
Affichage de 1261 à 1270 sur 6382

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

De la ville républicaine à la construction de la capitale franquiste : Le « Grand Madrid » entre ruptures et continuités

Céline Vaz, Beatriz Fernández Agueda

Bellanger, E; Roseau, N; Vadelorge, L. Inventer le Grand Paris. Regards croisés sur les métropoles des années 1940 à la fin des années 1960, 2020. ⟨hal-03703740⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Analysis of lubricant performance in punching and blanking

Marcel Moghadam, Matteo Villa, Philippe Moreau, André Dubois, Laurent Dubar, Chris V. Nielsen, Niels Bay

Punching and blanking processes are characterized by severe tribological conditions due to the creation of virgin surfaces, which are highly prone to develop pick-up of workpiece material on the punch surface. Hazardous forming lubricants are, therefore, commonly used in punching and blanking…

Tribology International, 2020, 141, pp.105949. ⟨10.1016/j.triboint.2019.105949⟩. ⟨hal-03442244⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Porsuk – Zeyve Höyük 2018 Yılı Kazısı

Claire Barat, Emine Köker Gökçe, Jean-François Pichonneau, Vivien Mathé, Guillaume Bruniaux

Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi, 2020, 41 (1), pp.471-485. ⟨hal-03660318⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Télérecours et télérecours citoyen - Apports et perspectives en matière de justice numérique

Corinne Bléry, Thibault Douville

La Semaine juridique. Édition générale, 2020, 1330, pp.48. ⟨hal-03720842⟩

  • Proceedings/Recueil des communications

Survey on a Set of Features for New Urban Warehouse Management Inspired by Industry 4.0 and the Physical Internet.

Aurélie Édouard, Yves Sallez, Virginie Fortineau, Samir Lamouri, Alexandre Berger

City logistics is one of the most significant branches of supply chain management. It deals with the logistics and transportation activities in urban areas. This research area has recently experienced exponential growth in publications. In this article, we introduce a new urban warehouse. This…

Proceedings of SOHOMA 2020, Oct 2020, Paris, France. 952, Springer International Publishing, pp.449-459, 2020, Studies in Computational Intelligence. ⟨hal-03403111⟩