Bâtiment Malvache
Bureau 224

- Systems and Control:mathematical modeling and analysis; feedback control design, digital control,
- Time scale systems: in continuous and discrete time,
- Chaotic systems: synchronization and secure data transmission,
- Observer design and estimation: state estimation and parameters identification using sliding mode approach
- Diagnosis and fault detection: model-based fault detection and diagnosis.
- Hybrid dynamical system and variable structure systems using sliding mode approach
- Power systems: flux estimation in induction machines, excitation control for synchronous generators, mid-voltage and power control using ASVC, control of wind energy conversion system.
- Mechanical systems: control of flexible joint and rigid robots.
- Automotive systems: engine modeling and EPS (Electrical Power Steering) control.
- Digital signal processing and secure communications: Sampling, communication using chaotic carriers, chaotic synchronization,
Fonctions actuelles
- Professeur des Universités (EX1)INSA Hauts-de-France,
Université Polytechnique hauts-de-FranceLAMIH, CNRS UMR 8201.Département d'Automatique - IEEE-France Section (http://www.ieeefrance.org)Vice President in Charge of Conferences
Au sein de l'université
Au niveau national
Diplômes universitaires
- 2005 :
HDR, Habilitation for heading research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), required for a Professor position, University of Cergy Pontoise, France (December 7th 2005).
- 1996 :
PhD in Control Engineering – University of Paris XI, CNRS-LSS, France (January 8th, 1996).
- 1992 :
DEA (MPhil) in Electrical Engineering – University of Paris XI, France (June 1992)
- 1991 :
Master (MSc Engineer) in Electrical Engineering – Ecole Nationale Polytechnqiue of Algeirs, Algeria (June 1991).
Expériences professionnelles
- 2008 - Present: :
Full Professor at University of Valenciennes, (www.univ-valenciennes.fr), France.
Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation, Mechanics and Computer ScienceASHM - Automatic Control and Human-Machine Systems (http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/LAMIH/presentation-lamih).
- 2006-2008 :
Vice Head of ECS-Lab (EA-3949) (http://www.ensea.fr/webecs/).
- 2000-2008 :
Associate Professor at ENSEA, Cergy Pontoise (www.ensea.fr), France.
ECS-Lab (EA-3949) (http://www.ensea.fr/webecs/).
- 1997-2000 :
Assistant Professor at ENSI-Bourge (www.ensi-bourges.fr), France.
- 1995-1997 :
- 1992-1995 : PhD Student at LSS (Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes), CNRS UMR 8506
- 1992-1995 :
Valorisations academiques
Post Doc.
- M. Lamri NAHOUA,
- Participation au projet VOLHAND du 01/05/2009 au 31/10/2009 ; (6mois)
- Mode de financement : CPER-PO 2007-2013 : Projet CISIT phase 2 - UB 925/CISI2
- M. François GABRIELLI,
- Participation au projet VOLHAND du 01/03/2010 au 31/09/2011 ; (18mois)
- Mode de financement : ANR
Thèses soutenues
- M. Attalah BENALIA, (thèse soutenue le 23 Janvier 2004)
-Nom du directeur de thèse : Pr. Jean Pierre Barbot,
-Mode de financement : Bourse CIFRE avec VALEO.
-Titre de la thèse: Contribution à la modélisation et la commande robuste du confort thermique au sein d'un habitacle automobile,
-Situation actuelle : Maître de conférences à l’université de Laghouat (Algerie)
- M. Hicham FAKHAM, (thèse soutenue le 3 Février 2006)
-Nom du directeur de thèse : Pr. P. Blazevic,(LRV), Université de Versailles,
-Titre de la thèse : Commande de machine synchrone sans capteur de vitesse,
- M. Hassan SAADAOUI, (thèse soutenue 7 décembre 2007)
-Nom du co-encadrant : N. Manamani (CReSTIC, URCA, Reims, (40%)), Pr. Jean Pierre Barbot, (20%)
-Titre de la thèse : Contribution à la synthèse d’observateurs non linéairespour des classes desystèmes dynamiques hybrides,
-Situation actuelle: CDI Ing. R&D PSA
- M. Khelifa BENMANSOUR, (thèse soutenue le 29 Juin 2009)
-Nom du co-directeur de thèse : Pr. Jean Pierre Barbot,
-Mode de financement : Bourse du gouvernement Algérien,
-Situation actuelle : Maître de conférences à l’université de Médéa (Algerie)
- Mlle. Inaam BELMOUHOUB
-Nom du directeur de thèse : Pr. Jean Pierre Barbot,
-Mode de financement : Financement personnel et vacations,
-Titre de la thèse: Analyse des formes normales d'observabilité en temps discret : Application à la cryptographie par synchronisation de systèmes chaotiques,
- M. Omar KHEMOUDJI, (Thèse soutenue le 2 décembe 2010)
-Nom du co-encadrant: H. Imine (LCPC-Paris)
-Titre de la thèse : Développement d’un système de pesage embarqué dans un poids lourd
-Mode de financement : Bourse du LCPC,
Thèsesen cours
-Nom du co-directeur de thèse : Thierry Marie Guerra ,
-Titre de la thèse : Réalisation et commande robuste d’un système de rééducation physique
-Mode de financement : Bourse CIFRE,
- M. Alaa MAROUF
-Nom des co-encadrants : Chouki Sentouh & Philippe Pudlo,
-Titre de la thèse : Commande robuste de Direction Assistée Electrique
-Mode de financement : Bourse gouvernement Syrien,
Mlle Jessica SCHIRO
-Nom du co-directeur de thèse : F. Barbier, & et co-encadrant : Philippe Pudlo,
-Titre de la thèse : Analyse biomécanique des mouvements de tourner le volant chez le conducteur âgée et/ou déficient moteur : identification de profils fonctionnels
-Mode de financement : Bourse Projet ANR VTT -VOLHAND,
Thèsesco-encadrement à l’étranger (Thèses en cours) : Université de Tlemcen –Algérie-- M. Fayçal HARICHI
-Nom du co-directeur de thèse : B. Cherki, (Université de Tlemcen)
-Titre de la thèse : Analyse d’observation et Synthèse d’Observateurs et détection du mode discret pour une classe de systèmes hybrides.
-Mode de financement : Université de Tlemcen,
Thèsesco-encadrement à l’étranger (Thèses soutenues)
- M. Abdelaziz FERDJOUNI, (these soutenue en novembre 2007)
-Nom du co-directeur de thèse : Pr. H. Salhi, Pr, Université de Blida.
-Titre de la thèse : Réalisation et commande robuste d’un système de rééducation physique
-Mode de financement : université de Blida,
- M. Ouahid BOUCHHIDA, (these soutenue en juillet 2007)
-Nom du co-directeur de thèse : Pr. M.S. Boucherit, Pr, ENP Alger.
-Titre de la thèse : Contribution à l’Optimisation de Structure des Convertisseurs pour la Commande des Machines Asynchrones : Réalisation expérimentale
-Mode de financement : université de Médéa,
Stages Master, DEA, PFE, Maîtrise :
- ·Stage de Master M2,Novembre 2009- Avril 2010 : M. Oualid MADANI, (100%)
oTitre: Réalisation d’un observateur Hybride pour système à événement discret modélisé par RdP,
- ·Stage de CNAM,Avril-septembre 2008 : M. David RAYNO, (100%)
oTitre: Interface de commande et d’observation en C++ pour une implémentation réelle avec carte dSpace sur un système hybride : application à un convertisseur multicellulaire,
- ·Stage de Master,Avril-septembre 2007 : M. Alaa MAAROUF, (100%)
oMaster ESA, (Electronique des Systèmes Autonomes)
oTitre: Commande de systèmes Dynamiques Hybrides : application à un convertisseur multicellulaire,
- ·Stage de Master,Avril-Mai 2002 : M. A. Humaid AL HAJIRI,
- Titre: Observateur de flux de la machine Asynchrone: Etude comparative entre l'observateur à modes glissants, et l'observateur dit de Verghesse,
- Co-encadrement avec Dr. Ming Hou, Hull University, UK (50%),
- Stage DEA, Mars-juillet 2001 : M. Ali HAIDARA,
oDEA: Traitement d'Images et du Signal, ENSEAUCP-Cergy-Pontoise,
oTitre: Synchronisation de Systèmes chaotiques non linéaires,
Stage DEA, Avril-Septembre 2002 : M. Nasereddine MECHENNENE,
oDEA: Génie Electrique, LGEP-Supelec Université de Paris XI centre d'Orsay,
oTitre: Détection de défaut pour machine asynchrone avec observateurs à modes glissants.
·Encadrement de projets de Master MCP- à l’Université de Tlemcen :
-2009: Synthèse d’observateurs pour les systèmes hybrides décrits par des réseaux de Petri (Arichi Fayçal), en co-encadrement avec B. Cherki
-2009 : Modélisation et simulation d’aide au déplacement des personnes lourdement handicapées (Korso Ilhem)
-2009 : Développement d’une stratégie de commande pour direction assistée électrique (Bouchareb Fouad)
·Encadrement d'étudiants étrangers (PFE):
-FUZIO Francesco, (Avril-Juin 2003) Titre : Handshake protocol for synchronization of discrete time chaotic systems applied to data encryption-decryption, Université de Rome, La Sapienza.
-DRACMAN Florin, (2004) Titre du stage: Transmission de signal à l'aide de systèmes hyper chaotiques en temps discret, Université d'origine: Université Technique de Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
-RADU Alexandru. (2004) Titre du stage: Etude d'une procédure de poignée de mains entre deux systèmes chaotique en temps discret, Université d'origine: Université Technique de Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
-LUCA Adrian, (2004) Titre du stage: Sécurité cryptographique: L'attaque statistique, Université d'origine: Université Polytechnique de Bucarest, Romania.
-STRECHE Lucian et STOCKLOSA Octavian (2006)Titre du stage : Réalisation d’un convertisseur multicellulaire, Université d'origine: Université Polytechnique de Bucarest, Romania.
Contrat de recherche
Organisation de conférences, expositions...
HONORS and Awards:
··2013, Senior Member of IEEE.
·Vice Chair (VC Conferences), IEEE-France; 2014/2017
·2011-Present: Award of Scientific Excellence, with National Evaluation (CNU) (National University Council): (A, High Level), –for 4 years-
·2007-20011: Supervision of Doctoral and Research Award, “(PEDR)” –for 4 years-
·2003-2007: Supervision of Doctoral and Research Award, “(PEDR)” –for 4 years-
-2014-2017: Vice Chair- Conferences, of IEEE-France
-2009-Present: Responsible of Master AISHM/AAMHY, ISTV, University of Valenciennes.
-2010-2013: Visiting Professor at Northumbria University, UK.
-2009-Present: Member of Board of directors of ISTV, University of Valenciennes, (2009 -present).
RECENT Active & Completed Research Grants:
·2013: GRANT -Ministry of Higher Education and Research-, PhD Student: Guillaume Demeusure
·2010: GRANT CNRS - National Centre for Scientific Research-, PhD Student: Jeremy Van Gorp
Editorial board of Journals
2014-Present: Editorial Board Member: Mathematical Program in Engineering, (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/)
- 2013-Present: Editorial Board Member for new journal: International Journal Advances in Power Systems (IJAPS), Organized by Algerian Association of Electrical Engineering (AAEE).
2004- Present: Member of the Editorial board of Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control (http://www.med.com/).
- 2013: Associate Editor for The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC13), Algiers, Algeria, 29-31, October, 2013. http://lias.labo.univ-poitiers.fr/icsc/icsc2013/
- 2012: Associate Editor for The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC12), June 20-22, 2012, Marrakech, Morocco., http://www.icsc2012.net
2010: Associate Editor for Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED’10, http://www.med10.org/)
- 2006: M. Djemai, W. Kang and N. Manamanni, `` Proceedings of 1st IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems (CHAOS’06)'' Reims, France, 28-30 juin 2006. Elsevier-Oxford, 2006.
IEEE-Senior Member, and member of:
Member of IFAC
- 2015: Co-General Chair de CEIT’14, 3rd Int. Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology, http://lat.univ-tlemcen.dz/ceit2015/index.php , Tlemcen, Algeria, 25-27 May, 2015.
- 2014: Co-General Chair de l’EFEA-2014 (International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications, 2014, http://soe.northumbria.ac.uk/efea2014/ , Paris, France 19-21 November 2014.
- 2013: Co-General Chair IEEE-ISCS’2013, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC13), Algiers, Algeria, Hilton Hotel, 29-31, October, 2013. http://lias.labo.univ-poitiers.fr/icsc/icsc2013/
- 2012: Co-General Chair de l’EFEA-2012 (International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications – Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, June, 25-27, 2012, http://soe.northumbria.ac.uk/efea2012/
- 2012: Member, Workshop Automatic and Automotive, 27-28 Novembre 2012, LAMIH, Valenciennes, http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/jaa2012
- 2012: Chair, International seminar on Hybrid Dynamical Systems, 20th September 2012, University of de Valenciennes, (invited speakers: Germany, France, Italy, Romania, United Kingdom,).
- 2010, Vice Chair of International Organizing Committee,International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications – Ghardaia, Algeria, November, 2-4, 2010, (www.univ-valenciennes.fr/efeea2010)
- 2006 - Member of International Organizing Committee,1stIFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems CHAOS'06 (www.univ-reims.fr/chaos06), 28-30 June 2006, Reims, France.
- 2003 – Member of National Organizing Committee of International Summer School: Normal Forms, Bifurcations and Chaos in Automatic: From theory to applications, International School of Automatic of Lille: LISAC'03, Lille 8-12-2003, France.
- 2014: REDEC’2014, 1st International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries (http://www.redeconf.org ) Beirut, Lebanon, 26-27 November 2014.
- 2014: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, 28, 29 & 30 April 2014 Cardiff, Wales, UK, http://sdm-14.kesinternational.org/
- 2013: 14th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering, December 20-22, 2013, Sousse, Tunisia, http://www.sta-tn.com
- 2013: International Conference on Machines and Control System Designs, ICMCSD'13 27- 29 June 2013, Gafsa, Tunisia. http://www.icmcsd-13.com/
- 2013: Conférence sur les Systèmes Dynamiques Complexes, Alger 10-13 juin 2013(CSDC’2013)- http://www.usthb.dz/CSDC12/Acceuil.htm
- 2013: JD-JN MACS, Ecole MACS, Strasbourg les 9-10 et 11-12 juillet 2013, (http://jdjnmacs2013.sciencesconf.org/)
- 2013: SEB’13, Mediterranean Green Energy Forum. 5th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Fes, Morocco, 16–21 June, 2013, as part of the 1st Mediterranean Green Energy Forum, incorporating a meeting of the World Renewable Energy Congress. http://mgef-13.sustainedenergy.org.
- 2013: ICALT’2013, International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport, 29-31 May 2013, in Sousse, Tunisia, http://icalt.ieee-sfax.org/
- 2012: REDEC’2012, 1st International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries (http://www.redec2012.ressol-medbuild.eu/) Beirut, Lebanon, 28-29 November 2012.
- 2012: IRSEC’12, International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, Congress Palace, Ouarzazate- Morocco on November, 22-24, 2012 www.irsec12.org .
- 2012: WORKSHOP: Advances in Heavy Vehicle Safety, Energy Efficiency, and Controls. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’12), June 3-7, 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain http://iv2012-ahvec.ifsttar.fr
- 2012: Associate Editor for Contributed Papers for ICSC-2012 (The 2th IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC12), June 20-22, 2012, Marrakech, Morocco., http://www.icsc2012.net )
- 2012: EFEA-2012, International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications – New Castle, upon tyne, United Kingdom, June, 25-27, 2012, http://soe.northumbria.ac.uk/efea2012/
- 2012: IEEE-CCCA’12 - 2nd International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications Marseilles, France, December 6-8, 2012. September12-14, 2012. http://www.hypersciences.org/ccca12/
- 2012: SEB’12 - The International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Stockholm, Sweden, on the 3rd-5th June 2012, http://seb12.sustainedenergy.org/
- 2012: ICEE’12 – 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Algiers, Algeria, 2012, (http://www.usthb.dz/ICEE_12/)
- 2012: ICIEM’2012, 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing, 6-7 May, 2012, Batna Algérie, (http://iciem2.univ-batna.dz/).
- 2011: ICESD’2011- International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development, Adrar, Algeria, November 22-23, 2011. http://www.icesd2011.univadrar.org
- 2011: CIAM’11 - International Conference on Automation and Mechatronics (CIAM' 2011), November 22nd to 24th, 2011, Oran, Algeria. http://www.ciam2011.com
- 2011: SEB’11 - International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Marseille, France, 1 - 3 June 2011, http://seb11.sustainedenergy.org/
- 2011: IEEE-CCCA’11 - The 1st International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Application, Hammamat, Tusisia, March 3-5, 2011, http://www.hypersciences.org/ccca11/
2013: IEEE-CDC 2013, Chair of session “Fault diagnosis I”, http://cdc2013.units.it
2012: EFEA’2012, Chair of two sessions, http://soe.northumbria.ac.uk/efea2012/
2012: IFAC-ADHS, Chair session « Variable Structure Methods for Hybrid Systems I» http://adhs12.org/
2011: IEEE-CDC-ECC, Chair session ”Automotive Control I” http://control.disp.uniroma2.it/cdcecc2011/ (https://css.paperplaza.net/conferences/scripts/rtf/CDCECC11_ContentListWeb_4.html#tha12)
2010: MED’10, Chair session « Optimisation » (http://www.med10.org/)
2010: EFEEA’10, (http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/efeea2010/)
2006, Chaos’06.
ASSOCIate EDitor –Conferences-
·2014-2017: Vice-Chair (VC Conferences),IEEE-France.
oIEEE Control Systems Society Membership
oIEEE Vehicular Technology Society Membership
oIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Membership
oIEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Membership
o2005- Present: IFAC TC-2.1 Control Design, (3 Mandates)
o2011- Present: IFAC T.C.1.3 on Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
·GDR MACS, National Research Group “Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems”
oMember of Group, HDS : Hybrid Dynamical System
General Chair
·2014 : Co-General Chair of joined CEIT’14, 2nd Int. Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology, http://ipco-co.com/CEIT%2714.html and ACECS'14, 1st International Conference on Automation, Control, Engineering and Computer Science, http://ipco-co.com/ACECS%2714.html. 22 - 25 March 2014, Sousse - Tunisia.
·2011, Co-General Chair (with Pr. F. Vanderheiguen) of National Organizing Committee of 4thWorkshop GIS-3SGS, Valenciennes 12-13 October 2011. http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/3sgs11
Organizing Committee
·2010: Co-General Chair of IOC « International Organising Committee), de l ‘EFEEA-2010 (International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies in Electrical Applications (EFEEA'10) - Ghardaia, November, 2-4, 2010,
Program and scientific Committees-Member of International Program Committee(IPC)
23.2010: IFAC-VSS - 11th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, Mexico City, June 26-28, 2010, http://www.vss2010.unam.mx/htm/committees.html
24.2010: EFEEA-2010 (International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies in Electrical Application - Ghardaia, November, 2-4, 2010, (www.univ-valenciennes.fr/efeea2010)
25.2009: 6th IEEE-International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices SSD’09 March 23-26, 2009, Djerba, Tunisia (www.ssd-conf.org)
26.2006: 1stIFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems: CHAOS'06, 28-30 juin 2006, Reims (www.univ-reims.fr/chaos06),
·2006: Observateurs pour systèmes hybrides, CIFA: Conf. Int. Francophone d'Automatique, 30 May - 1 June 2006, Bordeaux (in collaboration with Pr. Manamanni).
·2004: Automatique et chaos, CIFA, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, du 22-24 November 2004, Douz, Tunisia.
“Chairman” for sessions in international Conferences
ACTIVITIES OF EXPERTISE (national & international activities)
·Scientific Expert with the ANR (National Research Agency)
·Scientific Expert at General Direction for Scientific Research and Technological Development: Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Algeria (since January 2010).
·Scientific Expert: Evaluation for CIFRE Grant, with the ANRT: National Association Research Technology) 2010 -2011
·Scientific Expert - CAPES-COFECUB Programme (Franco-Brazilian Program) -2009 –
2014-Present: Editorial Board Member: Mathematical Program in Engineering, (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/)
Responsabilités pédagogiques
oDepuis -09-2010 : Responsable pédagogique du Master M1 (Automatique):
- Mention SPI (Science Pour l’Ingénieur),Spécialité : AISHM (Automatisation Intégrée et Systèmes Homme Machine)
- Mention : TNTS (Technologies Nouvelles, Transport et Sécurité), Spécialité : 2AMHY (Automatique, Automobile et Moteurs Hybrides)
Enseignements antérieurs
1992 – 1995 IUT de Velizy, Dept. GEII, Vacataire, 120 h/an.
- Electronique Analogique et Numérique (1ère année(22hTD, 24hTP)
- Automatique des Systèmes Linéaires (1ère année(22hTD, 12hTP)
- Informatique Industrielle (1ère année(22hTD, 12hTP)
1995 – 1997 CNAM-Paris, ATER, 192 h/an.
- Electrotechnique : Conversion d’énergie (Elèves Ingénieurs (NFI) (24hTD, 26hTP)
- Commande de machines électriques (Formation continue Cycle A Elèves Ingénieurs (NFI) (24hTD, 16hTP)
- Asservissement ((Formation continue Cycle A Elèves Ingénieurs (NFI) (24hTD, 16hTP)
- Grafcet et réseau de Petri ((Formation continue Cycle A (24hTD, 12hTP)
- Régulation industrielle ((Formation continue Cycle C (6hC, 24hTD, 8hTP)
1997 – 2000 ENSI de Bourges, Contractuel assimilé ATER , 192h/an.
- Commande de machine électrique (2ème Année : 8hC, 8hTD)
- Electrotechnique : Conversion d’énergie (2ème Année :12hTP)
- Filtrage, Observateur et détection de pannes (3ère Année : 6hC, 6hTD)
- Commande de systèmes dynamiques (2ème Année : 10hC, 10hTD)
- Commande de systèmes non linéaires (3ème Année : 6hC, 6hTD)
- Electronique Analogique et Numérique (1ère Année : 24hTD, 24hTP)
- Optimisation linéaire (1ère Année : 10hC, 10hTD)
- Simulation & calcul numérique : Matlab/Simulink (1ère Année : 8hTD, 12hTP)
2000 – 2008ENSEA-Cergy Pontoise,Maître de Conférences.
- Espace d’état (3ème Année : 10hC, 10hTD)
- Identification, auto-adaptation (3ème Année : 6hC, 6hTD)
- Commande optimale(3ème Année : 6hC, 6hTD)
- Synchronisation de systèmes non linéaires (2ème Année : 6hC, 8hTD, 8hTP)
- Systèmes de production (2ème Année : 6hC, 4hTD, 4 TP)
- Automatique et Economie (2ème Année : 10hC, 8hTD, 8hTP)
- Systèmes échantillonnées (1ère Année : 12hTD, 12hTP)
- Systèmes linéaires (1ère Année : 22hTD, 12hTP)
- Asservissement des systèmes linéaires (1ère Année : 14hTD, 12hTP)
Autres DEA, MASTER, Magistère.
- Master Automatique, Université de Reims : (Observation des systèmes hybrides : 8hC)
- Master Contrôle de Processus, Université de Tlemcen – Algérie-, Commande des Systèmes Non linéaires en temps Discret, 12h C).
- DEA Réalité Virtuelle : Université de Versailles (Commande par mode glissants : 12hC)
Enseignements actuels
2008 – xxxxInstitut de Science et Techniques de Valenciennes, UVHC.
- Numération-Logique combinatoire et séquentielle (L2 : 6hC, 9hTD)
- Automatique des SED (API) (L2 : 6hC, 10hTD)
- Systèmes Echantillonnés. N1 (L3 : 16hC, 12hTD)
- Espace d’état (M1 : 12hTD, 6hTP)
- Systèmes Echantillonnés. N2 (M1 : 18hC, 12hTD)
- Commande des Systèmes Complexes (M2 : 12hTD)
- Identification & Observation (M2 : 15hC, 12hTD)
- Diagnostic des systèmes dynamiques (M2 : 10hC, 12hTD),
1.M. Djemai, W. Kang and N. Manamanni, `` Proceedings of 1st IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems (CHAOS’06)'' Reims, France, 28-30 juin 2006. Elsevier-Oxford, 2006.
Revue internationale avec comité de lecture
De villeros arias P., Sánchez-Torres J., Defoort M., Djemai M., Loukianov A. (2024). Predefined-Time Formation Control for Multiagent Systems-Based on Distributed Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (to appear). [IF=19.11]
Labbadi M., Defoort M., Incremona G., Djemai M. (2023). Fractional-Order Integral Terminal Sliding-Mode Control for Perturbed Nonlinear Systems With Application to Quadrotors. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 33, pp. pp. 10278-10303. [IF=3.897]
Carvajal rubio J., Alarcón-Carbajal M., Sánchez-Torres J., Defoort M., Rubio-Astorga G., Castro-Palazuelos D., Djemai M., Loukianov A. (2023). Robust discrete-time output feedback stabilization of integrator chains. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 33, pp. pp. 9233-9250. [IF=3.897]
Bizhani H., Ben-Brahim L., Gastli A., Al-Emadi N., Djemai M. (2023). A Multi-Input Multi-Output Model Predictive Direct Torque Control for Dual Mechanical Port Machine. IEEE Access, 11, pp. 133730-133743
Durga N., Djemai M., Chalishajar D. (2023). Solvability and trajectory controllability of impulsive stochastic MHD equations with Rosenblatt process. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 175, 114013
Kumar V., Djemai M. (2023). Existence, stability and controllability of piecewise impulsive dynamic systems on arbitrary time domain. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 117, pp. 529-548
Labbadi M., Elyaalaoui K., Dabachi M., Lakrit S., Djemai M., Cherkaoui malki M. (2023). Robust flight control for a quadrotor under external disturbances based on predefined-time terminal sliding mode manifold. Journal of Vibration and Control, 29 (9-10), pp. 2064-2076
Labbadi M., Iqbal J., Djemai M., Boukal Y., Bouteraa Y. (2023). Robust tracking control for a quadrotor subjected to disturbances using new hyperplane-based fast Terminal Sliding Mode. Plos one, 18 (4), e0283195
Rouabah B., Toubakh H., Djemai M., Benbrahim L., Ghandour R. (2023). Fault diagnosis based machine learning and Fault tolerant control of multicellular converter used in photovoltaic water pumping system. IEEE Access, 11, pp. 39013-39023
Arichi F., Cherki B., Djemai M., Djouadi S. (2022). Fault diagnosis for discrete events systems described by partially observed Petri nets. ISA Transactions, 128, pp. 220 - 228, ISSN 00190578. [IF=5.911] [DOI=10.1016/j.isatra.2021.09.010].
Kumar V., Djemai M., Defoort M., Malik M. (2022). Total Controllability Results for a Class of Time-varying Switched Dynamical Systems with Impulses on Time Scales. Asian Journal of Control, 24, pp. 474-482. [IF=2.779]
Dey S., Defoort M., Djemai M., Di gennaro S. (2022). EventTriggered Control for Systems on NonUniform Time Domains Using Measure Chain Theory. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. [IF=3.292]
Ben nasser B., Djemai M., Defoort M., Laleg-Kirati T. (2022). Time scale observability and constructibility of linear dynamic equations. International Journal of Control, 95, pp. 1994-2004. [IF=2.101]
Ben nasser B., Djemai M., Defoort M., Laleg-Kirati T. (2022). Time scale reachability and controllability of time-varying linear systems. Asian Journal of Control, 24, pp. 2074-2088. [IF=2.779]
Carvajal rubio J., Defoort M., Sánchez-Torres J., Djemai M., Loukianov A. (2022). Implicit and explicit discrete-time realizations of the robust exact filtering differentiator. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 359, pp. 3951-3978. [IF=4.246]
Taoufik A., Defoort M., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2022). A distributed fault detection scheme in disturbed heterogeneous networked systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 107, pp. 2519-2538. [IF=5.741]
Labbadi M., Boubaker S., Djemai M., Mekni S., Bekrar A. (2022). Fixed-Time Fractional-Order Global Sliding Mode Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Systems under External Disturbances. Fractal and Fractional, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 177, ISSN 25043110 [DOI=doi.org/10.3390/FRACTALFRACT6040177].
Jothimani K., Ravichandran C., Kumar V., Djemai M., Nisar K. (2022). Interpretation of trajectory control and optimization for the nondense fractional system. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 8 (6), 273
Labbadi M., Muñoz vázquez A., Djemai M., Boukal Y., Zerrougui M., Cherkaoui malki M. (2022). Fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller for a quadrotor with disturbances. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 111, pp. 753-776
Toubakh H., Sayed mouchaweh M., Benmiloud M., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2021). Self adaptive learning scheme for early diagnosis of simple and multiple switch faults in multicellular power converters. ISA transactions, 113, pp. 222-231. [IF=4.34]
Taoufik A., Defoort M., Djemai M., Busawon K., Sánchez-Torres J. (2021). Distributed global fault detection scheme in multi-agent systems with chained-form dynamics. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 31(9), pp. 3859-3877. [IF=4.406]
Ben nasser B., Djemai M., Defoort M., Laleg-Kirati T. (2021). Time scale state feedback h-stabilisation of linear systems under Lipschitz-type disturbances. International Journal of Systems Science, 52, pp. 1719-1729. [IF=2.149]
Carvajal rubio J., Sánchez-Torres J., Defoort M., Djemai M., Loukianov A. (2021). Implicit and explicit discrete-time realizations of homogeneous differentiators. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 31, pp. 3606-3630. [IF=4.406]
Kumar V., Djemai M., Defoort M., Malik M. (2021). Finite-time stability and stabilization results for switched impulsive dynamical systems on time scales. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 358(1), pp. 674-698. [IF=4.504]
Carvajal rubio J., Sánchez-Torres J., Defoort M., Djemai M., Loukianov A. (2021). On the Efficient Implementation of an Implicit Discrete-Time Differentiator. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 20, pp. 70 - 74, ISSN 11092734 [DOI=10.37394/23201.2021.20.9].
Djemai M., Defoort M., Martynyuk A. (2020). Stability, control and observation on non-uniform time domain. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 36. [IF=5.477] [DOI=10.1016/j.nahs.2020.100889].
Dey S., Taousser F., Djemai M., Defoort M., Di gennaro S. (2020). Observer Based LeaderFollower Bipartite Consensus With Intermittent Failures Using Lyapunov Functions and Time Scale Theory. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5(6), pp. 1904-1909. [IF=3.8]
Taoufik A., Defoort M., Busawon K., Dala L., Djemai M. (2020). A Distributed Observer-Based Cyber-Attack Identification Scheme in Cooperative Networked Systems under Switching Communication Topologies. Electronics, 9(11), pp. 1912. [IF=2.412]
Khelouat S., Laleg-Kirati T., Benalia A., Boukhetala D., Djemai M. (2019). A geometric approach to nonlinear fault detection and isolation in a hybrid three-cell converter. International Journal of Systems Science, 50, pp. 1069 - 1088, ISSN 00207721. [IF=2.281] [DOI=10.1080/00207721.2019.1588409].
Benmiloud M., Benalia A., Djemai M., Defoort M. (2019). On the Local Stabilization of Hybrid Limit Cycles in Switched Affine Systems. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 64 (2), pp. 841-846. [IF=4.27]
Babenko S., Defoort M., Djemai M., Nicaise S. (2019). Distributed leader-follower consensus for a class of semilinear second order multi-agent systems using time scale theory. Int. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29 (2), pp. 433-450. [IF=3.856]
Ben nasser B., Boukerrioua K., Defoort M., Djemai M., Hammami M., Laleg-Kirati T. (2019). Sufficient conditions for uniform exponential stability and h-stability of some classes of dynamic equations on arbitrary time scales. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 32, pp. 54-64. [IF=4.01]
Taousser F., Defoort M., Djemai M., Djouadi S., Tomsovic K. (2019). Stability analysis of a class of switched nonlinear systems using the time scale theory. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 33, pp. 195-210. [IF=4.01]
Anggraeni P., Defoort M., Djemai M., Zuo Z. (2019). Control strategy for fixed-time leaderfollower consensus for multi-agent systems with chained-form dynamics. Nonlinear Dynamics, 96(4), pp. 2693-2705. [IF=4.604]
Poulsen D., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2019). Mean Square Consensus of Double-Integrator Multi-Agent Systems under Intermittent Control: A Stochastic Time Scale Approach. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 356(16), pp. 9076-9094. [IF=3.576]
Benmiloud M., Benalia A., Djemai M., Defoort M. (2018). Hybrid Control Design for Limit Cycle Stabilization of Planar Switched Systems. International Journal of Control, 91(7), pp. 1720-1729. [IF=2.208]
Demesure G., Defoort M., Bekrar A., Trentesaux D., Djemai M. (2018). Decentralized Motion Planning and Scheduling of AGVs in FMS. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14(4), pp. 1744-1752. [IF=6.764] [DOI=10.1109/TII.2017.2749520].
Babenko S., Defoort M., Djemai M., Nicaise S. (2018). On the consensus tracking investigation for multi-agent systems on time scale via matrix-valued Lyapunov functions. Automatica, 97, pp. 316-326. [IF=6.126]
Marouf A., Pudlo P., Sentouh C., Djemai M. (2017). Investigation of the Driver's Arm Viscoelastic Properties During Steering Vehicle Maneuver. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 47 (6), pp. 1030-1036. [IF=2.35] [DOI=0.1109/TSMC.2016.2523915].
Ben nasser B., Boukerrioua K., Defoort M., Djemai M., Hammami M. (2017). Refinements of some Pachpatte and Bihari inequalities on time scales. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 17 (4), pp. 388-401
Elmetennani S., Laleg-Kirati T., Djemai M., Tadjine M. (2016). New MPPT algorithm for PV applications based on hybrid dynamical approach. Journal of Process Control, 48, pp. 14-24. [IF=2.216]
Taousser F., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2016). Consensus for linear multi-agent system with intermittent information transmissions using the time scale theory. International Journal of Control, 89 (1), pp. 210-220. [IF=1.654]
Hetel L., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2016). Binary control design for a class of bilinear systems: application to a multi-level power converter. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol 24, No 2, pp. 719-726. [IF=2.521]
Defoort M., Veluvolu K., Rath J., Djemai M. (2016). Adaptive sensor and actuator fault estimation for a class of uncertain Lipschitz nonlinear systems. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 30 (2), pp. 271-283. [IF=1.346]
Demesure G., Defoort M., Bekrar A., Trentesaux D., Djemai M. (2016). Navigation Scheme with priority-based scheduling of Mobile Agents: Application to AGV-based flexible manufacturing system. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 82(3), pp. 495-512. [IF=1.512] [DOI=10.1007/s10846-015-0273-4].
Imine H., Djemai M. (2016). Switched control for reducing impact of vertical forces on road and heavy vehicle rollover avoidance. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(5), pp. 4044-4052. [IF=2.65]
Benmiloud M., Benalia A., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2016). On the Limit Cycle Stabilization of a DC/DC Three-Cell Converter. Control Engineering Practice, 49, pp. 29-41. [IF=1.814]
Defoort M., Demesure G., Zuo Z., Polyakov A., Djemai M. (2016). Fixed-time stabilization and consensus of nonholonomic systems. IET Control Theory and Applications, 10 (1), pp. 2497-2505. [IF=2.048]
Ben nasser B., Boukerrioua K., Defoort M., Djemai M., Hammami M. (2016). State feedback stabilization of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems on non-uniform time domains. Systems & Control Letters, 97, pp. 18-26. [IF=1.908]
Defoort M., Polyakov A., Demesure G., Djemai M., Veluvolu K. (2015). Leader-follower fixed-time consensus for multi-agent systems with unknown nonlinear inherent dynamics. IET Control Theory and Applications, 9 (14), pp. 2165-2170. [IF=2.048]
Van gorp J., Defoort M., Djemai M., Veluvolu K. (2015). Fault detection based on higher order sliding mode observer for a class of switched linear systems. IET Control Theory and Applications, 9 (15), pp. 2249-2256. [IF=2.048]
Taousser F., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2015). Stability analysis of a class of uncertain switched systems on time scale using Lyapunov functions. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 16, pp. 13-23. [IF=2.375]
Arichi F., Djemai M., Cherki B., Manamanni N. (2015). Continuous and Discrete State Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear Switched Systems. IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems II, 62 (7), pp. 691-695. [IF=1.187]
Imine H., Khemoudj O., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2015). Robust Observer Design of Tyre Forces in Heavy Duty Vehicles. IEEE Trans. On Intelligent Transportation System, 16(6), pp. 3304-3312. [IF=2.472]
Defoort M., Di gennaro S., Djemai M. (2014). SelfTriggered Control for MultiAgent Systems with unknown nonlinear inherent dynamics. IET Control Theory & Applications, 8 (18), pp. 2266-2275. [IF=2.048]
Taousser F., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2014). Stability analysis of a class of switched linear systems on non-uniform time domains. Systems and Control Letters, 74, pp. 24-31. [IF=2.059]
Arichi F., Cherki B., Djemai M. (2014). Current Configuration Detection in Hybrid Systems: Application to a Conjunction-Disjunction Mechatronics System. Mechatronics, 24 (8), pp. 1262-1268. [IF=1.823]
Van gorp J., Defoort M., Veluvolu K., Djemai M. (2014). Hybrid sliding mode observer for switched linear systems with unknown inputs. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 351 (7), pp. 3987-4008. [IF=2.395]
Boubaker S., Djemai M., Manamanni N., M'sahli F. (2014). Active Modes and Switching Instants Identification for Linear Switched Systems Based on Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 14 (part C), pp. 482-488. [IF=2.68]
Uzunova M., Djemai M. (2014). Analysis from robust control under environment constraint. Application for traffic model. Int. J. of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 6, pp. 315-335
Hamidi F., Jerbi H., Aggoune W., Djemai M. (2013). Enlarging region of attraction in Nonlinear Polynomial Systems. International Journal Computers, Communications and Control, 8 (4), pp. 538-547. [IF=0.44]
Defoort M., Djemai M. (2013). A Lyapunov based design of a modified super-twisting algorithm for the heisenberg system. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 30 (2), pp. 185-204. [IF=0.967]
Khemoudj O., Imine H., Djemai M. (2013). Heavy duty vehicle tyre forces estimation using variable gain sliding mode observer. Int. J. Vehicle Design, 62, pp. 274-288. [IF=0.48]
Nehaoua L., Djemai M., Pudlo P. (2013). Virtual prototyping of an Electrical Power Steering Simulator. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14 (1), pp. 274-283. [IF=3.452]
Gabrielli F., Schiro J., Pudlo P., Barbier F., Djemai M., Bouilland S., Thevenon A. (2013). Frequency based indicator for driver differentiation during steering exercises. Advancement of Modelling and Simulation techniques in Entreprise, Modeling C, 73 (3), pp. 34-45
Schiro J., Gabrielli F., Pudlo P., Barbier F., Djemai M. (2013). Sterring Wheel Hand Position in Low-Speed Maneuvers. Transportation Research Part F, 21, pp. 133-145. [IF=1.577]
Gabrielli F., Pudlo P., Djemai M. (2012). Instrumented Steering Wheel for Biomechanical Measurements. Mechatronics, 22 (5), pp. 639-650
Barhoumi N., Msahli F., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2012). Observer design for some classes of uniformly observable nonlinear hybrid systems. Nonlinear Analysis : Hybrid Systems, 6(4), pp. 917-929
Marouf A., Djemai M., Sentouh C., Pudlo P. (2012). A New Control Strategy for an Electric Power Assisted Steering System. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61(8), pp. 3574-3589. [IF=1.921]
Choukchou-Braham A., Cherki B., Djemai M. (2012). Stabilisation of a class of underactuated system with tree structure using backstepping approach. Nonlinear Dynamic and System Theory, 12(4), pp. 345-364
Gabrielli F., Paganelli S., Schiro J., Pudlo P., Djemai M. (2012). Simulation platform for steering wheel gesture measurement. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42, pp. 469-477
Saari H., Djemai M. (2012). Ship Motion Control Using Multi-Controller Structure. Ocean Engineering, 55, pp. 184-190
Djemai M., Busawon K., Benmansour K., Marouf A. (2011). High order sliding mode control of a DC motor drive via a switched controlled multi-cellular converter. Int. Journal of System Science, 42 (11), pp. 1869-1882
Defoort M., Djemai M., Floquet T., Perruquetti W. (2011). Robust finite time observer design for multicellular converters. Int. Journal of Systems Science, 42 (11), pp. 1859-1868. [IF=0.991]
Khemoudj O., Imine H., Djemai M. (2010). Robust Observation of Tractor-trailer Vertical Forces Using Inverse Model and Exact Differentiator. International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 3 (1), pp. 278-289
Benmansour K., Tlemçani A., Djemai M., De leon J. (2010). A New Interconnected Observer Design in Power Converter: Theory and Experimentation. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 10 (3), pp. 211-224
Djemai M., Barbot J., Belmouhoub I. (2009). Discrete time normal form for left invertibility problem. European Journal of Control, 15, pp. 194-204
Mezhoud A., Maradi S., Benmansour K., Djemai M., Tadjine M. (2009). On hybrid observability and sliding mode observer in Three Cells Converter. Archives of Control Sciences
Mansouri B., Manamanni N., Guelton K., Djemai M. (2008). Robust pole placement controller design in LMI region for uncertain and disturbed switched systems. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2, pp. 1136-1143
Fakham H., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2008). Design and practical implementation of a back EMF sliding mode observer for a brushless DC motor. IET Electric Power Applications, 2, pp. 353-361
Benzineb O., Benmansour K., Djemai M., Tadjine M., Boucherit M. (2008). Real time evaluation of adaptive / Hybrid Observer for Three Cells Converter. Med. J. of Measurement and Control, 4, pp. 76-85
Boudana D., Nezli L., Tlemçani A., Mahmoudi M., Djemai M. (2008). DTC based on fuzzy logic control of a double star synchronous machine drive. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, pp. 269-286
Djemai M., Barbot J., Busawon K. (2008). Designing r-sliding mode control using smooth iterative manifolds. Med. J. of Measurement and Control, 4, pp. 86-93
Tlemçani A., Chekireb H., Boucherit M., Djemai M. (2008). Decentralized Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. Med. J. of Measurement and Control, 4, pp. 33-43
Chekireb H., Tadjine M., Djemai M. (2008). On a class of manifolds for sliding mode Control of induction motor. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 8, pp. 1-14
Chekireb H., Tadjine M., Djemai M. (2007). , Lyapunov Based Cascaded Non Linear Control. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 7(3), pp. 253-266
Barbot J., Saadaoui H., Djemai M., Manamanni N. (2007). Nonlinear observer for autonomous switching systems with jumps. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 1, pp. 537-547
Benmansour K., Benalia A., Djemai M., De leon J. (2007). Hybrid control of multicellular converter. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 1, pp. 16-29
Saadaoui H., Manamanni N., Djemai M., Barbot J., Floquet T. (2006). Exact differentiation and sliding mode observers for switched Lagrangian systems. Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications, 65(5), pp. 1050-1069
Ferdjouni A., Salhi H., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2006). Observer based detection of inter-turn short circuit in three-phase induction motor stator windings. Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, 2(3), pp. 132-143
Belmouhoub I., Djemai M., Barbot J. (2005). Observability Quadratic Normal Forms For Discrete-Time systems. IEEE Trans. On Automatic Control, pp. 1031-1038
Nezli L., Mahmoudi M., Boucherit M., Djemai M. (2005). On vector Control of Double Star Synchronous Machine with current Fed inverters. Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, pp. 118-128
Djemai M., Barbot J., Boutat D. (2005). New type of data transmission using a synchronization of chaotics systems. International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, pp. 1-17
Djemai M., Barbot J., Fridman L. (2005). Some Comments on the Control of Linear and Bilinear Singularly Perturbed Systems under Fast Sampling. Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, pp. 29-43
Floquet T., Barbot J., Perruquetti W., Djemai M. (2004). On the robust fault detection via sliding mode perturbation observer. International Journal of Control, pp. 622-629
Boukhobza T., Djemai M., Barbot J. (2003). Implicit Triangular Observer Form Dedicated to a Sliding Mode Observer for systems with unknown inputs. Asian Journal of Control, 5, pp. 513-527
Chekireb H., Tadjine M., Djemai M. (2003). Robust analysis on sliding mode control of induction motor. Asian Journal of Control, 5, pp. 605-613
Bidani M., Djemai M. (2002). A Multirate Digital Control via a Discrete-time Observer for Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Continuous-Time Systems. Int. Journal of Control, 75, pp. 591-613
Manamanni N., Djemai M., Boukhobza T., M'sirdi N. (2001). Nonlinear Sliding observer Based control for a Pneumatic Robot Leg. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 16, pp. 100-112
Djemai M., Barbot J., Khalil H. (1999). Digital Multi-rate Control for a class of Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Systems. International Journal of Control, 72, pp. 851-865
Revue nationale avec comité de lecture
Elsaeh M., Pudlo P., Djemai M., Bouri M., Thevenon A., Heymann I. (2017). Stratégie de contrôle haptique pour la réhabilitation du membre supérieur atteint de l'enfant hémiplégique. Les Actualités en Médecine Physique et de réadaptation, Janvier-Mars, pp. 28-29
Choukchou-Braham A., Cherki B., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2013). Analysis and control of underactuated mechanical systems, . Springer Verlag
Imine H., Fridman L., Shraim H., Djemai M. (2011). Sliding mode based analysis, observer and identification of vehicle dynamics, , 414. Springer
Coordination d'ouvrage
Djemai M., Defoort M. (2015). Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Observation and Control, , Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 457. Springer Verlag
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Van gorp J., Giua A., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2017). Active diagnosis for switched systems using Mealy machine modeling. In M. Sayed-Mouchaweh and G. Biswas, Diagnosability, Security and Safety of Hybrid Dynamic and Cyber-Physical Systems, Springer, pp.
Defoort M., Van gorp J., Djemai M. (2015). Multi-cellular converter: A benchmark for Control and Observation for Hybrid Dynamical Systems. In M. Djemai, M. Defoort, Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Observation and Control, Springer, pp.
Djemai M., Manamanni N., Barbot J. (2015). Nonlinear Observer for Autonomous Switching Systems with Jumps. In M. Djemai, M. Defoort, Hybrid Dynamical Systems, Springer, pp.
Manamanni N., Djemai M., Barbot J. (2015). On the Observation Analysis and Observer Design for a Class of Hybrid Continuous-Discrete Dynamic System. In M. Djemai, M. Defoort, Hybrid Dynamical Systems, Springer, pp.
Van gorp J., Defoort M., Djemai M., Manamanni N., Messai N. (2013). Diagnosis of Systems with Multiple Operating Modes. Supervision and Safety of Complex Systems, N. Matta, Y. Vandenboomgaerde, J. Arlat, John Wiley & Sons, pp.
Van gorp J., Defoort M., Djemai M., Manamanni N., Messai N. (2012). Diagnostic de systèmes à modes multiples de fonctionnement. In N. Matta, Y. Vandenboomgaerde, J. Arlat, Supervision, surveillance et sûreté de fonctionnement des grands systèmes, Hermès, pp.
Conférence internationale avec actes et comité de lecture
Gursoy O., Defoort M., Djemai M., Engin S. (2023). Decentralized Unknown Input Observer-based State and Fault Estimation for Multi Agent Systems. International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, décembre .
Tijjani A., Bajic E., Berger T., Defoort M., Sallez Y., Djemai M., Rup C., Mekki K. (2023). Home Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future Conference paper Distributed Control Architecture for Managing Internal Risks in Hazardous Industries. Borangiu, Trentesaux, Leitão, Cardin, Joblot, Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future,, Springer, Cham, Bucharest, romania, février ., ISBN 978-3-031-24291-5 [DOI=https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-24291-5_14].
De villeros arias P., Aldana-Lopez R., Sánchez-Torres J., Defoort M., Djemai M., Loukianov A. (2023). Distributed predefined-time optimization in formation control under switching topologies. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56(2), Yokohama, Japon, janvier .
Shehu A., Bajic E., Berger T., Defoort M., Sallez Y., Djemai M., Rup C., Mekki K. (2022). Distributed control architecture for the risk management of hazardous industrial facilities. 12th International Workshop on Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing (SOHOMA 2022), Bucharest, Romania, septembre .
Taoufik A., Defoort M., Busawon K., Djemai M. (2022). Distributed Passive Fault Tolerant Formation Tracking for Uncertain Second Order Multi-Agent Systems. 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS 2022), Pafos, Cyprus, juin .
Taoufik A., Defoort M., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2021). A global approach to fault detection in multi-agent systems with switching topologies subject to cyber-attacks. 5th IEEE-International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis, Grenoble, France, novembre .
Dey S., Taousser F., Djemai M., Defoort M., Di gennaro S. (2021). Observer Based LeaderFollower Bipartite Consensus With Intermittent Failures Using Lyapunov Functions and Time Scale Theory. American Control Conference, Louisiana, USA, mai .
Carvajal rubio J., Sánchez-Torres J., Defoort M., Loukianov A., Djemai M. (2020). A Discrete-Time Matching Filtering Differentiator. CCE'20, Mexico City, Mexico, novembre .
Taoufik A., Defoort M., Djemai M., Busawon K., Sánchez-Torres J. (2020). Distributed global actuator fault-detection scheme for a class of linear multi-agent systems with disturbances. IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, juillet .
Poulsen D., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2020). Observer-based output feedback consensus protocol for double-integrator multi-agent systems under intermittent sampled positionmeasurements. IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, juillet .
Anggraeni P., Candra W., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2019). Experimental Implementation of Fixed-Time Leader-Follower Axial Alignment Tracking. International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems Engineering (MoRSE), Bali, Indonesia, décembre .
Elsaeh M., Djemai M., Pudlo P., Bouri M., Thevenon A., Heymann I. (2018). Quality and quantity assessment in Home-Based therapy for hemiplegic children. 6th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology, Istanbul, Turkey, octobre .
Anggraeni P., Mrabet M., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2018). Development of a wireless communication platform for MiniLab Enova multiple-mobile robots using ROS. CEIT'18, Istanbul Turkey, octobre .
Sukarno S., Ben atitallah R., Djemai M. (2018). Approximation Algorithm for 3-Dimensional Vehicle Routing Problem for Fleet of Multi-Agents. 6th International Conference on Control Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT 2018), Istanbul, Turkey, octobre .
Pratama B., Muis A., Subiantoro A., Ben atitallah R., Djemai M. (2018). Quadcopter Trajectory Tracking And Attitude Control Based On Euler Angle Limitation. 6th International Conference on Control Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT 2018), Istanbul, Turkey, octobre .
Taousser F., Defoort M., Djemai M., Djouadi S. (2018). Stability of switched systems on non-uniform time domains with non commuting matrices. 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Oxford, UK, juillet .
Ben nasser B., Defoort M., Djemai M., Laleg-Kirati T. (2018). Razumikhin-type Theorems on Practical Stability of Dynamic Equations on Time Scales. 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Oxford, UK, juillet .
Demesure G., Trentesaux D., Defoort M., Bekrar A., Bril H., Djemai M., Thomas A. (2018). Smartness Versus Embeddability: A Tradeoff for the Deployment of Smart AGVs in Industry. Borangiu, Trentesaux, Thomas, Cardin, Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, 762, Studies in computational intelligence, Springer, pp. 395-406, février .
Anggraeni P., Defoort M., Djemai M., Zuo Z. (2017). Fixed-Time Tracking Control of Chained-form Nonholonomic System with External Disturbances. 5th International Conference on Control Engineering and Information Technology, Sousse, Tunisie, décembre .
Anggraeni P., Defoort M., Djemai M., Subiantoro A., Muis A. (2017). Consensus of Double-Integrator Multi-Agent Systems Using Decentralized Model Predictive Control. 5th International Conference on Control Engineering and Information Technology, Sousse, Tunisie, décembre .
Taousser F., Defoort M., Djemai M., Nicaise S. (2017). Stability Analysis of Switched Linear Systems on Non-Uniform Time Domain with Unstable Subsystems. 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France, juillet .
Ben nasser B., Boukerrioua K., Defoort M., Djemai M., Hammami M. (2017). Some Generalizations of Pachpatte Inequalities on Time Scales. 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France, juillet .
Elsaeh M., Pudlo P., Djemai M., Bouri M., Thevenon A., Heymann I. (2017). The effects of haptic-virtual reality game therapy on brain-motor coordination for children with hemiplegia: A pilot study. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, Montréal, Canada, juin .
Arichi F., Petreczky M., Djemai M., Cherki B. (2016). Observability and Observer Design of Partially Observed Petri Nets. 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, octobre .
Feng G., Djemai M., Guerra T.-M., Busawon K. (2016). Fault detection and diagnosis from a hybrid system point of view. 4th Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA), Belgrade, Serbie, septembre . [DOI=10.1109/EFEA.2016.7748778].
Hammami S., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2016). Encrypted audio communication design using synchronized discrete-time hyperchaotic maps. 20th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Sign (CSNDSP), Prague, République tchèque, juillet . [DOI=10.1109/CSNDSP.2016.7574015].
Mohamadi L., Dai X., Busawon K., Djemai M. (2016). PI observer gain optimization for fault detection with disturbance attenuation. 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), Tlemcen, Algeria, mai . [DOI=10.1109/CEIT.2015.7233189].
Haouari F., Djemai M., Cherki B. (2016). Sliding mode observers for T-S fuzzy systems with application to sensor fault estimation. 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), Tlemcen, Algeria, mai . [DOI=0.1109/CEIT.2015.7233054].
Taousser F., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2015). Region of exponential stability of switched linear systems on time scales. 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Atlanta, USA, octobre .
Arichi F., Petreczky M., Djemai M., Cherki B. (2015). Observability and Observer Design of Partially Observed Petri Nets. 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, octobre .
Meziane H., Labarre C., Lefteriu S., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2015). Fault detection and isolation for a multi-cellular converter based on sliding mode observer. 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Paris, France, septembre .
Taousser F., Defoort M., Chafi B., Djemai M. (2015). Asymptotic relationship between trajectories of nominal and uncertain nonlinear systems on time scales. 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology, Tlemcen, Algeria, mai .
Haouari F., Djemai M., Cherki B. (2015). Sliding mode observers for T-S fuzzy systems with application to sensor fault estimation. 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), Tlemcen, Algeria, mai .
Hammami S., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2015). On the use of the unified chaotic system in the field of secure communication. 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), Tlemcen, Algeria, mai .
Mohamadi L., Dai X., Busawon K., Djemai M. (2015). PI observer gain optimization for fault detection with disturbance attenuation. 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), Tlemcen, Algeria, mai .
Demesure G., Defoort M., Bekrar A., Trentesaux D., Djemai M. (2014). Cooperation mechanisms in Multi-Agent Robotic Systems and their use in distributed manufacturing control : Issues and literature review. IEEE IECON'2014, Dallas, TX, USA, pp. 2538-2543, octobre .
Marouf A., Pudlo P., Sentouh C., Djemai M. (2014). Identification of Human Arm Viscoelastic Properties During Vehicle Steering Maneuver. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Diego, USA, octobre .
Defoort M., Djemai M., Trenn S. (2014). Nondecreasing Lyapunov functions. 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Groningen, The Netherlands, juillet .
Hammami S., Djemai M., Busawon K. (2014). Using Discrete-time Hyperchaotic-based Asymmetric Encryption and Decryption Keys for Secure Signal Transmission. 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Sign (CSNDSP), Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, juillet .
Arichi F., Van gorp J., Djemai M., Defoort M., Cherki B. (2014). Hybrid state estimation for a class of switched system using Petri Nets. European Control Conference 2014, juin .
Van gorp J., Giua A., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2013). Active diagnosis for a class of switched systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, Italy, décembre .
Defoort M., Di gennaro S., Djemai M. (2013). Self-Triggered Control for Multi-Agent Systems under a Directed Switching Graph. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, Italy, décembre .
Schiro J., Gabrielli F., Pudlo P., Barbier F., Djemai M. (2012). Normal/tangential force proportion during steering under simulation condition. XXXVIIème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Toulouse, France, octobre .
Uzunova M., Ould bouamama B., Djemai M. (2012). Hybrid Bond Graphs for diagnosis of three cells converter. 8th IFAC Symposium SAFEPROCSS-2012, Mexico, août .
Defoort M., Van gorp J., Djemai M., Veluvolu K. (2012). Hybrid Observer for Switched Linear Systems with Unknown Inputs. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Singapore, juillet .
Uzunova M., Ould bouamama B., Djemai M. (2012). Hybrid Bond Graph Diagnostic and Localisation - Signal Signature Study of Three-Cell Converter. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, juillet .
Belkhiat D., Manamanni N., Messadi M., Djemai M. (2012). Fault detection & isolation for a class of hybrid systems: A dedicated switched robust observer scheme. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, juillet .
Nehaoua L., Marouf A., Djemai M., Pudlo P. (2012). Virtual prototyping of an Electrical Power Steering Simulator. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, juillet .
Marouf A., Djemai M., Sentouh C., Pudlo P. (2012). Sensorless Control of Electric Power Assisted Steering System. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, juillet .
Marouf A., Djemai M., Sentouh C., Pudlo P. (2012). Commande Par Mode Glissant Intégral D'une Direction Assistée Electrique. CIFA 2012, Grenoble, France, juillet .
Uzunova M., Van gorp J., Ould bouamama B., Djemai M. (2012). Modélisation hybride en vue de diagnostic par l'approche hybride de Bond Graph : application à un convertisseur multicellulaire. CIFA 2012, Grenoble, France, juillet .
Arichi F., Djemai M., Cherki B., Manamanni N. (2012). Observateur d'un Système Hybride Décrit par un Réseau de Pétri. CIFA 2012, Grenoble, France, juillet .
Van gorp J., Defoort M., Djemai M., Manamanni N. (2012). Hybrid observer for the multicellular converter. IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, juin .
Van gorp J., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2012). Observateur Hybride Pour Une Classe De Systèmes à Commutation : Application Au Convertisseur Multicellulaire. Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Grenoble, France, juin .
Uzunova M., Losero R., Lauber J., Djemai M. (2012). Traffic velocity control for evaluation the impact of gases emissions: Case study of toll plaza. 2nd International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA), IEEE, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 19-24, juin . [DOI=10.1109/EFEA.2012.6294087].
Van gorp J., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2011). Binary Signals Design to Control a Power Converter. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, décembre .
Marouf A., Sentouh C., Djemai M., Pudlo P. (2011). Control of an Electric Power Assisted Steering System Using Reference Model. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, décembre .
Arichi F., Cherki B., Djemai M. (2011). Active mode detection in hybrid mechatronic systems. Int.Conf. on Automation and Mechatronics, Oran, Algéria, novembre .
Marouf A., Sentouh C., Djemai M., Pudlo P. (2011). Control of Electric Power Assisted Steering System Using Sliding Mode Control. International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington DC, USA, octobre .
Schiro J., Gabrielli F., Pudlo P., Barbier F., Djemai M. (2011). Estimation de l'angle de flexion/extension du coude dans une tâche de tourner le volant en l'absence du marqueur médial de l'épicondyle de l'humérus. ACAPS, Rennes, France, octobre .
Delrot S., Busawon K., Djemai M., Delmotte F., Dambrine M. (2011). Fouling Detection in Heat Exchangers. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, septembre .
Defoort M., Djemai M., Van gorp J. (2011). Sliding mode control of switching electrical power converters associated to an inductive load. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, août .
Hamidi F., Jerbi H., Aggoune W., Djemai M., Abdelkrim M. (2011). Enlarging region of attraction via LMI-based approach and Genetic Algorithm. Int. Conf. on Communication, Computing and Control Applications (CCCA'11), Hammamet, Tunisia, mars .
Choukchou-Braham A., Cherki B., Djemai M. (2011). A backstepping procedure for a class of underactuated system with tree structure. Conf. on Communication, Computing and Control Applications (CCCA'11),, Hammamet, Tunisia, mars .
Schiro J., Gabrielli F., Pudlo P., Dupuy M.-A., Anceaux F., Barbier F., Djemai M. (2011). Validation d'une consigne visuelle simple pour l'analyse du geste chez le conducteur automobile. Conférence Internationale sur l'accessibilité et les systèmes de suppléance aux personnes en situations de handicap, Paris, France, janvier .
Delrot S., Busawon K., Djemai M., Delmotte F., Dambrine M. (2010). Monitoring of thermal efficiency in heat exchangers. EFEEA'10 International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies in Electrical Applications, Ghardaïa, Algeria, novembre .
Defoort M., Djemai M. (2010). Finite-Time Controller Design for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Using the Heisenberg Form. IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Yokohama, Japan, septembre .
Nehoua L., Marouf A., Santin J.-J., Pudlo P., Djemai M. (2010). Towards An Electrical Power-Assisted Steering Simulator: Modelisation Specifications. 5th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA, septembre .
Marouf A., Djemai M., Sentouh C., Pudlo P. (2010). Driver Torque and Road Reaction Force Estimation of an Electric Power Assisted Steering Using Sliding Mode Observer with unknown Inputs. IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira Island, Portugal, septembre .
Delrot S., Busawon K., Djemai M., Delmotte F. (2010). Détection d'encrassement dans les échangeurs thermiques. IEEE CIFA, Nancy, France, juin .
Defoort M., Djemai M. (2010). Synthèse d'un observateur en temps fini pour le convertisseur multicellulaire. IEEE CIFA, Nancy, France, juin .
Khemoudj O., Imine H., Djemai M. (2010). Estimation des forces d'impact des véhicules poids lourds par différentiateurs exacts et modèle inverse. IEEE CIFA, Nancy, France, juin .
Bouteldja M., Djemai M., Cerezo V., Liegeois M. (2010). Estimation des efforts latéraux à l'aide d'un observateur pour la détection du risque de mise en portefeuille des véhicules articulés. IEEE CIFA, Nancy, France, juin .
Defoort M., Djemai M., Floquet T., Perruquetti W. (2010). On finite time observer design for multicellular converter. Int. Worshop on Variable Structure Systems, Mexico City, juin .
Khemoudj O., Imine H., Djemai M., Fridman L. (2010). Variable gain sliding mode observer for heavy duty vehicle tyre forces estimation. Int. Worshop on Variable Structure Systems, Mexico City, juin .
Bouteldja M., Djemai M., Fridman L. (2010). Dynamics observation and parameters identification of heavy vehicle via second ordre sliding modes. Int. Worshop on Variable Structure Systems, Mexico City, juin .
Boubaker S., Djemai M., Manamanni N., M'sahli F. (2010). Identification of Autonomous Switched Linear Systems: A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach. Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, juin .
Khemoudj O., Imine H., Djemai M. (2010). Robust observation of tractor-trailer vertical forces using model inverse and sliding differentiator. SAE 2010 World Congress & Exhibition - Load Simulation and Analysis in Automotive Engineering: Influence of Load on Vehicle Handling Dynamics and its Control, USA, mai .
Khemoudj O., Imine H., Djemai M., Jacob B. (2010). Control theory approach applied for on-board estimation and monitoring heavy duty vehicle dynamical tyre forces. HVTT 11 INTERNATIONAL HEAVY VEHICLE SYMPOSIUM, Melbourne, Australia, mars .
Busawon K., Djemai M. (2009). Algorithms for Transformation into the Extended Jordan Controllable and Observable Forms. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, décembre .
Boubaker S., Djemai M., Manamanni N., M'sahli F. (2009). Optimal Control of Switched Linear Systems by Particle Swarm Optimization. IFAC-ICONS'09, Istanbul, Turkey, novembre .
Djemai M., Busawon K., Benmansour K., Marouf A. (2009). Design and Implementation of a high order sliding mode controller for a DC motor using a multi-cellular converter. 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS'09), Zaragoza, Spain, septembre .
Khemoudj O., Imine H., Djemai M. (2009). Unknown input observation via sliding modes : application to vehicle contact forces. IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Saint Petersburg, Russia, juillet .
Conférence nationale avec actes et comité de lecture
Elsaeh M., Pudlo P., Djemai M., Bouri M., Thevenon A., Heymann I. (2016). Stratégie de contrôle haptique pour la réhabilitation du membre supérieur atteint de l'enfant hémiplégique. Journée scientifique de l'IFRH, Paris, France, septembre .
Elsaeh M., Pudlo P., Djemai M., Bouri M., Thevenon A., Heymann I. (2016). Avoid abnormal joints recruitment of upper limbs of children with hemiplegia during rehabilitation with end-effector-based haptic device. Conférence de l'IFRATH, 9ème édition, Paris, France, juin .
Demesure G., Defoort M., Bekrar A., Trentesaux D., Djemai M. (2015). Planification de trajectoire et ordonnancement d'agents mobiles : application aux systèmes de production. JDMACS'15, Bourges, France, juin .
Schiro J., Gabrielli F., Pudlo P., Barbier F., Djemai M. (2013). Comparison of steering forces of Healthy vs Disabled drivers under simulation condition. XXXIXème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Marseille, France, septembre .
Alouani I., Niar S., Djemai M., Kurdahi F., Abid M. (2012). Working Conditions-Aware Fault Injection Technique. Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, Lille, octobre .
Gabrielli F., Schiro J., Pudlo P., Djemai M., Bouilland S., Thevenon A. (2012). Indicateur pour différentier les conducteurs automobiles durant les manuvres à basse vitesse. Handicap 2012, 7ème congrès sur les aides techniques pour les personnes handicapées, Paris, France, juin .
Van gorp J., Defoort M., Djemai M. (2011). Commande binaire d'un système à commutation : application à un convertisseur. JDMACS'11, Marseille, France, juin .
Marouf A., Djemai M., Sentouh C., Pudlo P. (2011). Estimation du couple du conducteur et de la force de réaction d'une direction assistée électrique utilisant un observateur à mode glissant à entrées inconnues. JD MACS, Marseille, France, juin .
Schiro J., Gabrielli F., Pudlo P., Barbier F., Djemai M. (2011). Méthode d'analyse du placement de main lors d'une tâche de conduite à basse vitesse Etude préliminaire. XXXVIème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Besançon, France, janvier .
Séminaire et autres communications
Alouani I., Niar S., Djemai M. (2012). Simulation Based Fault Injection Environment for Reliable Processor Architecture Exploration. GDR System-On-Chip, System-In-Package SOC-SIP'12 Paris, June 2012., Paris, juin .
Rapport de contrat de recherche
Djemai M., Defoort M., Demesure G., Pacaux-Lemoine M.-P., Habib L., Zeng X., Koehl L., Tartare G., Manamanni N., Messai N., Martinez S., Muanza diba C., Bouraqadi N., Fabresse L., Lozenguez G., Laval J., Yan Z., Baizid K., Cocquempot V., El badaoui el najjar M., Ma Y., Al dujaili A. (2016). Livrable L5 : Partage du contrôle Homme(s)-Robot(s). Projet SUCRé (Sûreté de fonctionnement et résilience pour la gestion et le contrôle coopératifs des systèmes sociotechniques : Application à la coopération Hommes-Robots en milieu hostile), LAMIH, septembre .