Affichage de 4661 à 4670 sur 6388
Reinforced learning systems based on merged and cumulative knowledge to predict human actions
Frédéric Vanderhaegen, Stéphane Zieba
Information Sciences, 2014, 276, pp.146-159. ⟨10.1016/j.ins.2014.02.051⟩. ⟨hal-03644546⟩
Experiência de Implantação do MR-MPS-SV no Service Desk da ECO Sistemas
Larissa Lopes de Araujo, Elizabeth Cristina Mocny, Ana Regina Rocha, Taisa Guidini Gonçalves, Gleison Santos
XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, Aug 2014, Brasil, Brazil. pp.272-279, ⟨10.5753/sbqs.2014.15260⟩. ⟨hal-03388546⟩
Membership Function Design for Multifactorial Multivariate Data Characterizing and Coding in Human Component System Studies
Pierre Loslever
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2014, 22 (4), pp.904-918. ⟨10.1109/TFUZZ.2013.2278410⟩. ⟨hal-03644616⟩
Analyse de manœuvres d’évitement en situation d’urgence dans le cadre de la conduite automobile, An analysis of driver's avoiding maneuver in a highly emergency situation
Makoto Itoh, Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, Frédéric Robache, Hervé Morvan
Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 2014, 48 (4-5-6), pp.493-509. ⟨10.3166/JESA.48.493-509⟩. ⟨hal-03452149⟩
Méthodes, modèles et outils pour l'analyse et le contrôle de systèmes homme-machine
Frédéric Vanderhaegen
International Information and Engineering Technology Association. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 48 (4-5-6), 2014. ⟨hal-03394971⟩
A Motion Planning Framework with Connectivity Management for Multiple Cooperative Robots
Michael Defoort, Kalyana Chakravarthy Veluvolu
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2014, 75 (2), pp.343-357. ⟨10.1007/s10846-013-9872-0⟩. ⟨hal-03644555⟩
The contribution of handgrip assistance on lower limb joint moments during sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit: a preliminary comparative study
Amal Saadé, Philippe Pudlo, Mathieu Lempereur, Olivier Rémy-Néris
39ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Aug 2014, Valenciennes, France. pp.102-103, ⟨10.1080/10255842.2014.931335⟩. ⟨hal-03519842⟩
Is the kinematic of the trunk during the forehand in tennis still disrupted in women at one year postpartum?
Racha Doya, Antonio Pinti, Aurore Bourrelly, Samuel Boudet, Eric Watelain
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2014, 17 (sup1), pp.168-169. ⟨10.1080/10255842.2014.931647⟩. ⟨hal-03663308⟩
What is the most efficient for torque steadiness in young adults: a real-time visual feedback of performance or proprioceptive inputs?
Anis Toumi, Isam Hilal, Emilie Simoneau-Buessinger
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2014, 17 (sup1), pp.88-89. ⟨10.1080/10255842.2014.931153⟩. ⟨hal-03475175⟩
Unipodal landing in individuals with unilateral chronic ankle instability
Raphaël Pionnier, Nicolas Decoufour, Franck Barbier, Christophe Popineau, Emilie Simoneau-Buessinger
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2014, 17 (sup1), pp.100-101. ⟨10.1080/10255842.2014.931334⟩. ⟨hal-03475273⟩