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Optimal Design of a High Performance Haptic Device
Quoc Viet Dang, Antoine Dequidt, Laurent Vermeiren, Michel Dambrine
EEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Feb 2013, Vicence, Italy. ⟨hal-03467293⟩
3D Modelling of Thermal Replication for Designing Progressive Glass Moulds
Dominique Lochegnies, Philippe Moreau, Fabienne Hanriot, Patrick Hugonneaux
New Journal of Glass and Ceramics, 2013, 3 (1), pp.34-42. ⟨10.4236/njgc.2013.31006⟩. ⟨hal-03523040⟩
Les facteurs de résistance au plein déploiement de la QPC : la culture judiciaire et l'office de la Cour de Cassation
Solange Ségala de Carbonnières
La QPC, le procès et ses juges : l'impact sur le procès et l'architecture juridictionnelle, Dalloz, pp. 346-358, 2013, 978-2-247-12758-0. ⟨hal-02940920⟩
La compétence recherche de l’UE : les Etats membres entre programmation cadre et programmation conjointe
Isabelle Kustosz
Annuaire français de relations internationales, 14, La Documentation française, 2013, 979-10-90429-28-4. ⟨hal-02942944⟩
A simple real-time aerodynamic model for vehicles in overtaking situations
Fredrik Bruzelius, David Uystepruyst, Bengt Jacobson, Siniša Krajnovic
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, 2013, 8 (3), pp.241-259. ⟨10.1504/IJVSMT.2013.056037⟩. ⟨hal-03470682⟩
Realizable Galois module classes over the group ring for non abelian extensions, Classes galoisiennes réalisables sur l’anneau de groupe d’extensions non abéliennes
Nigel Byott, Bouchaïb Sodaïgui
Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2013, 63 (1), p. 303-371. ⟨10.5802/aif.2762⟩. ⟨hal-03165412⟩
FEM Simulation Based on CAD Model Simplification: A Comparison Study between the Hybrid Method and the Technique Using a Removing Details
Mounir Hamdi, Nizar Aifaoui, Borhen Louhichi, Abdelmajid Benamara, Dominique Deneux
Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.587-596, 2013, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-37143-1_70⟩. ⟨hal-03621588⟩
Histoire des intellectuels italiens au XXe siècle. Prophètes, philosophes, experts
Frédéric Attal
Les Belles Lettres, 2013, 978-2-251-44463-5. ⟨hal-04505724⟩
Evaluation of wrist guard effectiveness for snowboarders
Coralie Thoraval, Audrey Hault-Dubrulle, Pascal Drazetic, Hervé Morvan, Charlie Barla
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2013, 16 (sup 1), ⟨10.1080/10255842.2013.815872⟩. ⟨hal-03524157⟩
On the asymptotic behavior of transmission thin shell problems
Ismail Merabet, Serge Nicaise, D.A. Chacha
Asymptotic Analysis, 2013, 82 (1-2), p. 163-185. ⟨10.3233/ASY-121144⟩. ⟨hal-03163628⟩