
  • Bâtiment Malvache
    Bureau 211
My research activities can be devided into two parts. The first one deals with control law development for Takagi Sugeno fuzzy models (TS) and in particular the observer synthesis. The main idea is to formulate stability conditions using Linear Matrix Inequalities that can be solved using convex optimization algorithm. The obtained conditions are usually pessimistic and the objective is to reduce this pessimism /Guelton 2003/, /Guerra & al. 2005/, /Guelton & al. 2006/.

Hybrid vehicle uses two energy sources for their propelling; one of them must be reversible.For thermal/electric hybrid vehicles, an Internal Combustion (IC) engine is coupled with one or more electric machines powered by a secondary energy source (battery and/or supercapacitor). Several mechanical arrangement have been investigated:parallel single shaft, series, power split, parallel/series, etc. Each arrangement can be characterised by the number of electric machine and also by the possible energy path from the tank and batteries to the wheels. An important parameter is the number of variable that can be freely chosen in order to fulfil the driver request.

The electric machines provide several additional functionalities such as IC engine stop&start, electric boost, kinetic energy recovery during braking phases, etc. It is therefore necessary to decide according to several parameters (battery state of charge, driver request, etc.) which part of the driver request is ensured by the IC engine and which part remains to the electric machine. Control strategies are algorithm that chooses at each sampling time the powertrain setpoints in order to minimize a criterion such as the fuel consumption and/or pollutant emissions.

When designing these algorithms, two cases should be considered. The first one deals with simulation on a priori known driving cycle. As causality is not a problem in simulation, optimal control over the considered horizon can be derived using optimal control theory. Even non causal, the obtained results can be used for powertrain sizing, for the evaluation of real-time control strategies. At last, these optimal control schemes embedded within a predictive framework can also be used for real time control. Several approaches have been investigated for the computation of an optimal control: dynamic programming, minimum principle and game theory.

The second case deals with real time control. Several approaches have been investigated. For example, fuzzy control algorithm allows easily implementing “expert” rules. As there is not much expert available to provide the required knowledge, these rules may be optimized using for example Genetic Algorithms. Another very popular control strategy is the Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy. It consists in defining an equivalent cost of the electrical energy in order to express the whole powertrain energy consumption in a unified manner. The most difficult point is then to define the “equivalent” factor between the fuel and the electric energy. Relationships with the minimum principle exist. At last, some strategies rely explicitly on the optimal control law obtained in simulation. One of the first approaches consists in extracting the “knowledge” contained in the simulation results using for example a neural network. At last, the optimal control algorithm based on the minimum principle can be embedded within a predictive framework for real time control of the powertrain. The difficulty is then to propose an efficient predictor. In our work, it has been shown that it is not necessary to predict the timer ordered sequence of the vehicle speed to solve the optimization problem over a prediction horizon. The prediction of the driving condition distribution can be used instead. The dynamics of the driving condition being slow (for example, when driving in cities, the vehicle behaviour is more or less constant and transition are only observed when the vehicle location is changing for example from urban to highway driving conditions). Thus a zero order prediction is used. The resulting control strategy has been tested on different vehicle or test benches. For example, during J. Bernard PhD thesis it has been tested on an hybrid fuel cell vehicle emulated on a test bench (collaboration with the Swiss Paul Scherrer Institut). During S. Kermani PhD thesis, the same kind of algorithm was adapted to a mild hybrid vehicle and tested on a full scale test bench (collaboration with the LTE INRETS in Bron).

Diplômes universitaires

  • 2012 :
    Habilitation à Dirriger les Recherche (HDR)
    French diploma required to become a full time professor

    2012Title : Automotive Control Systems’

    Defended the  5th  december 20112 at the University of Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis.

    Committee :

    B. d'Andréa-Novel Pr Mines Paris (61ème section)(rapporteur)

    L. DugardDir Recherche CNRS GIPSA-Lab Grenoble(rapporteur)

    X. MoreauPr Univ Bordeaux (61ème section)(rapporteur)

    M. BassetPr Université de Haute Alsace (61ème section)(examinateur)

    G. RizzoPr University of Salerno, Italy, Président du TC 7.1 IFAC (examinateur)

    M.SteinbuchPr TU Eindhoven, Netherlands(examinateur)

    T.M.GuerraPr. Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis (promoteur)

  • 2002 :

    1999-2002         PhD in ASIH (Automatic control, Industrial and Human Systems) defended the 4 of January 2002. ‘Evaluation of hybrid vehicle control strategies’ at the LAMIH. This work was supported by PSA Peugeot Citroën and the ADEME.

                              Available online:

    PhD defense jury:

    PhD advisor:              Pr. T.M. Guerra (UVHC*)

    Reviewers:                 Pr. P. Borne (Ecole Centrale de Lille)

                                       Pr. N. M’Sirdi (Université de Versailles)

    Jury members:            Pr. M. Ehsani (Université de Texas A&M, USA)

                                       Pr. P. Level (UVHC*)

                                       Dr. J. Rimaux (PSA Peugeot Citroën)

                                       M. G. Plassat (ADEME)

            * UVHC : University of Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis

Valorisations academiques

    Contrat de recherche

    • CPER 2007-2013 : CISIT

     I’ve proposed and managed actions about hybrid vehicles within the CISIT project (Campus International sur la Sécurité et l'Intermodalité des Transports) of the French CPER 2007-2013. The cumulated funding for our actions was 133k€ over 26M€ for the whole project.

    The proposed and conducted actions were about the design of a micro hybrid vehicle in collaboration with VALEO.
    • BELHYSYMA Project (Belt Hybrid System Management)
    This 3.9M€ project is funded by the FUI, the  french DGCIS, the FEDER and the french Nord Pas-de-Calairs region .This project deals with the design of a micro and mild hybrid vehicles. I’m responsible for the LAMIH work within this project and our funding is 216k€. Our main focus is the control of the powertrain and we work on the energy mangement of the vehicle and also the driving cumfort enhencement through a proper control of the electric machine torque.
  • Responsabilités scientifiques de thèses

    • Kevin Guelton. Co-advisor 40%, with Pr. T.M. Guerra (40 %) and Pr. F.X. Lepoutre (20%).  « Estimation of human movement characteristics in standing. A fuzzy observer approach in descriptor form. ». Defended December 16 2003, available online :

    • Pierre Frédéric Toulotte. Co-advisor  50%, with J. Boonaert (Ecole des Mines de Douai) (20%) et Pr. T.M. Guerra (LAMIH) (30%). « Automatic control of two vehicles virtually linked ».  Defended september 29 2006, available online :

    •  Jérome Bernard. Co-advisor  50%, with Pr. T.M. Guerra (LAMIH) (50%) and F. Büchi (Paul Scherrer Institute, Suisse) « Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles : powertrain sizing and power management strategies. ». Defended  December 3 2007, available online :

    •  Souad Kermani. Co-advisor  50%, with Pr. Guerra (LAMIH) (20%), R. Trigui (INRETS) (30%)  in collaboration with the French INRETS (Bron). « Hybrid-elctric vehicle energy management: from simulation to real time control ». Defended  september 17  2009, available online  :

    • Clément Fontaine. Co-advisor  50% with Pr. Guerra (LAMIH in collaboration with VALEO. BELHYSYMA project. Micro & Mild hybrd vehicle control. To be defended September 2012
    •  Doudou Mpetchi. Co-advisor  50%, avec Pr. Guerra (LAMIH) collaboration with VALEO. Projet HYBRELEC. Plug in Hybrid energy management. To be defended September 2012.
  • Expertise au sein d'organisation

    • ANR TECSAN 2008 : Single submission assessment.

    • 2010 : International juror for « Electromobility‘s Technical beacons » Austrian Program. Assessment of all the submissions, candidate earring and proposition of some selected projects to the funding authorities.

  • Appartenance à des sociétés savantes

    • Member of the  « commande et pilotage » group of the GRAISYHM (Groupement de Recherche en Automatisation Intégrée et SYstèmes Hommes-Machines)

    (The GRAISYHM is a research group composed of most of the automatic control laboratiries located in the Nord Pas-de-Calais regionà).

    • Member of the working group ‘Automatique et Automobile’ of the GDR MACS. Responsible for the "Powertrain control" subgroup.

Valorisations industrielles

    Contrats de recherche

    • BELHYSYMA Project (Belt Hybrid System Management)

    This 3.9M€ project is funded by the FUI, the  french DGCIS, the FEDER and the french Nord Pas-de-Calairs region .This project deals with the design of a micro and mild hybrid vehicles. I’m responsible for the LAMIH work within this project and our funding is 216k€. Our main focus is the control of the powertrain and we work on the energy mangement of the vehicle and also the driving cumfort enhencement through a proper control of the electric machine torque.

Enseignements actuels

  • I’m teaching at the ENSIAME (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Informatique, Automatique, Mécanique, énergétique et Electronique) in Valenciennes, France.

    I’m mostly teaching automatic control, robotics, digital signal processing and hybrid vehicle control.

Revue internationale avec comité de lecture

Ammam T., Keirsbulck L., Basley J., Grappein E., Delprat S., Benazzouz T., Cornu D., Lippert M., Boussemart D. (2024). Wall pressure control of a 3D cavity with lateral apertures and wall proximity. Experiments in Fluids [DOI=].

Keirsbulck L., Cadot O., Lippert M., Boussemart D., Basley J., Delprat S., Paganelli S. (2024). Underbody flow control for base drag reduction of a real car model. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 252, pp. 105822 [DOI=].

Plumejeau B., Keirsbulck L., Basley J., Lippert M., Delprat S., Abassi W. (2023). Drag mitigation by steady blowing and Coanda effect on a square back Ahmed body. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 98, pp. 80-91. [IF=2.731] [DOI=].

Gray M., Guerra T.-M., Delprat S., Mohammad S. (2023). Discrete reference tracking control to swing up an electric wheelchair. Asian J Control, 25, pp. 3369–3383 [DOI=10.1002/asjc.3053].

Nguyen C., Nguyen A.-T., Delprat S. (2023). Neural-Network-Based Fuzzy Observer with Data-Driven Uncertainty Identification for Vehicle Dynamics Estimation under Extreme Driving Conditions: Theory and Experimental Results. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 72, Issue 7, pp. 8686-8696 [DOI=10.1109/TVT.2023.3249832].

Nguyen C., Nguyen A.-T., Delprat S. (2022). Cascade Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy observer design for nonlinear uncertain systems with unknown inputs: A sliding mode approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, pp. 1-18 [DOI=10.1002/rnc.6371].

Armenta moreno C., Delprat S., Negenborn R., Haseltalab A., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2022). Computational reduction of optimal hybrid vehicle energy management. IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), vol. 6, pp. 25-30 [DOI=10.1109/LCSYS.2020.3046609].

Delprat S., Alvarez J., Sanchez pantoja M., Bernal M. (2021). A Tighter Exact Convex Modelling for Improved LMI-Based Nonlinear System Analysis and Design. IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 2819-2824 [DOI=10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.3005345].

Delprat S., Boukhari M. (2021). Reducing the Computation Effort of a Hybrid Vehicle Predictive Energy Management Strategy. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70, pp. 6500-6513 [DOI=10.1109/TVT.2021.3082624].

Sanchez pantoja M., Alvarez J., Delprat S., Bernal M. (2021). A novel parameter-dependent polynomial approach for robust automated lane keeping. Int. J. Fuzzy Syst., 23, pp. 1370–1378 [DOI=10.1007/s40815-020-01042-1].

Plumejeau B., Keirsbulck L., Delprat S., Lippert M., Abassi W. (2020). Behavior of the square-back Ahmed body global modes at low ground clearance. Physical Review Fluids [DOI=].

Hachem H., Gheith R., Aloui F., Delprat S., Paganelli S. (2019). Energetic and exergetic investigations of an innovative heat recovery exhaust system using a double acting type Stirling engine based on theoretical analysis. International Journal of Exergy, 28 (3), pp. 273-300. [IF=1.35] [DOI=10.1504/IJEX.2019.098615].

Sanchez pantoja M., Delprat S., Hofman T. (2019). Energy management of hybrid vehicles with state constraints: a penalty and implicit Hamiltonian minimization approach. Applied Energy, 260 [DOI=10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.114149].

Delprat S. (2019). Brake and velocity model-free control on an actual vehicle. Control Engineering Practice, 92 [DOI=10.1016/j.conengprac.2019.06.011].

Plumejeau B., Delprat S., Keirsbulck L., Lippert M., Abassi W. (2019). Ultra-local model-based control of the square-back Ahmed body wake flow. Physics of Fluids [DOI=].

Delprat S., Hofman T., Paganelli S. (2017). Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management: Singular Optimal Control. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66 (11), pp. 9654--9666. [IF=4.066] [DOI=10.1109/TVT.2017.2746181].

Ferreira de loza D., Punta E., Fridman L., Bartolini G., Delprat S. (2014). Nested backward compensation of unmatched perturbations via HOSM observation. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 351 (5), pp. 2397-2410 [DOI=10.1016/j.jfranklin.2013.12.011].

Delprat S., Fontaine C., Paganelli S. (2014). Optimized Hybrids. dSpace Magazine, 2, pp. 35-37

Delprat S., Ferreira de loza D. (2014). High Order Sliding Mode Control for Hybrid Vehicle Stability. International Journal of Systems Science, 44 (5), pp. 1202-1212 [DOI=10.1080/00207721.2012.745241].

Kermani S., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Trigui R., Jeanneret B. (2012). Predictive energy management for hybrid vehicle. Control Engineering Practice, 20, pp. 408-420. [IF=1.481]

Kermani S., Trigui R., Delprat S., Jeanneret B., Guerra T.-M. (2011). PHIL Implementation of Energy Management Optimization for a Parallel HEV on a Predefined Route. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60 (3), pp. 782-792

Bernard J., Delprat S., Buechi F., Guerra T.-M. (2010). Fuel Efficient Power Management strategy for Fuel Cell Hybrid powertrains. Control Engineering Practice, 18, pp. 408-417

Bernard J., Delprat S., Buechi F., Guerra T.-M. (2009). Fuel-Cell Hybrid Powertrain: Toward Minimization of Hydrogen Consumption. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 58 (7), pp. 3168-3176

Toulotte P.-F., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Boonaert J. (2008). Vehicle spacing control using robust fuzzy control with pole placement in LMI region. IFAC International Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21 (5), pp. 756-768

Guelton K., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M. (2008). An alternative to inverse dynamics joint torques estimation in human stance based on a Takagi-Sugeno unknown inputs observer in the descriptor form. Control Engineering Practice, 16, pp. 1414-1426

Bernard J., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Buechi F. (2006). Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles: Global optimisation based on optimal control theory. International Review of Electrical Engineering, 1 (3), pp. 352-362

Delprat S., Lauber J., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J. (2004). Control of a parallel hybrid powertrain: optimal control. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 53 (3), pp. 872-881

Paganelli G., Guerra T.-M., Delprat S., Santin J.-J., Delhom M., Combes E. (2000). Simulation and assessment of power control strategies for a parallel hybrid car. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 214, pp. 705-718

Revue nationale avec comité de lecture

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J. (2003). Evaluation de stratégies de commande pour véhicules hybrides parallèles. e-STA

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J., Paganelli G. (2002). Commande optimale appliquée à la stratégie de commande d'un véhicule hybride parallèle. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 36 (6), pp. 825-843

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Guerra T.-M., Delprat S., Labiod S. (2005). Stabilization of fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno descriptor models. Application to a double inverted pendulum. Advanced Robotic Systems Scientific Book 2005, pp. 331-347, ISBN 3-86611-038-3

Conférence internationale avec actes et comité de lecture

Kantheti A., Berdjag D., Fumarola F., Delprat S. (2023). Optimal Control for Friction Brake Emissions Minimization and Improved Air Quality. IECON 2023 - 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, pp. 1-6, octobre . [DOI=10.1109/IECON51785.2023.10312103].

Morin C., Delprat S., Delebarre C. (2020). Transportation and Energy: theoretical and applied teaching at INSA Hauts-De-France with scientific projects. 18th international Conference on the History of Transport, traffic and mobility, Shanghai (China) online conference, octobre .

Gray M., Guerra T.-M., Delprat S., Mohammad S. (2020). Control of an automated wheelchair. IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, janvier .

Plumejeau B., Delprat S., Keirsbulck L. (2019). Model free active flow control of a simplified car model. 9th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control (AAC 2019), Orléans, France, juin .

Plumejeau B., Delprat S., Keirsbulck L. (2019). Model free active flow control of a simplified car model. IFAC 20119, janvier .

Sanchez pantoja M., Delprat S. (2018). Hybrid vehicle energy management: Avoiding the explicit Hamiltonian minimization. IEEE VPPC, Chicago, United States, août .

Lhomme W., Delprat S., Paganelli S. (2017). Active Side Shafts Torsion Damping Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicles. IEEE Vehicle Power Propulsion Conference, Belfort, France, décembre .

Kareemulla T., Delprat S., Czelecz L. (2017). State constrained hybrid vehicle optimal energy management: an interior penalty approach. 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, juillet .

Delprat S., Hofman T. (2014). Hybrid vehicle Optimal control : linear interpolation and singular control. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Coimbra, Portugal, octobre .

Fontaine C., Delprat S., Paganelli S., Bodelle J. (2014). Automotive fuel economy improvement by micro hybridization. Transport Research Arena, Paris, avril .

Fontaine C., Delprat S., Paganelli S., Guerra T.-M. (2013). Optimal Control of a parallel hybrid vehicle equipped with a dual electrical storage system. IFAC AAC 2013, Tokyo, septembre .

Mpetshi woto D., Delprat S. (2012). Robust yaw motion controller for improving the stability of a plug-in Hybrid Vehicle. American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, juin .

Mpetshi woto D., Delprat S. (2012). Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle longitudinal control during gear shifts sequences. Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in control, Warzburg, Germany, avril .

Ferreira de loza D., Delprat S. (2011). Hybrid Vehicle Stability System Using a HOSM Control. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, décembre .

Fontaine C., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Paganelli S., Duguey J. (2011). Improving micro hybrid vehicles performances with the Maximum Principle. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 9727-9732, août .

Delprat S., Kermani S., Guerra T.-M., Trigui R., Jeanneret B. (2010). Hybrid vehicle energy management simulation and real time implementation. International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies in Electrical Applications (EFEEA'10), Ghardaia, Algeria, novembre .

Fontaine C., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M. (2010). Toward Analytical Solution of Optimal Control Problems for HEV energy management. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Lille, France, septembre .

Kermani S., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Trigui R. (2009). Predictive control for HEV energy management : experimental results. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Dearborn (USA), septembre .

Bernard J., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Dietrich P., Buechi F. (2009). Energy efficient power management strategy for fuel cell hybrid vehicles. International Advanced Mobility Forum, Genève, janvier .

Kermani S., Delprat S., Rochdi T., Guerra T.-M. (2008). Predictive energy management of hybrid vehicle. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Harbin, China, septembre .

Kermani S., Delprat S., Trigui R., Guerra T.-M. (2008). Commande prédictive d'un véhicule hybride. IEEE CIFA, Bucarest (Roumanie), septembre .

Kermani S., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Trigui R. (2008). Real time control of a hybrid electric vehicle on a prescribed road. IFAC World Congress, (Invited Session: Automotive control and estimation using look-ahead road information), Seoul, South Korea, juillet .

Bernard J., Delprat S., Buechi F., Guerra T.-M. (2007). Fuel cell / battery hybrid vehicle: from global optimization to real time power management (Plenary Session). IFAC Advances in Vehicle Control and Safety, Buenos-Aires, Argentina, février .

Kermani S., Delprat S., Trigui R., Guerra T.-M. (2007). A comparison of two global optimization algorithms for hybrid vehicle energy management. IFAC Advances in Vehicle Control and Safety Buenos-Aires, Buenos-Aires, Argentina, février .

Guelton K., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M. (2006). An alternative to inverse dynamics joint torques estimation in standing based on a nonlinear unknown input observer. 6th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Reims (France), septembre .

Bernard J., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Buechi F. (2006). Global Optimisation in the power management of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle (FCHV). IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, (IEEE Best Paper Award 2006), Windsor (United Kingdom), septembre .

Toulotte P.-F., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M. (2006). Longitudinal and lateral control for automatic vehicle following. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Windsor (United Kingdom), septembre .

Delprat S., Toulotte P.-F., Guerra T.-M., Boonaert J. (2005). Robust pole placement in LMI region for Takagi-Sugeno models: application to an automated vehicle. IFAC Triennial World Congress, Prague, République Tchèque, juillet .

Guelton K., Guerra T.-M., Delprat S. (2004). Convergence d'observateurs flous sous forme descripteur : application à l'homme en station debout. IEEE CIFA, Douz Tunisise, novembre .

Bernard J., Lenoir Y., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Santin J.-J., Paganelli G. (2004). Optimizing energy consumption of an air supplied system : Application to a PEM fuelcell. Symposium IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion 2004, Paris, France, octobre .

Toulotte P.-F., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Boonaert J. (2004). Robust fuzzy control with pole placement in LMI region: application to an automated vehicle. IEEE VTS-VPP 04, Paris France, octobre .

Guerra T.-M., Guelton K., Delprat S. (2004). LMI based design for a class of non linear observers. IFAC AFNC'04, Oulu Finland, septembre .

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J. (2003). Control strategy for hybrid vehicles: synthesis and evaluation. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Orlando, USA, octobre .

Guelton K., Delprat S., Barbier F., Guerra T.-M., Armand S., Lepoutre F.-X. (2003). Global optimization of a double inverted pendulum model for the ankle and the hip joint torques estimation in standing. ESMAC'03, Marseille, France, septembre .

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J. (2002). Control strategy for hybrid vehicles: optimal control. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Vancouver, Canada, septembre .

Paganelli G., Guerra T.-M., Delprat S., Guezennec Y., Rizzoni G. (2002). Optimal control theory applied to hybrid fuel cell powered vehicle. IFAC Triennal Congress, Barcelone, Espagne, juillet .

Paganelli G., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J., Santin J.-J. (2001). Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy for parallel hybrid powertrains. IEEE Vehicular Transportation System, Atlantic City, USA, octobre .

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J. (2001). Optimal control of a parallel powertrain : from global optimization to real time control strategy. IEEE Vehicular Transportation Systems, Atlantic City, USA, octobre .

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J. (2001). Optimal control of a parallel powertrain : from global optimization to real time control strategy. EVS'18, Berlin, Allemagne, octobre .

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Paganelli G., Lauber J., Delhom M. (2001). Control strategy optimization for an hybrid parallel powertrain. 2001 American Control Conference, Arlington, Virginie, USA, juin .

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Lauber J., Paganelli G., Delhom M., Rimaux S. (2000). Optimal control theory applied to a parallel hybrid power train. ISATA 2000, Dublin, Irlande, octobre .

Delprat S., Paganelli G., Guerra T.-M., Santin J.-J., Delhom M., Combes E. (2000). Commande d'une chaîne de traction hybride parallèle simple arbre. IEEE CIFA 2000, Lille, France, juillet .

Delprat S., Paganelli G., Guerra T.-M., Santin J.-J., Delhom M., Combes E. (1999). Algorithmic optimization tool for the evaluation of HEV control strategies. EVS 99, Beijing, China, octobre .

Conférence nationale avec actes et comité de lecture

Delprat S. (2011). Gestion énergétique des véhicules hybrides. Journée des doctorants du Collegium Île-de-France, Paris, France, octobre .

Guerra T.-M., Delprat S., Labiod S. (2003). Conditions de stabilisation relâchées pour des descripteurs flous. LFA'2003, Cépaduès, Tours, pp. 161-168, janvier ., ISBN 2-905725-53-2

Santin J.-J., Faure L., Delprat S., Level P., Jouve P., Combes E. (2001). Modélisation des vibrations de torsion dans le groupe motopropulseur d\'un véhicule hybride parallèle. Application à la conception d'un embrayage à roue libre. 15ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, cédérom, Nancy, France, septembre .

Séminaire et autres communications

Fontaine C., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M. (2012). Optimisation de la répartition de puissance au sein d'un véhicule hybride en présence de contraintes sur l'état. Journée Automatique et Automobile GT GDR CNRS, Valenciennes, novembre .

Delprat S., Kermani S., Guerra T.-M., Trigui R., Jeanneret B. (2011). Gestion énergétique des véhicules hybrides. Ecole des JD MACS, Marseille, juin .

Delprat S., Lauber J., Paganelli S., Guerra T.-M., Dambrine M. (2011). Clean Transportation is on the Road of Nonlinear Control Modeling, Observation, Control and Diagnosis of Systems. Séminaire Académique Bilatéral Mexique-France sur la Recherche et l'Innovation dans les Transports, Mexico, mai .

Fontaine C., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M. (2010). Gestion énergétique d'un véhicule micro hybride basée sur le principe du Maximum. Journée Automatique et Automobile GT GDR CNRS, Amiens, décembre .

Kermani S., Delprat S., Trigui R., Guerra T.-M. (2007). Gestion énergétique des véhicules hybrides : de la commande optimale au temps réel. Comparaison de deux approches. Journée Automatique et Automobile GT GDR CNRS, Bourges-Orléans, mars .

Bernard J., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Buechi F., Santin J.-J. (2006). Optimisation des performances des véhicules à Pile à Combustible. Journée Automatique et Automobile GT GDR CNRS, Valenciennes, avril .

Toulotte P.-F., Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Boonaert J. (2006). Commande automatique d'un véhicule électrique : Attelage Virtuel. Journée Automatique et Automobile GT GDR CNRS, Valenciennes, avril .

Delprat S., Bernard J., Guerra T.-M. (2005). Stratégie de commande pour véhicule hybride parallèle. Journées ADV : Automatique et Diagnostic pour le Véhicule Groupe de Travail Automatique et Automobile GDR MACS, Marseille, juin .

Delprat S., Bernard J., Guerra T.-M. (2005). Stratégie de commande pour véhicule hybride parallèle. Groupe de Travail Automatique et Automobile GDR MACS, Compiègne, avril .

Guerra T.-M., Guelton K., Delprat S. (2003). LMI based design for a class of non linear observers. Workshop ACD, Duiburg, Allemagne, novembre .

Delprat S., Guerra T.-M., Rimaux J. (2002). Quelle stratégie de commande pour les véhicules hybrides ?. EUROFORUM Motorisation et transmission, Paris, mars .

Delprat S., Paganelli G., Guerra T.-M., Santin J.-J., Delhom M., Combes E. (1999). Conception, réalisation et commande d'un véhicule hybride parallèle prototype. C-Velec'99, Grenoble, France, novembre .

Mémoire d'HDR

Delprat S. (2012). Automotive Control Systems. , Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, décembre .

Mémoire de doctorat

Delprat S. (2002). Evaluation de stratégies de commande pour véhicules hybrides parallèles. , Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, LAMIH, janvier .