
Affichage de 6361 à 6370 sur 6390

  • Rapport

Télémaintenance de systèmes automatisés, guide ergonomique de conception

Christophe Kolski, Patrick Millot

[Rapport de recherche] Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis; LAMIH. 1992. ⟨hal-03436225⟩

  • Rapport

Conception ergonomique d'interface opérateur en salle de contrôle : lignes directrices, guide de conception

Christophe Kolski

[Rapport de recherche] Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis; LAMIH. 1992. ⟨hal-03436208⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Knowledge specification and representation for an “intelligent” interface devoted to process monitoring and supervision

Emmanuelle Grislin-Le Strugeon, Mustapha Tendjaoui, Christophe Kolski

Annual Review in Automatic Programming, 1992, 17, pp.201-206. ⟨hal-03370036⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Knowledge based interface approach for real-time aid expert system

Mustapha Tendjaoui, Christophe Kolski, Patrick Millot

This paper presents our knowledge based interface approach, called Decisional Module of Imagery (D.M.I.). This approach is devoted to the process supervisory and control field. In this paper, we describe the software implementation of the D.M.I., and especially our computing method for building its…

Safeprocess'91, IFAC/IMACS Symposium on Faut detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Sep 1991, Baden-Baden, Germany. pp. 100-106. ⟨hal-03426291⟩