7th Berlin Workshop on Human Machine Systems, Berlin, Germany, octobre .
Simon P., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2006). Simulateur de conduite automobile SHERPA. Démonstrateur en Automatique à vocation recherche, journées de la section Automatique du club EEA, Angers, France, mars .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P. (2001). Etude des modifications du comportement du conducteur automobile au cours d'un trajet autoroutier de longue durée. Vigilance des conducteurs, pilotes et opérateurs : aspects médicaux, développements technologiques, amélioration de la sécurité, IERSET, Toulouse, France, novembre .
Simon P., Popieul J.-C., Angué J.-C. (2000). Recueil de l'activité du conducteur automobile en simulateur et sur route réelle. GdR CNRS CHMAC, Valenciennes, France, avril .
Popieul J.-C., Loslever P., Simon P., Todoskoff A. (1998). Instrumentation spécialisée : recueil et analyse de données. Journée Automatique & Homme du club EEA, Valenciennes, France, septembre .
Rapport de contrat de recherche
Floris J., Simon P., Oudainia M., Wang Y., Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C. (2023). Spécifications des principes de Coopération Homme-Machine et de Commande (WP3 : Contrôle Partagé et Interaction Homme-Machine). Projet CoCoVéIA (ANR-19-CE22-0009-01) : Coopération Conducteur - Véhicule Intelligent Autonome, LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, septembre .
Wang Y., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Floris J. (2023). Expérimentations préliminaires sur les mécanismes d'apprentissage (WP5 : Prise en compte du Facteur Humain et évaluation). Projet ANR CoCoVéIA (ANR-19-CE22-0009-01) : Coopération Conducteur - Véhicule Intelligent Autonome, LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, juillet .
Oudainia M., Floris J., Simon P., Sentouh C., Nguyen A.-T., Popieul J.-C. (2023). Expérimentations préliminaires sur le contrôle partagé (WP5 : Prise en compte du Facteur Humain et évaluation). Projet ANR CoCoVéIA (ANR-19-CE22-0009-01) : Coopération Conducteur - Véhicule Intelligent Autonome, LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, mai .
Sahaï A., Bueno M., Barré J., Mars F., Sentouh C., Floris J., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2021). Livrable 5.5 : Rapport d'évaluation et recommandations. Projet ANR-16-CE22-007 AUTOCONDUCT : Adaptation de la stratégie d'AUTOmatisation des véhicules autonomes (niveaux 3 et 4) aux besoins et à l'état des CONDUCTeurs en conditions réelles, LAMIH, Valenciennes, mars .
Floris J., Simon P., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2019). Spécifications de l'IHM. Projet AutoConduct (ANR-16-CE22-0007), LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, février .
Sentouh C., Floris J., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Livrable D4.3 : Modèles de manuvres. Projet AutoConduct (ANR-16-CE22-0007), LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, décembre .
Sentouh C., Simon P., Floris J., Popieul J.-C. (2018). Livrable D4.1 : Spécifications des stratégies de coopération Homme-machine. Projet AutoConduct (ANR-16-CE22-0007), LAMIH, Valenciennes, avril .
Popieul J.-C., Bauda M.-A., Davenne D., Boverie S., Nashashibi F., Marteau J.-Y., Hoibian J., Tissot J.-M. (2018). Compte-rendu de fin de projet. Projet ANR-TDM 2103 CoCoVeA ("COopération COnducteur VEhicule Automatisé"), LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Sentouh C., Benloucif M., Floris J., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2017). L3200 : Algorithmes de modulation du niveau d'automatisation. Projet ANR-TDM 2103 CoCoVeA ("COopération COnducteur VEhicule Automatisé"), LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, juin .
Floris J., Simon P., Popieul J.-C., Nadolny C., Ehrismann C., Jimenez A. (2017). Etude sur l'éblouissement du conducteur automobile en simulation - Etude de faisabilité sur le simulateur SHERPA. Convention de recherche ESSILOR / CNRS-UVHC, LAMIH, avril .
Floris J., Benloucif M., Simon P., Debernard S., Sentouh C., Popieul J.-C. (2017). L6300 : Modalités d'interaction homme/machine et implémentation des scénarios sur le simulateur SHERPA. Projet ANR-TDM 2103 CoCoVeA ("COopération COnducteur VEhicule Automatisé"), LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, février .
Sentouh C., Benloucif M., Floris J., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2017). L3300 : Validation des algorithmes de modulation du niveau d'automatisation. Projet ANR-TDM 2103 CoCoVeA ("COopération COnducteur VEhicule Automatisé"), LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, janvier .
Sentouh C., Benloucif M., Debernard S., Simon P., Floris J., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Popieul J.-C. (2015). L3100 : Spécifications du partage de la commande et des besoins informationnels. Projet ANR COCOVEA (COopération COnducteur - VEhicule Automatisé), LAMIH, janvier .
Cour M., Debernard S., Floris J., Popieul J.-C., Sentouh C., Simon P., Soualmi B. (2013). Synthèse des enseignements des tests de validation fonctionnelle sur simulateur. Projet ANR ABV (Automatisation Basse Vitesse), livrable L4500, LAMIH, France, mars .
Cour M., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C., Sentouh C., Simon P., Soualmi B. (2011). Spécifications de la Coopération Homme-Machine. Projet ANR ABV (Automatisation Basse Vitesse), livrable L4200, LAMIH, France, juin .
Boverie S., Cour M., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C., Sentouh C., Simon P., Soualmi B. (2011). Etat de l'art "Coopération Homme-Machine et Driver Monitoring". Projet ANR ABV (Automatisation Basse Vitesse), livrable L4100, LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, janvier .
Delot T., Floris J., Rajaonah B., Rudent J., Sénéchal J., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2008). D4S : « Design for Safety ». Rapport final Projet régional i-Trans D4S, décembre .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Popieul J.-C., Debernard S. (2005). Projet GRRT N° 27S Phase 2 : « Conception et évaluation de systèmes coopératifs avancés d'aide à la conduite. ». Rapport scientifique détaillé d'avancement de la seconde phase du projet de recherche. Projet Sciences pour l'Ingénieur du Groupement Régional pour la Recherche dans les Transports Terrestres ; Région Nord-Pas De Calais, LAMIH, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, juin .
Sonnerat D., Desmedt S., Anceaux F., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Discrimination de la monotonie en conduite automobile. Convention LAMIH / PSA Peugeot Citroën (réf. PEFH_ADMOHA_06002), Rapport intermédiaire, LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, mai .
Millot P., Popieul J.-C., Tricot N., Anceaux F., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Rajaonah B. (2004). Conception et évaluation de systèmes coopératifs avancés. Bilan Année 2, Rapport final Projet ARCOS 2003, Thème 6, Projet B, février .
Sonnerat D., Queva S., Desmedt S., Anceaux F., Popieul J.-C. (2004). Discrimination de la monotonie en conduite automobile. Rapport final contrat PSA, UVHC-LAMIH, Valenciennes, F, janvier .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C., Millot P. (2004). Conception et Evaluation de Systèmes Coopératifs Avancés d'Aide à la Conduite. Rapport scientifique détaillé d'avancement de la première phase du projet SPI du GRRT N° 27S, LAMIH, Valenciennes, France, janvier .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Debernard S., Popieul J.-C. (2003). Conception Et Evaluation De Systèmes Coopératifs Avances D'aide A La Conduite. Projet GRRT N° 27S, Rapport scientifique détaillé d'avancement de la première phase du projet de recherche. Projet Sciences pour l'Ingénieur du Groupement Régional pour la Recherche dans les Transports Terrestres ; Région Nord-Pas De Calais, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, France, décembre .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Simon P., Popieul J.-C. (2003). Etude du tunnel Est de l'A86 sur simulateur dynamique de conduite. Rapport final, Contrat LAMIH / Valutec / Oktal / Renault / Cofiroute, LAMIH, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, France, mai .
Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Simon P., Anceaux F., Popieul J.-C. (2003). Etude du tunnel est de l\'A86 sur simulateur dynamique de conduite. Rapport de contrat BAU/034603.140/A Cofiroute, UVHC, LAMIH, Valenciennes, F, janvier .
Rajaonah B., Tricot N., Anceaux F., Popieul J.-C. (2003). Conception et évaluation de systèmes coopératifs avancés. Rapport Année 2 du contrat PREDIT-ARCOS-Thème 6- P, UVHC, LAMIH, Valenciennes, F, janvier .
Millot P., Anceaux F., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Tricot N., Popieul J.-C. (2002). Conception et évaluation de systèmes coopératifs avancés. Rapport final Bilan Année 1, ARCOS 2003, Thème 6, projet B, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, France, décembre .
Simon P., Popieul J.-C., Leroux R. (2000). Etude de la prise d'informations visuelles du conducteur automobile en virages et lors de manoeuvres de stationnement. Rapport de recherche de convention d'étude PSA (DTAT) / LAMIH, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Popieul J.-C., Loslever P., Simon P., Dillies M.-A., Nathan F., Todoskoff A., Leroux R. (1999). Etude sur la méthodologie d'évaluation des interfaces conducteur-véhicule et d'un système de diagnostic de l'état du conducteur. Convention de recherche Fondation MAIF / PSA-DRIA, rapport final, LAMIH, Valenciennes, octobre .
Dillies M.-A., Jan C., Koch C., Nathan F., Loslever P., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Todoskoff A. (1999). Etude sur la méthodologie d'évaluation des interfaces conducteur-véhicule et d'un système de diagnostic de l'état du conducteur. Convention de recherche Fondation MAIF / PSA-DRIA, second rapport intermédiaire, LAMIH, Valenciennes, mai .
Popieul J.-C., Todoskoff A., Simon P., Loslever P., Lallier O., Angué J.-C. (1998). Etude du comportement du conducteur sur simulateur. Rapport de contrat Conseil Régional, Université de Valenciennes - LAMIH - Janvier, Valenciennes, janvier .
Simon P., Popieul J.-C., Leroux R., Todoskoff A., Angué J.-C. (1998). Simulateur de conduite et Oculométrie. Rapport Conseil Régional Nord Pas De Calais, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, janvier .
Todoskoff A., Dillies M.-A., Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Loslever P. (1997). Etude sur la méthodologie d'évaluation des interfaces conducteur-véhicule et d'un système de diagnostic de l'état du conducteur. Convention de recherche Fondation MAIF / PSA-DRIA, premier rapport intermédiaire, LAMIH, Valenciennes, novembre .
Simon P., Popieul J.-C., Leroux R., Angué J.-C. (1996). Etude et réalisation d'un poste de dépouillement d'enregistrements vidéo et numériques dédié à l'évaluation des systèmes hommes-machines. Convention d'étude avec le Conseil Régional N-PDC, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Todoskoff A., Angué J.-C. (1996). Compte-rendu des tests réalisés à Bièvres dans le mini-simulateur PSA. Convention de recherche PSA-DRAS / LAMIH, rapport intermédiaire, janvier .
Popieul J.-C., Simon P., Leroux R., Angué J.-C. (1994). Evaluation d'une nouvelle planche de bord. Convention d'étude avec PSA Peugeot Citroën (DETA), LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Mémoire d'HDR
Popieul J.-C. (2003). Diagnostic dans les systèmes homme-machine - application à la conduite automobile. , Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, France, décembre .
Mémoire de doctorat
Popieul J.-C. (1994). Contribution à l'étude et à l'implémentation d'une démarche de conception de machines et systèmes automatisés de production. , Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, janvier .