
  • Bâtiment ISTV 2
    Bureau 86
De nombreux problèmes d’optimisation combinatoire académique ou pratique peuvent se modéliser sous la forme d’un programme linéaire mixte (ou Mixed Integer Programming (MIP)). Nous développons des métaheuristiques efficaces et concevons de nouvelles approches hybrides pour la résolution de ces problèmes qui sont validées et comparées aux meilleurs résultats connus. Mes travaux de recherche sont axés sur l’apport des méthodes non systématiques, les approches hybrides en optimisation combinatoire, la dualité, et enfin la modélisation et la résolution de problèmes académiques et réels difficiles. En résumé, ma contribution a porté sur l'élaboration d'algorithmes performants pour résoudre des problèmes d’optimisation difficiles de grande taille, la modélisation de certains problèmes réels et la conception de nouvelles approches permettant d’aborder autrement les problèmes difficiles.J’ai présenté brièvement ci-dessus quelques idées de mes principales contributions à la résolution de problèmes d'optimisation difficiles qui montrent leur pertinence pour de multiples applications.

Diplômes universitaires

  • 2002 :
    Habilitation à diriger des recherches intitulée : “Métaheuristiques et Dualité en Optimisation Combinatoire : Théorie et Applications” à l’Université de Valenciennes.
  • 1993 :
    Doctorat en Informatique mention Très Honorable intitulé : “Contribution à la résolution de problèmes duaux de grandes tailles en optimisation combinatoire”, à l’Université de Valencienne.
  • 1989 :
    Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies de Mathématiques Appliquées à l’université de Lille I.
  • 1988 :
    Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies d'Informatique à l’université de Clermont-Ferrand II

Valorisations academiques

Enseignements actuels

  • Cycle Licence : Informatique, Mathématiques, IUP

    ·Algorithmique et Programmation : Structures de Données, Tableau, Liste, Recherche, Tri ; Fichiers, Preuves, Complexité.

    ·Graphes et Algorithmes : Généralités sur les graphes, Exploration, Composantes Connexes, Tri Topologique, Arbre de poids minimum. Plus court chemin.

    ·Programmation Linéaire : Le modèle "Programme Linéaire". Méthode de Simplexe, Dualité, Analyse post-optimale.

    ·Analyse Numérique / Calcul Scientifique : Calcul matriciel, Inversion, Interpolation, Intégration, Projection, Approximation, Point Fixe.

    ·Mathématiques pour l’Informatique : Induction, Langage, Automate Déterministe, Machine de Turing.

    ·Mathématiques Discrètes : Ensembles, Relations, Grandeur des fonctions, Sommations, Polynômes, Raisonnement mathématique, Combinatoire et Dénombrement, Graphes, Arbres.

    Cycle Master : Informatique, IUP

    ·Flots et Multi-Flots dans les Réseaux : Algorithmes de Ford-Fulkerson pour déterminer le flot maximum. Théorème du flot maximum - Coupe minimale. Couplage dans un graphe. Parcours Eulériens et Hamiltoniens : Problème du "postier chinois" non orienté. Problème du voyageur de commerce. Coloriage d'un graphe.

    ·Optimisation Combinatoire : Programmation en nombres entiers mixtes,Coupes valides. Approches polyèdrales, Relaxation et Dualité, Programmation Dynamique, Séparation et Enumération partielle.

    ·Optimisation en Continu : Optimisation sans contraintes : Cas différentiable: méthodes de gradient, gradients conjugués, Newton, quasi-newtonienne; Cas non différentiable: méthode de sous-gradients. Optimisation avec contrainte : Condition nécessaire et suffisante de Kuhn et Tucker; Méthodes primales et duales.

    ·Optimisation des Grands Systèmes : Programmation linéaire avancée, méthode primale-duale, décomposition de Dantzig-Wolfe, Décomposition de Benders, Décomposition Lagrangienne, Méthode de génération de colonne.

    ·Heuristiques et Métaheuristiques : Complexité et NP-complétude, Recherche Locale, Stochastique, Constructive, Destructive, Méthodes d'amélioration, Performance, Analyse au pire cas. Métaheuristiques : Stratégies d’Oscillation, Recuit Simulé, Algorithmes génétiques, Recherche Tabou, Systèmes de Fourmis, Algorithme à Seuil, Recherche Dispersée, Méthodes Hybrides.

    ·Méthodes Combinées deRecherche Opérationnelle et d’Intelligence Artificielle : Intégration des méthodes de relaxation des contraintes (propagation des contraintes, plans sécants, coûts réduits, …) ; hybridation des méthodes de recherche (méthodes d’évaluation et séparation, recherche incomplète, retour arrière intelligent,recherche locale, …).

    Data Mining : Techniques d’extraction de connaissances exploitables : Sélection d’attributs, Classification, Segmentation / Clustering, Règles d’association, Détection de déviation.

Revue internationale avec comité de lecture

Wu S., Yang W., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C., Wang Y. (2024). Iterated local search with ejection chains for the Space-Free Multi-Row Facility Layout problem. European Journal of Operational Research [DOI=10.1016/j.ejor.2024.03.012].

Hanafi S. (2023). Extended formulations for perfect domination problems and their algorithmic implications. European Journal of Operational Research, 310, pp. 566-581. [IF=6.4] [DOI=10.1016/j.ejor.2023.03.022].

Benmansour R., Todosijevic R., Hanafi S. (2023). Variable neighborhood search for the single machine scheduling problem to minimize the total early work. Optimization Letters, 17, pp. 2169–2184. [IF=1.6] [DOI=].

Vasquez M., Buljubasic M., Hanafi S. (2023). An efficient scenario penalization matheuristic for a stochastic scheduling problem. Journal of Heuristics, 29, pp. 383-408. [IF=2.7] [DOI=].

Wilbaut C., Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Fréville A. (2023). Heuristic and exact reduction procedures to solve the discounted 0-1 knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 304 (3), pp. 901-911, ISSN 0377-2217. [IF=6.363] [DOI=10.1016/j.ejor.2022.04.036].

Hanafi S., Wang Y., Glover F., Yang W., Hennig R. (2023). Tabu search exploiting local optimality in binary optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 308, pp. 1037-1055. [IF=6.4] [DOI=10.1016/j.ejor.2023.01.001].

Wilbaut C., Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Fréville A. (2022). Variable neighborhood search for the discounted {0-1} knapsack problem. Applied Soft Computing, 131, pp. 109821 [DOI=].

Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Glover F. (2022). On convergence of scatter search and star paths with directional rounding for 0–1 mixed integer programs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 308, pp. 235-254. [IF=1.1]

Krim H., Benmansour R., Duvivier D., Aït kadi D., Hanafi S. (2020). Heuristics for the single machine weighted sum of completion times scheduling problem with periodic maintenance. Computational Optimization and Applications, 75, pp. 291–320, ISSN 1573-2894. [IF=1.906] [DOI=10.1007/s10589-019-00142-5].

Hanafi S., Mansini R., Zanotti R. (2020). The multi-visit team orienteering problem with precedence constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 282(2), pp. 515-529. [IF=3.806] [DOI=].

Hanafi S., Palubeckis G., Glover F. (2020). Bi-objective Optimization of Biclustering with Binary Data. Information Sciences, Volume 538, 444-466. [IF=5.91] [].

Gelareh S., Glover F., Guemri O., Hanafi S., Nduwayo P., Todosijevic R. (2020). A comparative study of formulations for a cross-dock door assignment problem. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 91, pp. 102015. [IF=6.318] [DOI=10.1016/].

Smiti N., Dhiaf M., Jarboui B., Hanafi S. (2020). Skewed general variable neighborhood search for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27, (1, Special Issue: Matheuristics and Metaheuristics, pp. 651-664. [IF=2.341] [DOI=].

Gelareh S., Gendron B., Hanafi S., Monemi R., Todosijevic R. (2020). The Selective Traveling Salesman Problem with Draught Limits. Journal of heuristics, 26, pp. 339-35, ISSN 1572-9397. [IF=1.392] [DOI=10.1007/s10732-019-09406-z].

Guibert R., Hanafi S., Deltombe R., Bigerelle M., Brown C. (2020). Comparison of three multiscale methods for topographic analyses. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 8, Number 2. [IF=3.1]

Guemri O., Nduwayo P., Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Glover F. (2019). Probabilistic Tabu Search for the Cross-Docking Assignment Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 277, pp. 875-885 [DOI=10.1016/j.ejor.2019.03.030].

Krimi I., Benmansour R., Hanafi S., El hachemi N. (2019). Two-machine flow shop with synchronized periodic maintenance. RAIRO - Operations Research, 53(1), pp. 351-365. [IF=0.56] [DOI=DOI: 10.1051/ro/2018062].

Benmansour R., Braun O., Hanafi S. (2019). The single-processor scheduling problem with time restrictions: complexity and related problems. Journal of Scheduling, pp. 1-7. [IF=1.153] [DOI=].

Benmansour R., Braun O., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2019). Using a variable neighborhood search to solve the single processor scheduling problem with time restrictions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11328, pp. 202-215, ISSN 978-3-030-15843-9 [DOI=10.1007/978-3-030-15843-9_16].

Gendron B., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2018). Matheuristics based on iterative linear programming and slope scaling for multicommodity capacitated fixed charge network design. European Journal of Operational Research, 268 (1), pp. 70-81. [IF=3.297] [DOI=].

Arenas pimentel L., Pellegrini P., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2018). Timetable Rearrangement to Cope with Railway Maintenance Activities. Computers & Operations Research, 95, pp. 123-138. [IF=3.002] [DOI=].

Glover F., Hanafi S., Guemri O., Crévits I. (2018). A Simple Multi-Wave Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. to appear in Frontiers of Engineering Management: special issue on Manufacturing Engineering Management, 5 (4), pp. 451-465 [DOI=].

Khalouli S., Benmansour R., Hanafi S. (2018). Ant colony optimisation combined with variable neighbourhood search for scheduling preventive railway maintenance activities. Int. J. Intelligent Engineering Informatics, Vol. 6, Nos. 1/2

Hansen P., Mladenovic N., Todosijevic R., Hanafi S. (2017). Variable neighborhood search: basics and variants. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 5 (3), pp. 423-454

Ben salem M., Hanafi S., Taktak R., Ben abdallah H. (2017). Probabilistic Tabu search with multiple neighborhoods for the Disjunctively Constrained Knapsack Problem. RAIRO-Oper. Res., 51, pp. 627-637. [IF=0.333] [DOI=].

Ait el cadi A., Ben atitallah R., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Artiba A. (2017). New MIP model for Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem with Communication Delays. Optimization Letters, 11(6), pp. 1091–1107, ISSN 1862-4472. [IF=1.31] [DOI=10.1007/s11590-014-0802-2].

Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2017). Mathematical programming based heuristics for the 0–1 MIP: a survey. Journal of Heuristics, 23, pp. 165–206. [IF=1.807] [DOI=10.1007/s10732-017-9336-y].

Mjirda A., Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Hansen P., Mladenovic N. (2017). Sequential variable neighborhood descent variants: an empirical study on the traveling salesman problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 24, pp. 615–633. [IF=1.745]

Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Macedo R., Voge M.-é., Alves C. (2017). Iterative aggregation and disaggregation algorithm for pseudo-polynomial network flow models with side constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 258, pp. 467–477. [IF=3.297]

Djoric D., Ait el cadi A., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Artiba A. (2017). Clustering approach in maintenance of capillary railway network. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 58, pp. 239 - 246, ISSN 1571-0653 [DOI=10.1016/j.endm.2017.03.031].

Doric D., Ait el cadi A., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Artiba A. (2017). Clustering approach in maintenance of capillary railway network. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 58, pp. 239-246 [DOI=10.1016/j.endm.2017.03.031].

Monemi R., Gelareh S., Hanafi S., Maculan N. (2017). A co-opetitive framework for the hub location problems in transportation networks. Optimization, 66 (12), pp. 2089-2106. [IF=0.943]

Todosijevic R., Mjirda A., Mladenovic M., Hanafi S., Gendron B. (2017). A general variable neighborhood search variants for the traveling salesman problem with draft limits. Optimization Letters, 11, pp. 1047–1056. [IF=1.31] [DOI=10.1007/s11590-014-0788-9].

Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Urosevic D., Jarboui B., Gendron B. (2017). A general variable neighborhood search for the swap-body vehicle routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 78, pp. 468–479. [IF=2.6]

Chikhi N., Abbas M., Benmansour R., Hanafi S. (2017). New complexity results on scheduling problem in a robotic cell. RAIRO - Operations Research, 51(3), pp. 749-762

Vasilyev I., Boccia M., Hanafi S. (2016). An implementation of exact knapsack separation. Journal of Global Optimization, 66, pp. 127–150, ISSN 0925-5001. [IF=1.287] [DOI=10.1007/s10898-015-0294-3].

Todosijevic R., Benmansour R., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Artiba A. (2016). Nested general variable neighborhood search for the periodic maintenance problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 252, pp. "385-396". [IF=2.358] [DOI=10.1016/j.ejor.2016.01.014].

Todosijevic R., Mladenovic M., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Crévits I. (2016). Adaptive general variable neighborhood search heuristics for solving the unit commitment problem. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 78, pp. 873–883. [IF=2.587] [].

Mjirda A., Jarboui B., Mladenovic J., Wilbaut C., Hanafi S. (2016). A general variable neighbourhood search for the multi-product inventory routing problem. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 27 (1), pp. 39-54. [IF=1.488]

Haddar B., Khemakhem M., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2016). A hybrid quantum particle swarm optimization for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 55, pp. 1-13. [IF=2.894]

Macedo R., Ramos B., Alves C., Carvalho J., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2016). Integer programming based approaches for multi-trip location routing. Computational Management Science, pp. 79-90

Gendron B., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2016). An efficient matheuristic for the multicommodity fixed-charge network design problem. IFAC-Papers On Line, 49, pp. 117-120

Macedo R., Alves C., Hanafi S., Jarboui B., Mladenovic N., Ramos B., Carvalho J. (2015). Skewed general variable neighborhood search for the location routing scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 61, pp. 143-152. [IF=1.72] [DOI=10.1016/j.cor.2015.03.011].

Haddar B., Khemakhem M., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2015). A hybrid heuristic for the 0-1 Knapsack Sharing Problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 42 (10), pp. 4653-4666. [IF=3.928]

Todosijevic R., Urosevic D., Mladenovic N., Hanafi S. (2015). A general variable neighborhood search for solving the uncapacitated r-allocation p-hub median problem. Optimization Letters, pp. 1-13, ISSN 1862-4472. [IF=0.934] [DOI=10.1007/s11590-015-0867-6].

Hanafi S., Lazic J., Mladenovic N., Wilbaut C., Crévits I. (2015). New Variable Neighbourhood Search based 0-1 MIP Heuristics. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 25 (3), pp. 343-360, ISSN 2334-6043

Lazic J., Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2015). Variable and single neighbourhood diving for MIP feasibility. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 25 (2), pp. 2334-6043, ISSN 0354-0243

Chikhi N., Abbas M., Benmansour R., Bekrar A., Hanafi S. (2015). A two-stage flow shop scheduling problem with transportation considerations. 4OR, 13(4), pp. 381-402. [IF=1] [DOI=10.1007/s10288-015-0297-4].

Mladenovic N., Salhi S., Hanafi S., Brimberg J. (2014). Recent Advances in Variable Neighbourhood Search. Computers & Operations Research, 52, pp. 147-148. [IF=2.6]

Benmansour R., Allaoui H., Artiba A., Hanafi S. (2014). Minimizing the weighted sum of maximum earliness and maximum tardiness costs on a single machine with periodic preventive maintenance. Computers & Operations Research, 47, pp. 106-113. [IF=1.718] [DOI=doi:10.1016/j.cor.2014.02.004].

Mjirda A., Jarboui B., Macedo R., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2014). A two phase variable neighborhood search for the multi-product inventory routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 42, pp. 291-299. [IF=1.718] [DOI=10.1016/j.cor.2013.06.006].

Almoustafa S., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2013). New exact method for large asymmetric distance-constrained vehicle routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 226, pp. 386-394. [IF=1.82]

Hanafi S., Rebai A., Vasquez M. (2013). Several versions of the devour digest tidy-up heuristic for unconstrained binary quadratic problems. Journal of Heuristics, 19 (4), pp. 645-677. [IF=1.359]

Bellanger A., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2013). Three-stage hybrid-flowshop model for cross docking. Computers & Operations Research, 40 (4), pp. 1109 - 1121. [IF=2.6]

Brotcorne L., Hanafi S., Mansi R. (2013). One-level reformulation of the bi-level Knapsack problem using dynamic programming. Discrete Optimization, 10 (1), pp. 1-10. [IF=0.629] [DOI=10.1016/j.disopt.2012.09.001].

Jarboui B., Derbel H., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2013). Variable neighborhood search for location routing. Computers & Operations Research, 40 (1), pp. 47–57. [IF=1.718]

Mladenovic N., Urosevic D., Hanafi S. (2013). Variable neighborhood search for the travelling deliveryman problem. 4OR-A Quarterly J of Operations Research, 11, pp. 57-73. [IF=0.918] [DOI=10.1007/s10288-012-0212-1].

Mjirda A., Jarboui B., Macedo R., Hanafi S. (2012). A variable neighborhood search for the multi-product inventory routing problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 39, pp. 91-98 [DOI=10.1016/j.endm.2012.10.013].

Khanafer A., Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Talbi E.-G. (2012). The min-conflict packing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39 (9), pp. 2122–2132

Khemakhem M., Haddar B., Chebil K., Hanafi S. (2012). A Filter-and-Fan Metaheuristic for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, pp. (accepté)

Mansi R., Alves C., Carvalho J., Hanafi S. (2012). A hybrid heuristic for the multiple choice multidimensional knapsack problem. Engineering Optimization [DOI=10.1080/0305215X.2012.717072].

Mladenovic N., Urosevic D., Hanafi S., Ilic A. (2012). A general variable neighborhood search for the one-commodity pickup-and-delivery travelling salesman problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 220 (1), pp. 270–285

Hanafi S., Mansi R., Wilbaut C., Fréville A. (2012). Hybrid approaches for the two-scenario max–min knapsack problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 19(3), pp. 353–378. [IF=1.745]

Derbel H., Jarboui B., Hanafi S., Chabchoub H. (2012). Genetic algorithm with iterated local search for solving a location-routing problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (3), pp. 2865–2871. [IF=2.203]

Crévits I., Hanafi S., Mansi R., Wilbaut C. (2012). Iterative semi-continuous relaxation heuristics for the multiple-choice multidimensional knapsack problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39 (1), pp. 32-41. [IF=1.72]

Mansi R., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C., Clautiaux F. (2012). Disruptions in the airline industry: math-heuristics for re-assigning aircraft and passengers simultaneously. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 6 (6), pp. 690-712. [IF=0.718]

Mansi R., Alves C., Carvalho J., Hanafi S. (2012). An Exact Algorithm for Bilevel 0-1 Knapsack Problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering [DOI=10.1155/2012/504713].

Todosijevic R., Mladenovic M., Hanafi S., Crévits I. (2012). VNS based heuristic for solving the Unit Commitment problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 39, pp. 153-160

Hanafi S., Sterle C., Ushakov A., Vasilyev I. (2011). A parallel subgradient algorithm for Lagrangean dual function of the p-median problem. Studia Informatica Universalis, pp. 105-124

Macedo R., Alves C., Carvalho J., Clautiaux F., Hanafi S. (2011). Solving exactly the vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple routes using a pseudo-polynomial model. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 214, Issue 3, pp. 536-545

Hanafi S., Yanev N. (2011). Tabu search approaches for solving the two-group classification problem. Annals of Operations Research, Volume 183, Number 1, pp. 25-46

Hanafi S., Rebai A., Vasquez M. (2011). Several versions of Devour Digest Tidy-up Heuristics for Large-Scale Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Problem. Journal Of Heuristics [DOI=10.1007/s10732-011-9169-z].

Rebai A., Hanafi S. (2011). An Adaptive Multimedia-oriented Handoff Scheme for IEEE 802.11 WLANs. International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 151-170

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2011). Improved convergent heuristics for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem. Annals of Operations Research, 183, pp. 125-142. [IF=0.84]

Rebai A., Hanafi S. (2011). A Dynamic Multimedia user-Weight Classification Scheme for IEEE_802.11 WLANs. Accepted in International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications

Fréville A., Hanafi S., Semet F., Yanev N. (2010). A tabu search with an oscillation strategy for the discriminant analysis problem. Computers and Operations Research, 37, Issue 10, pp. 1688-1696

Masmoudi Y., Chabchoub H., Hanafi S., Rebai A. (2010). A Mathematical Programming Based Procedure for Breast Cancer Classification. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 9 (3), pp. 247-255

Lazic J., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Urosevic D. (2010). Variable neighbourhood decomposition search for 0-1 mixed integer programs. Computers and Operations Research, 37, (6), pp. 1055-1067, ISSN 0305-0548

Glover F., Hanafi S. (2010). Metaheuristic Search with Inequalities and Target Objectives for Mixed Binary Optimization Part II: Exploiting Reaction and Resistance. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, 2, No 1, pp. 1-17

Boussier S., Vasquez M., Vimont Y., Hanafi S., Michelon P. (2010). A multi-level search strategy for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158, (2), pp. 97-109

Glover F., Hanafi S. (2010). Metaheuristic Search with Inequalities and Target Objectives for Mixed Binary Optimization Part I: Exploiting Proximity. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, 1, No 1, pp. 1-15

Hanafi S., Lazic J., Mladenovic N., Wilbaut C., Crévits I. (2010). Hybrid Variable Neighbourhood Decomposition Search for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programming Problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36, pp. 883-890

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S. (2009). New convergent heuristics for 0-1 mixed integer programming. European Journal of Operational Research, 195, pp. 62-74. [IF=1.815]

Gantsou D., Sondi obwang P., Hanafi S. (2009). Revisiting Multipoint Relay Selection in Optimized Link State Routing Protocol. Int. J. Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol. 2, N° 1, pp. 4-15

Brotcorne L., Hanafi S., Mansi R. (2009). A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Bilevel knapscack Problem. Operations Research Letters, 37, Issue 3, pp. 215-218

Wilbaut C., Salhi S., Hanafi S. (2009). An iterative variable-based fixation heuristic for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 199, pp. 339-348. [IF=1.815]

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2008). Scatter search for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 7(2), pp. 143-159. [IF=0.806]

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Salhi S. (2008). A survey of effective heuristics and their application to a variety of knapsack problems. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 19, pp. 227-244. [IF=0.404]

Hanafi S., Glover F. (2007). Exploiting nested inequalities and surrogate constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 179, pp. 50-63

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2007). Mathematical Programming Approach To The Petri Nets Reachability Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 177, pp. 176-197.

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Fréville A., Balev S. (2006). Tabu search: global intensification using dynamic programming. Control and Cybernetics, 35(3), pp. 579-598. [IF=0.422]

Fréville A., Hanafi S. (2005). The Multidimensional 0-1 Knapsack Problem – Bounds and Computational Aspects. Annals of Operations Research, 139, pp. 195-227

Souid M., Hanafi S., Semet F. (2005). Méthodes à deux phases pour le problème de tournées de véhicule avec contraintes d'accessibilité. e-STA, 2

Glover F., Hanafi S. (2002). Tabu Search and Finite Convergence. Special Issue on “Foundations of heuristics in Combinatorial Optimization”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 119, pp. 3-36

Hanafi S., Glover F. (2002). Resolution Search and Dynamic Branch-and-Bound. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 6, pp. 401-423

Hanafi S. (2000). On the Convergence of Tabu Search. Journal of Heuristics, 7, pp. 47-58

Hanafi S., Fréville A., Vaca arellano P. (1999). Municipal Solid Waste Collection : A Local Search Approach For Solving The Sectorization Problem. INFOR, 37(3), pp. 236-254

Hanafi S., Fréville A. (1998). An Efficient Tabu Search Approach for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. European Journal of Operational Research

Revue nationale avec comité de lecture

Hanafi S., Labour M., Crévits I. (2019). De l'optimisation des opérations à l'alignement stratégique. Revue Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, 8, pp. 87-100

Crévits I., Bonnafous L., Hanafi S. (2014). L'aide à la décision comme cadre de gouvernance-innovation. Revue Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, 4, pp. 19-140

Vasquez M., Hanafi S., Vimont Y. (2012). Tabu Search with Pseudo–Cuts for the0-1 Multi Dimensional Knapsack. ROADEF 2012

Hanafi S., Fréville A. (2001). Extension of Reverse Elimination Method Through a Dynamic Management of the Tabu List. RAIRO Oper. Res, 35, pp. 251-267

Coordination d'ouvrage

Mladenovic N., Salhi S., Hanafi S., Brimberg J. (2014). Special Issue: Recent advances in Variable neighborhood search, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 52, . Elsevier, ISBN 0305-0548

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Coelho I., Lucena A. (2022). The Knapsack Problem and Its Variants: Formulations and Solution Methods. In Salhi, S., Boylan, J., The Palgrave Handbook of Operations Research, Palgrave , Cham, pp. 105-151, ISBN 978-3-030-96935-6 [DOI=10.1007/978-3-030-96935-6_4].

Ratli M., Benmansour R., Macedo R., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2013). Mathematical Programming and Heuristics for Scheduling Problems with Early and Tardy Penalties. In B. Jarboui, P. Siarry, J. Teghem, Metaheuristics for Production Scheduling, Wiley & Iste, pp. 183-224, ISBN 978-1-84821-497-2

Ratli M., Benmansour R., Macedo R., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2013). Programmation mathématique et heuristiques pour le problème d'ordonnancement avec coûts d'avance et de retard. In B. Jarboui, P. Siarry, J. Teghem, Métaheuristiques pour l'ordonnancement monocritère des ateliers de production, Lavoisier, pp. 217-260, ISBN 978-2-7462-3926-5

Rebai A., Fliss M., Hanafi S. (2012). A Multimedia and VoIP-Oriented Cell Search Technique for the IEEE 802.11 WLANS. In Edited by Ioannis Karydis, Multimedia - A Multidisciplinary Approach to Complex Issues, pp. [DOI=10.5772/36801].

Mansi R., Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Clautiaux F. (2011). Combining Oscillation Heuristic and Mathematical Programming for Disruption Management in the Airline Industry. In M. Caserta, S. Voss, Metaheuristics (Operations Research / Computer Science Interfaces Series), chap. 5, Springer, Berlin, pp. 63-80, ISBN 1441979727

Crévits I., Elaoud S., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2011). Diversification Generators for 0–1 Partial Solutions in Scatter Search. In M. Caserta, S. Voss, Metaheuristics (Operations Research / Computer Science Interfaces Series), chap. 16, Springer, Berlin, pp. 229-248, ISBN 1441979727

Glover F., Hanafi S. (2011). Convergent Tabu Search for Optimal Partitioning. In Edited by A. Ridha Mahjoub, LAMSADE, Paris-Dauphine University, France, Progress in Combinatorial Optimization, wiley, pp. , ISBN 9781848212060

Hanafi S., Lazic J., Mladenovic N., Wilbaut C., Crévits I. (2010). New Hybrid Matheuristics for Solving the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. In M.J. Blesa et al., 7th International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics, HM 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 6373, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Vienne (Autriche), pp. 118-132, ISBN 3-642-16053-0 978-3-642-16053-0

Hanafi S., Lazic J. (2010). Variable Neighbourhood Pump Heuristic for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programming Feasibility. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36, pp. 759-766

Derbel H., Jarboui B., Hanafi S., Chaouch H. (2010). An Iterated Local Search for Solving A Location-Routing Problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36, pp. 875-882

Ha M., Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2010). New fast heuristics for the 2D strip packing problem with guillotine constraint. In P. Festa, SEA 2010, 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 6049, Spinger Berlin, Ischia Island, Naples (Italie), pp. 302-313, ISBN 3-642-13192-1

Hanafi S., Lazic J., Mladenovic N., Wilbaut C., Crévits I. (2010). Hybrid variable neighbourhood decomposition search for 0-1 mixed integer programming problem. In M. Haouari, A. R. Mahjoub, ISCO 2010 - International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, 36, Hammamet (Tunisie), pp. 883-890, ISBN 1571-0653

Hanafi S., Mansi R., Wilbaut C. (2009). Iterative relaxation-based heuristics for the multiple–choice multidimensional knapsack problem. In M. J. Blesa, C. Blum, A. Roli, M. Sampels, 6th International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics, HM 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 5818, Springer Berlin, Udine (Italie), pp. 73-83, ISBN 3-642-04917-6

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2008). Incremental Integer Linear Programming Models for Petri Nets Reachability Problems. Petri Net: Theory and Application, V. Kordic (Ed.), pp. 401-434, ISBN ISBN 978-3-902613-12-7

Sid D., Hanafi S., Semet F. (2008). Recherche dispersée pour la résolution d'un problème de localisation bi-objectifs. ROADEF 2008, Presses Universitaires de l'Université Blaise Pascal, Clérmont-Ferrant, pp. 139-154, ISBN 978-2-84516-378-2

Souid M., Hanafi S., Semet F. (2004). Modified Variable Neighborhood Search for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Accessibility Constraints. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, Norrköping, Sweden, pp. 1650-3740, ISBN ISSN 1650-3686

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2004). Solving the Petri Nets Reachability Problem Using the Logical Abstraction Technique and Mathematical Programming. Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 112-126, ISBN 978-3-540-21836-4

Calland P.-Y., Hanafi S. (2001). Decomposition Using connectivity For Protein Threading Problem. WES, pp. 110-120

Hanafi S., Fréville A., El abdellaoui A. (1996). A Comparison of Recent Heuristics for the Multidimensional 0-1 Knapsack Problem. In Meta-Heuristics : Theory & Applications, edited by I.H. Osman, I.P. Kelly, Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 449-466

Conférence internationale avec actes et comité de lecture

Doric D., Cimon Y., Crévits I., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2023). Inclusion of persons with disabilities to a public transport system: An integrative decision-aiding approach. WCTR 2023, World Conference on Transport Research, Montréal, Québec, Canada, juillet .

Gandibleux X., Gasnier G., Hanafi S. (2021). A primal heuristic to compute an upper bound set for multi-objective 0-1 linear optimisation problems. Proc. of the 1st Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop (MODeM 2021), Online, juillet .

Guibert R., Hanafi S., Bigerelle M., Brown C. (2019). Comparison of Three Multiscale Approaches for Topography Analysis. 22nd International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Surfaces, Lyon (France), juillet .

Crévits I., Hanafi S., Mahjoub A., Taktak R., Wilbaut C. (2019). A special case of Variable-Sized Bin Packing Problem with Color Constraints. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDit'19), Paris, France, avril .

Gendron B., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2019). Variable neighborhood search for the set union knapsack problem. Journées de l'Optimisation/Optimization Days, Montréal, Canada, janvier .

Gendron B., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2019). Efficient matheuristics for multicommodity capacitated network design. Journées de l'Optimisation/Optimization Days, Montréal, Canada, janvier .

Guibert R., Robache F., Lesueur D., Hanafi S., Brown C., Bigerelle M. (2018). Morphological Detection Method for Peak Gradient and Radius of Curvature in Surface Topography of Abraded Polymer Materials. 45th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds (GB), septembre .

Guemri O., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R., Glover F. (2018). Multi Wave Algorithm for Disjunctively Constrained Knapsack Problem. EURO/ALIO International Conference 2018 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Bologna, Italy, juin .

Mladenovic M., Hanafi S., Delot T., Laporte G., Wilbaut C. (2018). The extended parking allocation model for connected vehicles. BALCOR 2018 – XIII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Belgrade (Serbie), mai .

Almoustafa S., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2018). Multistart branch and bound for large asymmetric distance-constrained vehicle routing problem. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 31, pp. 15-38, janvier .

Braun O., Benmansour R., Hanafi S. (2017). Existing results and new developments for the single processor scheduling problem with time restrictions. IESM2017, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Saarbrücken, Germany, octobre .

Glover F., Hanafi S., Guemri O., Crévits I. (2017). A Simple Multi-Wave Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. MIC'2017, The 12th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, juillet .

Guemri O., Hanafi S., Nduwayo P., Glover F., Wilbaut C. (2017). Probabilistic Tabu Search for the Cross-Docking Assignment Problem. MIC'2017, The 12th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, juillet .

Benmansour R., Hanafi S., Braun O. (2017). A variable neighborhood search for single machine scheduling problem with time restrictions. MIC'2017, The 12th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, juillet .

Arenas pimentel L., Pellegrini P., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2017). Timetable optimization during railway infrastructure maintenance. RailLille 2017, 7th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Lille, France, avril .

Krimi I., Benmansour R., Hanafi S., El hachemi N. (2016). Minimizing makespan in a two machine flow-shop problem under preventive maintenance activities. The 6th International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing (META'16), Marrakesh, Morocco, octobre .

Doric D., Ait abdelouhab K., Artiba A., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2016). Maintenance optimisation of capillary railway network with clustering method. RAILCON16 - XVII International Scientific-expert Conference on Railway, Nis, Serbia, octobre .

Hanafi S., Mladenovic M., Triboulet T. (2016). Solving the hydro-chain scheduling problem by alternate VNS. VNS2016, International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search, Málaga (Spain), octobre .

Doric D., Ait el cadi A., Artiba A., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2016). Clustering approach in Maintenance of Capillary Railway Network. International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search, Malagà, Spain, octobre .

Khalouli S., Benmansour R., Hanafi S. (2016). An ant colony algorithm based on opportunities for scheduling the preventive railway maintenance. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2016, octobre .

Arenas pimentel L., Pellegrini P., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2016). Train timetabling during infrastructure maintenance activities. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation, Birmingham, UK, août .

Labour M., Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2016). Avoiding the strategy alignment trap in Human Resource Management: A case study of an IRP. 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM-2016), Nice, France, juillet .

Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Macedo R., Voge M.-é., Alves C. (2016). Iterative Aggregation and Disaggregation Algorithm for Pseudo-Polynomial Network Flow Models with Side Constraints. ISCO 2016, International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, Vietri sul Mare (Salerno) - Italy, mai .

Crévits I., Hanafi S., Labour M. (2016). Data analytics and operations research: implications for information system and resource management. 34th International Conference on Economics and Business Management (ICEBM), Cape Town, South Africa, mai .

Ratli M., Ait el cadi A., Hanafi S., Eddaly M., Jarboui B., Delot T. (2016). EDA for dynamic assignment problem of parking slots. The3rd International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, Saint Julian's, Malta, avril .

Arenas pimentel L., Pellegrini P., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2016). Train timetabling during infrastructure maintenance activities. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation, ICIRT 2016, pp. 204-209, janvier .

Baazaoui M., Kamoun H., Hanafi S. (2015). A matheuristic for solving an industrial problem of cutting mousse blocks: a practical tunisian case. CIE45, 45th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Metz, France, octobre .

Wilbaut C., Benmansour R., Braun O., Hanafi S. (2015). Iterative relaxation-based heuristic for the single-processor scheduling problem with time restrictions. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IEEE IESM 2015), I4e2, Séville (Espagne), pp. 496-501, octobre .

Doric D., Benmansour R., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Todosijevic R. (2015). Railway maintenance optimisation problems – A survey. SYMOPIS 2015, XLII International Symposium on Operations Research, Ivanjica, Serbia, septembre .

Macedo R., Alves C., Hanafi S., Jarboui B., Mladenovic N. (2015). Skewed general variable neighborhood search for the location routing scheduling problem. MIC'2015, The 11th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference, Agadir, Morocco, juin .

Haddar B., Khemakhem M., Hanafi S. (2015). A hybrid quantum particle swarm optimization for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. MIC'2015, The 11th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference, Agadir, Morocco, juin .

Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2015). New Convergent Scatter Search Algorithm for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programs. MIC'2015, The 11th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference, Agadir, Morocco, juin .

Chikhi N., Abbas M., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N. (2015). A General Variable Neighborhood Search for a scheduling problem in a robotic cell. MIC'2015, The 11th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference, Agadir, Morocco, juin .

Arenas pimentel L., Chevrier R., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2015). Solving the train timetabling problem, a mathematical model and a genetic algorithm solution approach. RailTokyo 2015, 6th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, Japan, mars .

Ali K., Ben atitallah R., Hanafi S., Dekeyser J.-L. (2014). Generic Pixel Distribution Architecture for Parallel Video Processing. International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2014), Cancun, Mexico, décembre .

Chikhi N., Benmansour R., Bekrar A., Hanafi S., Abbas M. (2014). A case study of a two-stage flow shop with dedicated machines and a single robot. Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2014 International Conference on, IEEE, Metz, France, pp. 246-250, novembre . [DOI=10.1109/CoDIT.2014.6996901].

Todosijevic R., Benmansour R., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Artiba A. (2014). An efficient General VNS for the periodic maintenance problem. 3rd International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search, VNS'14, octobre .

Ait el cadi A., Benmansour R., Artiba A., Hanafi S. (2014). On the non-preemptive scheduling problem on a repairable machine. International Conference on Green Supply Chain GSC'2014, Arras, FRANCE, pp. 10 pages, juin .

Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Jarboui B., Mladenovic N., Urosevic D. (2014). VNS based heuristic for the Swap-Body Vehicle Routing Problem. VeRoLog 2014, The third meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Oslo, Norway, juin .

Baazaoui M., Hanafi S., Kamoun H. (2014). A Mathematical formulation and a lower bound for the three-dimensional multiple-bin-size bin packing problem (MBSBPP): A Tunisian industrial case. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2014, pp. 219-224, juin .

Arenas pimentel L., Chevrier R., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2014). Solving the Periodic Timetabling Problem using a Genetic Algorithm. PANAM 2014, XVIII Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Transito, Transporte y Logistica, Santander, Spain, juin .

Jandaud P.-O., Corroyer J., Harmand S., Hanafi S., Bekrar A., Bellalij M. (2014). Aero - Thermal Optimization of a Heat Sink using Particle Swarm Optimization. P. Siarry, L. Idoumghar, J. Lepagnot, International Conference on Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization (ICSIBO'2014), Mulhouse, France, pp. 1-2, mai .

Chikhi N., Benmansour R., Hanafi S., Bekrar A., Abbas M. (2014). A variable neighborhood search for the two-stage flow shop with a single robot. 3rd International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search, VNS'14, Djerba, Tunisia., janvier .

Todosijevic R., Mjirda A., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Gendron B. (2013). A General Variable Neighborhood Search for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Draft Limits. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management - IESM2013 -, Rabat - Morocco -, octobre .

Haddar B., Khemakhem M., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C., Chabchoub H. (2013). A new Hybrid Heuristic for the 0-1 Knapsack Sharing Problem. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IEEE IESM 2013), I4e2, Rabat (Marocco), pp. 12-18, octobre .

Ratli M., Eddaly M., Jarboui B., Lecomte S., Hanafi S. (2013). Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Bi-objective Assignment Problem. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IEEE-IESM'2013), Rabat, Maroc, octobre .

Dammak B., Baklouti M., Niar S., Hanafi S., Abid M. (2013). Integer Linear Programming for Design Space Exploration in Heterogeneous MPSoC. 21st IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large ScaleIntegration(VLSI-SoC), Turquie, octobre ., ISBN 978-1-4799-0522-5

Macedo R., Hanafi S., Jarboui B., Mladenovic N., Alves C., Carvalho J. (2013). Variable neighborhood search for the location routing problem with multiple routes. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IEEE - IESM 2013, octobre .

Todosijevic R., Mjirda A., Hanafi S. (2013). A general neighborhood search for Traveling Salesman Problem with Draft Limits. BALCOR 2013, XI Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Belgrade, Serbie, septembre .

Benmansour R., Allaoui H., Artiba A., Hanafi S. (2013). Minimizing the weighted sum of maximum earliness- tardiness cost on a single machine under maintenance constraints. MISTA2013, Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, Gent, Belgium, août .

Benmansour R., Allaoui H., Artiba A., Hanafi S. (2013). Minimizing the weighted sum of maximum earliness- tardiness cost on a single machine under maintenance constraints. 6th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2013), Gent, Belgium, pp. pp. 240-247, août .

Hanafi S., Mansi R., Wilbaut C., Fréville A. (2013). Iterative relaxation based algorithms for the bi-objective max-min knapsack problem. 26th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVI), Rome (Italie), juillet .

Boccia M., Hanafi S., Vasilyev I. (2013). New computational results with an exact knapsack separation procedure for structured Binary Integer Programming problems. 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO 2013, juillet .

Arenas pimentel L., Chevrier R., Rodriguez J., Dhaenens C., Hanafi S. (2013). Application of a co-evolutionary genetic algorithm to solve the periodic railway timetabling problem. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IEEE - IESM 2013, juillet .

Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Liu Y., Wilbaut C. (2013). A chance-constrained strip packing problem. SEA 2013, the 12th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, Rome, Italy, juin .

Khemakhem M., Haddar B., Chebil K., Hanafi S. (2012). A Filter-And-Fan Algorithm For The 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. 4th International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, META'2012, Sousse (Tunisia), octobre .

Todosijevic R., Mladenovic M., Hanafi S. (2012). VNS based heuristic for solving Unit Commitment problem. EURO Mini Conference XXVIII on Variable Neighbourhood Search, Montenegro, octobre .

Ben salem M., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C., Gzara M. (2012). Improved Hybrid Heuristic for solving the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. META'12, International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, Port El-Kantaoui (Tunisie), octobre .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Benmansour R., Ratli M., Macedo R. (2012). Hybrid method for minimizing earliness and tardiness penalties in a single-machine problem with a common due date. 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius (Lituanie), juillet .

Macedo R., Hanafi S., Clautiaux F., Alves C., Carvalho J. (2012). Generalized disaggregation algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple routes. 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius (Lituanie), juillet .

Hanafi S., Hashimoto H., Nonobe K., Vasquez M., Vimont Y., Yagiura M. (2012). Hybrid Method for Machine Reassignment Problem.. 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius (Lituanie), juillet .

Todosijevic R., Crévits I., Hanafi S., Mladenovic M., Mladenovic N. (2012). Variable neighborhood search for Unit commitment problem. 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius (Lituanie), juillet .

Mladenovic M., Crévits I., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Todosijevic R. (2012). Environmental unit commitment problem with CO2 taxes. 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius (Lituanie), juillet .

Mjirda A., Jarboui B., Macedo R., Hanafi S. (2012). Variable Neighborhood Search for the Inventory Routing Problem. International Workshop on Green Supply Chain, Arras, juin .

Macedo R., Hanafi S., Clautiaux F., Alves C., Carvalho J. (2012). Generalized disaggregation algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple routes. 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - ICORES 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, février .

Vasquez M., Boussier S., Hanafi S., Vimont Y., Wilbaut C. (2011). Combining Resolution Search and Dynamic Programming for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. IFORS 2011, Melbourne (Australie), juillet .

Hanafi S., Lazic J., Mladenovic N., Wilbaut C., Crévits I. (2010). New Hybrid Matheuristics for Solving the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. HM 2010, Vienne (Autriche), octobre .

Hanafi S., Mansi R., Wilbaut C. (2010). Hybrid Approaches for the Bi-Objective Max-Min Knapsack Problem. MOPGP'10, Sousse (Tunisie), mai .

Ha M., Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2010). New fast heuristics for the 2D strip packing problem with guillotine constraint. SEA 2010, Naples (Italie), mai .

Hanafi S., Ratli M., Wilbaut C. (2009). Several Versions of DTT for Large-scale Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Problems. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego (Etats-Unis), octobre .

Rebai A., Hanafi S., Alnuweiri H. (2009). A New Inter-Node Priority Access Enhancement Scheme for IEEE_802.11 WLANs. The 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunication ITST'09, Lille, France, octobre .

Rebai A., Alnuweiri H., Hanafi S. (2009). A Novel Prevent-Scan Handoff Technique for IEEE 802.11 WLANs. The annual IEEE International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications ICUMT'09, St.-Petersburg, Russia, octobre .

Hanafi S., Mansi R., Wilbaut C. (2009). Iterative relaxation-based heuristics for the multiple–choice multidimensional knapsack problem. HM 2009, Udine (Italie), octobre .

Mansi R., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2009). Solving the bi-objective max-min knapsack problem with a new reformulation. AIRO 09 - The XL Annual Conference Italian Operational Research Society, Sienne (Italie), septembre .

Glover F., Hanafi S. (2009). Inequalities and Target Objectives in Metaheuristics for Mixed Binary Programming. EURO XXIII, Bonn (Allemagne), juillet .

Mansi R., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2009). New reformulation and hybrid method for the biobjective max-min knapsack problem. EURO XXIII, Bonn (Allemagne), juillet .

Wilbaut C., Elaoud S., Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2009). Diversification Generators for Partial Solutions in Scatter Search. MIC 2009: the VIII Metaheuristics International Conference, Hamburg (Allemagne), juillet .

Mansi R., Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Clautiaux F. (2009). Oscillation Strategy for Disruption Management in the Airline Industry. MIC 2009: the VIII Metaheuristics International Conference, Hamburg (Allemagne), juillet .

Hanafi S., Lazic J., Mladenovic N., Wilbaut C. (2009). Variable Neighbourhood Decomposition Search with Bounding for Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. N. Bakhtadze, A. Dolgui, Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 13 - Partie 1, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences (Russie), pp. 2018 - 2022, juin ., ISBN 978-3-902661-43-2

Rebai A., Haddar B., Hanafi S. (2009). Prevent-Scan: A novel MAC Layer scheme for the IEEE 802.11 handoff. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems ICMS'09, Ouarzazate, Morocco, avril .

Rebai A., Haddar B., Hanafi S. (2009). An efficient fast WLAN IEEE 802.11 Handoff procedure. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Networking and Services ICNS'09, Valencia, Spain, avril .

Rebai A., Hanafi S. (2009). A Quality Improvement Algorithm for 802.11e EDCA Model. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Networks ICN'09, Cancun, Mexico, mars .

Lazic J., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Urosevic D. (2009). Solving 0-1 Mixed Integer Programs with Variable Neighbourhood Decomposition Search. INCOM'09, Moscou (Russie), janvier .

Boussier S., Vasquez M., Vimont Y., Hanafi S., Michelon P. (2008). Solving the 0–1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem with Resolution Search. VI ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Argentina, décembre .

Hanafi S., Mansi R., Brotcorne L. (2008). Integer Programming Formulation of the Bilevel Knapsack Problem. 9ème journées d'analyse numérique et d'optimisation, maroc, décembre .

Rebai A., Fliss M., Jarboui S., Hanafi S. (2008). A New Link Adaptation Scheme for IEEE 802.11 WLANs. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Technologies, Mobility and Security NTMS'08, Tanger, Morocco, novembre .

Derbel H., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C., Mrad M., Chabchoub H. (2008). Iterative heuristic based on LP relaxation for the vehicle routing problem with time windows. META'08, Hammamet (Tunisie), octobre .

Hanafi S., Khemakhem M., Lamine A., Wilbaut C. (2008). An iterative linear programming-based heuristic to the multiple-choice multidimensional knapsack problem. META'08, Hammamet (Tunisie), octobre .

Hanafi S., Khemakhem M., Lamine A., Wilbaut C. (2008). Strategic oscillation for multi-choice multidimensional knapsack problem. META'08, Hammamet (Tunisie), octobre .

Hanafi S., Mansi R., Brotcorne L. (2008). Hybrid Heuristic for the Bilevel Knapsack. Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing., Tunisie, octobre .

Rebai A., Hanafi S. (2008). An Enhancement Heuristic Algorithm for Efficient WLAN IEEE802.11 Handoff Procedure. The 2nd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing META'08, Hammamet, Tunisia, octobre .

Semet F., Lamine A., Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Talbi E.-G. (2008). Management of a Fleet of Trucks For a Mail-order Company. INFORMS, Washington, USA, octobre .

Mansi R., Brotcorne L., Hanafi S. (2008). Reformulation of the Bilevel Knapsack Problem. Raïd Mansi, Luce Brotcorne and Saïd Hanafi, ECCO XXI, 21, ECCO XXI, Croatia, pp. 42, 43, mai .

Niar S., Inglart N., Chaker M., Hanafi S., Benameur N. (2007). FACSE: a Framework for Architecture and Compilation Space Exploration. IEEE International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in nanoscale era (DTIS'07), Rabat, Marocco, septembre .

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2007). Scatter search with relaxation-based heuristic for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem. MIC 2007, Montréal (Canada), mai .

Hanafi S., Semet F., Sid D. (2007). Recherche dispersée pour la gestion d'une flotte d'intervention. Francoro V / Roadef 2007, Grenoble, pp. 401-402, février ., ISBN 978-2-7061-1398-7

Mansi R., Brotcorne L., Hanafi S. (2007). Programmation Dynamique pour le Problème du Sac à Dos Bi-niveaux. R.Mansi, L.Brotcorne et S.Hanafi, Francoro V / ROADEF 2007, Francoro V / ROADEF 2007, Grenoble, France, pp. 303-304, février ., ISBN 978-2-7061-1398-7.

Htiouech I., Hanafi S., Jarboui S. (2006). Stratégie d'oscillation pour le problème de sac à dos multidimensionnel à choix multiples. Métaheuristiques à Hammamet (Tunisie), novembre .

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2006). Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems using Timed Petri Nets and Mathematical Programming. WODES'06, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, juillet .

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2006). Un modèle mathématique pour l'ordonnancement des systèmes de production flexibles modélisés à l'aide de réseaux de Petri T-temporisés. CIFA'06, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Bordeaux, France, mai .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S. (2006). Mixed integer programming relaxation based heuristics to solve the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem.. CORS/Optimization Days, Montréal (Canada), mai .

Hanafi S., Semet F. (2005). A barge routing problem with pickup and delivery. IFORS Conference, Honolulu, USA, juillet .

Souid M., Hanafi S., Semet F. (2004). Méthodes à deux phases pour le problème de tournées de véhicules avec contraintes d'accessibilités. CIFA'04, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Douz, Tunisie, novembre .

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2004). Recherche de séquences d'Accessibilité dans les réseaux de Petri utilisant l'Abstraction logique et une réduction fondée sur l'équation d'état. CIFA'04, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Douz, Tunisie, novembre .

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2004). Efficient Reachability Analysis Of Bounded Petri Nets Using Constraint Programming. SMC'04, International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, La Hague, Hollande, octobre .

Jesus J., Hanafi S., Semet F. (2004). L'heuristique GENIUS pour le problème de voyageur de commerce revisitée. ”, Francoro IV, Fribourg, Suisse, août .

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2004). Hybrid heuristic algorithm for solving multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem. Optimization 2004, Lisbonne, Portugal, juillet .

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2004). Diversification in Scatter Search for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. ECCO XVII, Beyrouth, Liban, juin .

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2004). Efficient search and enumeration of firing sequences for the reachability problem of Petri Nets. ECCO'04, European Conference On Combinatorial Optimisation, Beyrouth, Liban, juin .

Souid M., Hanafi S., Semet F. (2004). Variable neighborhood search for the vehicle routing problem with accessibility constraints. European Conference on Combinatorial Optimization, Beyrout, Liban, juin .

Hanafi S., Semet F. (2004). A Barge Routing Problem with Pick-up and Delivery. Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, juin .

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2004). Solving The Petri Nets Reachability Problem Using The Logical Abstraction Technique And Mathematical Programming. CPAIOR'04, International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems, avril .

Hanafi S., Jesus J., Semet F. (2003). The container assignment problem : a case study on the port of Lille. Innovation Technologique pour les Transports Terrestres, Lille, France, décembre .

Hanafi S., Semet F., Souid M. (2003). Heuristic approaches for the vehicle routing problem with accessibility constraints. 5th EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turquie, juillet .

Hanafi S., Jesus J., Semet F. (2003). The container assignment problem : Models and methods. Odysseus 2003 - Second International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Palerme, Italie, mai .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Fréville A., Balev S. (2002). A Hybrid Approach using Dynamic Programming and Heuristics for Solving the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. IFORS, Edinburgh, Ecosse, juillet .

Drexl A., Fréville A., Balev S., Hanafi S. (2001). Item Partioning-Based Algorithms for Large-Scale Multiconstraint Zero-One KnapsackPproblems. INFORMS, Miami, USA, novembre .

Calland P.-Y., Hanafi S. (2001). Decomposition of Protein Threading Problem Based on Connectivity of 3-D Structure. C.E. D'Attelis and V.V. Kluev and N.E. Mastorakis, Mathematics and Simulation with Biological, Economical and Musicoacoustical Applications, WSES, pp. 125-130, janvier .

Glover F., Hanafi S. (2000). Resolution Search and Dynamic Branch and Bound. INFORMS, San Antonio, USA, novembre .

Fréville A., Hanafi S., Semet F., Yanev N. (2000). A tabu search approach for the discrimination problem. Graph & Optimization IV, Leukerbad, Suisse, août .

Hanafi S., Fréville A. (2000). Résolution du Dual Composite du Sac à Dos Bidimensionnel en variables 0-1 par une méthode de Branch-and-Bound. Francoro, Québéc, Canada, mai .

Balev S., Hanafi S., Fréville A. (2000). An Hybrid Approach for Solving the 0-1 Multidimensional knapsack problem. special conference on "Adaptive Memory and Evolution: Tabu Search and Scatter Search", University of Mississippi, USA, mars .

Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2000). A mixed integer programming formulation for a dynamic task allocation problem. Second conference on Management and Control Production and logistics (MCPL'2000), Grenoble - France, janvier .

Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2000). Modèles de Répartition Dynamique de Tâches entre Opérateur et Système. ROADeF'2000, Nantes, France, janvier .

Fréville A., Hanafi S. (2000). Des Bornes Duales Robustes pour le Sac à Dos Bidimensionnel en Variables 0-1. ROADeF'2000, Nantes, France, janvier .

Glover F., Hanafi S. (2000). Dynamic Branch and Bound and Resolution Search. ROADeF'2000, Nantes, France, janvier .

Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2000). A New Mixed Integer Programming for Dynamic Task Allocation. WPPC-2000, Fucam, Mons, Belgique, janvier .

Glover F., Hanafi S. (1998). Finite Convergence of A Tabu Search. INFORMS meeting, Seattle, USA, 25-28 october, octobre .

Hanafi S., Fréville A., El abdellaoui A. (1998). A tabu search approach for the 0-1 multidimensional problem. EURO XVI, Brussels, July, Belgium, juillet .

Hanafi S., Bakir D. (1998). A Tabu Search Approach for the Bin Packing Problem. EURO XVI, Bruxelles, Belgique, 11-15 juillet,, mai .

Hanafi S., Yanev N. (1998). A Tabu Search Approach for the Classification Problem. INFORMS, Montreal, Canada, 26-29 April, avril .

Hanafi S., Glover F. (1998). Tabu Search and Finite Convergence. INFORMS conference, Montréal, avril, Canada, avril .

Conférence nationale avec actes et comité de lecture

Wilbaut C., Todosijevic R., Hanafi S., Fréville A. (2022). Recherche à voisinage variable pour le sac-à-dos avec remises. ROADEF 2022, 23ème conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Lyon (France), février .

Hanafi S., Mahjoub A., Taktak R., Wilbaut C. (2021). Variable-Sized Bin Packing Problem with Color Constraints. JPOC 12 : Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire, 24 - 25 juin 2021 (en distanciel), juin .

Doric D., Cimon Y., Crévits I., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2020). The location and routing models applicable to the transport of persons with disabilities - Case study Valenciennes, France. 10ème Conférence Francophone en Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers (GISEH), UPHF, Valenciennes, avril .

Doric D., Cimon Y., Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2019). Inclusion de personnes à mobilité réduite au transport public. Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité (RFTM), Montréal, Canada, juin .

Nduwayo P., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2019). A Lagrangean Relaxation for Cross-dock Door Assignment Problem. JPOC11 : Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire, 24-28 juin 2019 Metz (France), juin .

Taktak R., Hanafi S., Mahjoub A., Wilbaut C. (2019). Variable-Sized Bin Packing Problem with Color Constraints. JPOC11 : Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire, 24-28 juin 2019 Metz (France), juin .

Doric D., Cimon Y., Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2019). Decision-Aiding approach to embed persons with disability to public transport. Optimization Days, CIRRELT, HEC Montréal, Canada, mai .

Doric D., Guemri O., Hanafi S., Glover F., Todosijevic R., Crévits I. (2018). Constructive Multi Wave Algorithm for Finding Good Feasible Solutions for the Dial a Ride Problem. ROADEF 2018 - 19eme congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Lorient, France, février .

Guemri O., Nduwayo P., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R., Glover F. (2018). Probabilistic Tabu Search for the Cross-Docking Assignment Problem. ROADEF 2018 - 19eme congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Lorient, France, février .

Guemri O., Hanafi S., Glover F., Crévits I. (2017). Multi-Flux Strategic Oscillation Method for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. ROADEF 2017, 18ème conférence de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision,, Metz, France, février .

Arenas pimentel L., Pellegrini P., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2017). Train timetable rearrangement facing infrastructure maintenance activities. ROADEF 2017, 18ème conférence de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Metz, France, février .

Hanafi S., Labour M., Crévits I. (2016). Intégration de modèles d'optimisation dans les organisations. L'aide à la décision comme repères d'alignement stratégique. MTO'2016, 8ème édition du colloque Management des Technologies Organisationnelles (6-7 Octobre), Ecole des Mines d'Alès, Nimes, France, octobre .

Arenas pimentel L., Pellegrini P., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2016). Timetable Optimization to cope with Railway Infrastructure Maintenance. ROADEF 2016, 17ème conférence de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Compiègne, France, février .

Todosijevic R., Gelareh S., Hanafi S. (2016). The Selective Traveling Salesman Problem with Draft Limits. ROADEF 2016, 17ème conférence de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Compiègne, France, février .

Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Macedo R., Voge M.-é., Alves C. (2016). Agrégation et désagrégation dynamique de modèles de flot de très grande taille. ROADEF 2016, 17ème conférence de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Compiègne, France, février .

Arenas pimentel L., Chevrier R., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2015). Modelling and solving the Train Timetabling Problem using Genetics Algorithms. ROADEF 2015, 16ème conférence de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Marseille, France, février .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Haddar B., Khemakhem M., Fréville A. (2014). Heuristiques hybrides pour le problème de la distribution équitable. ROADEF 2014 - 15ème conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Bordeaux, février .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Fréville A., Haddar B., Khemakhem M. (2014). Some Heuristic Algorithms for the 0-1Knapsack Sharing Problem. ORBEL 28 - 28th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, Mons (Belgique), février .

Arenas pimentel L., Chevrier R., Hanafi S., Rodriguez J. (2014). A co-evolutionary algorithm to solve the periodic timetabling problem. ROADEF 2014, 15ème conférence de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Bordeaux, France, février .

Chikhi N., Abbas M., Bekrar A., Benmansour R., Hanafi S. (2014). A dynamic programming algorithm for a robotic cell problem with batch transfer. Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL28), Belgium, janvier .

Chikhi N., Abbas M., Bekrar A., Benmansour R., Hanafi S. (2014). On the complexity of robotic flow shop with transportation constraints. ROADEF 2014, Bordeaux, France., janvier .

Crévits I., Bonnafous L., Hanafi S. (2013). L'aide à la décision comme cadre de gouvernance-innovation. Management des Technologies Organisationnelles - MTO'2013. De l'innovation technologique à l'innovation managériale, Montpellier, France, octobre .

Benmansour R., Hanafi S., Macedo R., Ratli M., Wilbaut C. (2013). Minimisation des pénalités d'avances et de retards sur une machine. ROADEF 2013 - 14ème conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Troyes (France), février .

Clautiaux F., Hanafi S., Liu Y., Wilbaut C. (2013). Un problème de strip-packing stochastique. ROADEF 2013 - 14ème conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Troyes (France), février .

Crévits I., Hanafi S., Kushlaf N. (2013). Une aide à la décision pour l'apprenant basée sur le QCM. 13ème Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, Atelier aIde à la Décision à tous les Etages, Toulouse, janvier .

Mjirda A., Jarboui B., Macedo R., Hanafi S. (2013). Recherche à voisinage variable pour un problème de tournées avec gestion de stock multiproduit. 14ème congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision ROADEF 2013, Troyes, France, janvier .

Bellanger A., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2011). Flowshop hybride pour le cross-docking. ROADEF 2011, Saint-Etienne, mars .

Crévits I., Elaoud S., Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2010). Méthodes hybrides et solutions partielles dans scatter search. ROADEF 2010, Toulouse, février .

Hanafi S., Lazic J., Mladenovic N., Wilbaut C., Crévits I. (2010). Variantes de la recherche à voisinage variable avec décomposition pour le sac-à-dos multidimensionnel. ROADEF 2010, Toulouse, février .

Crévits I., Hanafi S., Mansi R., Wilbaut C. (2010). Heuristiques itératives hybrides pour le sac-à-dos multidimensionnel à choix multiples. ROADEF 2010, Toulouse, février .

Mansi R., Brotcorne L., Hanafi S. (2009). Reformulation du problème du sac à dos bi-niveaux. ROADEF 2009, Nancy, pp. 376-377, février .

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C., Mansi R., Clautiaux F. (2009). Stratégie d'oscillation pour la gestion de perturbations dans le domaine aérien. ROADEF 2009, Nancy, pp. 393-394, février ., ISBN 2-905267-65-8

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S. (2009). Heuristiques itératives basées sur des relaxations pour le problème du sac-à-dos multidimensionnel à choix multiples. ROADEF 2009, Nancy, pp. 102-103, février ., ISBN 2-905267-65-8

Mansi R., Brotcorne L., Hanafi S. (2008). Reformulation et Résolution du Problème Bi-niveaux avec Sac à Dos au Second Niveau. R.Mansi, L.Brotcorne et S.Hanafi, ROADEF, 8, ROADEF, Clermont-Ferrand, France, pp. 309, 310, février .

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2008). Recherche dispersée combinée avec une heuristique basée sur des relaxations : application au sac-à-dos multidimensionnel. ROADEF 2008, Clermont-Ferrand (France), février .

Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2008). Un algorithme exact de répartition dyamique de tâches entre opérateur et système automatisé. Actes de la Conférence ROADEF'08, Clermont-Ferrand, France, février .

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2007). Générateurs de solutions diverses pour les problèmes en variables 0-1. ROADEF07-FRANCORO V, Grenoble, France, pp. 231-232, février ., ISBN 978-2-7061-1398-7

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2006). Un nouvel algorithme de recherche dispersée pour le sac-à-dos multidimensionnel en 0-1. Meta'06, Hammamet, Tunisie, novembre .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S. (2006). Extension d'une heuristique basée sur la programmation linéaire pour le sac à dos multidimensionnel. ROADEF 2006, Lille (France), février .

Bourdeaud'huy T., Hanafi S., Yim P. (2006). Un modèle mathématique pour la résolution du problème d'accessibilité dans les réseaux de Petri T-temporisés. ROADEF 2006, Lille, février, février .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S. (2005). Recherche Dispersée et Diversification pour le Sac à Dos Multidimensionnel en variables 0-1. ROADEF 2005, Tours (France), février .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Fréville A., Balev S. (2005). Recherche Tabou : Intensification Globale avec Programmation Dynamique. ROADEF 2005, Tours (France), février .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S. (2004). Recherche Dispersée et Diversification pour le Sac à Dos Multidimensionnel en variables 0-1. FRANCORO IV, Fribourg, Suisse, août .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S. (2004). Diversification in Scatter Search for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. ORBEL 18, Bruxelles, Belgique, janvier .

Wilbaut C., Hanafi S., Fréville A., Balev S. (2003). Recherche tabou basée sur la Programmation Dynamique pour le sac à dos multidimensionnel. ROADEF 2003, Avignon, France, février .

Séminaire et autres communications

Doric D., Cimon Y., Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2019). Inclusion of persons with disabilities to a public transport system: An integrative decision-aiding approach. Séminaire du GERAD (Groupe d'études et de recherche en analyse des décisions), Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, octobre .

Guibert R., Robache F., Bigerelle M., Hanafi S. (2018). Stitching des Cartes Topographiqes : Verrous et Complexité. Mardi Des Chercheurs 2018, Arenberg (France), mars .

Doric D., Cimon Y., Crévits I., Hanafi S. (2018). Framing the Dial–a-ride problem according to decision aiding process. CIRRELT: La grande convergence: la RO rencontre l'IA, Quebec, janvier .

Hanafi S. (2016). Hybrid Approaches Combining Metaheuristics and Mathematical Programming for 0–1 Mixed Integer Programming. Seminar, Univ. Brescia, Italy, mai .

Ait el cadi A., Ben atitallah R., Hanafi S., Mladenovic N., Artiba A. (2014). New MIP model for Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem with Communication Delays. Optimisation Days Conference 2014, Montreal, QC CANADA, janvier .

Hanafi S., Wilbaut C. (2006). Convergent Heuristics for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programming. Workshop Now 2006, Saint-Rémy de Provence, France, août .

Rapport de contrat de recherche

Anceaux F., Crévits I., Doric D., Hanafi S., Honvault M., Kolski C., Lakehal A., Lepreux S., Pacini L., Pudlo P., Saint-Mars J. (2022). Action Valmobile. Rapport final de projet PIA 3, Accroche active !, LAMIH, UPHF, Valenciennes, septembre .

Doric D., Cimon Y., Crévits I., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2021). Inclusion persons with disabilities to a public transport system: An integrative decision-aiding approach. Rapport scientifique, CIRRELT working paper Series no.2021-32, 50 p., CIRRELT, UPHF-LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, janvier .

Doric D., Cimon Y., Crévits I., Hanafi S., Todosijevic R. (2021). A systematic review of optimization and legislation for the transport of persons with disabilities. Rapport scientifique, CIRRELT Working Paper Series no.2021-31, 40 p., CIRRELT, UPHF-LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, janvier .

Alalou A., Hanafi S., Khemakhem M. (2015). DataRush. Rapport final de la tâche 3 "Optimisation de tournées de véhicules avec collecte et livraison basée sur la prédiction", LAMIH, Valenciennes, septembre .