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États généraux et Parlement dans les projets de réforme constitutionnelle de l'abbé Ruffo de Bonneval (1742-1820)
Solange Ségala de Carbonnières
sous la direction de Françoise Hildesheimer et Louis de Carbonnières. Autour des États généraux de 1614, H. Champion, p. 213-236, 2016, 978-2-7453-3169-4. ⟨hal-02944736⟩
Heterogeneity in preferences for transportation modes: Effects on modal split and urban pollution
Chokri Dridi, Joseph Hanna, Stéphane Lambrecht
The 3rd FAERE Annual Conference, Sep 2016, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-02958352⟩
Cooperation between Driver and Automated Driving System: Implementation and Evaluation
Chunshi Guo, Chouki Sentouh, Jean-Christophe Popieul, Jean-Baptiste Haué, Sabine Langlois, Jean-Jacques Loeillet, Boussaad Soualmi, Thomas Nguyen
Driving Simulation and Virtual Reality Conference and Exhibition, Sep 2016, Paris, France. ⟨hal-03416915⟩
Cooperation between the driver and an automated driving system taking into account the driver’s state
Mohamed Amir Benloucif, Chouki Sentouh, Jérôme Floris, Philippe Simon, Serge Boverie, Jean-Christophe Popieul
Driving Simulation and Virtual Reality Conference and Exhibition, Sep 2016, Paris, France. ⟨hal-03417156⟩
Driving Simulators Symposium: SHERPA-lamih
Philippe Simon, Jérôme Floris, Jean-Christophe Popieul
Driving Simulation and Virtual Reality Conference and Exhibition (DSC 2016), Arts Et Métiers Paris Tech; Renault; IFSTTAR; Driving Simulation Association, Sep 2016, Paris, France. ⟨hal-03424357⟩
Litige entre un patient et un médecin participant à la permanence de soins : compétence judiciaire, T. confl., 9 mai 2016, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris c/ Monique V., n°4046
Marie-Christine Rouault
Revue droit & santé : la revue juridique des entreprises de santé, 2016, 73, p. 689-693. ⟨hal-02885447⟩
Coupled influence of strain rate and heterogeneous fibre orientation on the mechanical behaviour of short-glass-fibre reinforced polypropylene
Delphine Notta-Cuvier, Mariem Nciri, Franck Lauro, Rémi Delille, Fahmi Chaari, Frédéric Robache, Grégory Haugou, Yamen Maalej
Mechanics of Materials, 2016, 100, pp.186-197. ⟨10.1016/j.mechmat.2016.06.013⟩. ⟨hal-03443154⟩
A rail-road PI-hub allocation problem: Active and reactive approaches
Faiza Walha, Abdelghani Bekrar, Sondès Chaabane, Taicir Moalla Loukil
Computers in Industry, 2016, 81, pp.138-151. ⟨10.1016/j.compind.2016.04.007⟩. ⟨hal-03427034⟩
Bioactive oxynitride glasses
Ahmed Bachar, Cyrille Albert-Mercier, Arnaud Tricoteaux, Anne Leriche, Claudine Follet-Houttemane, Stuart Hampshire
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2016, 36 (12), pp.2869-2881. ⟨10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2015.12.017⟩. ⟨hal-03079543⟩
Livrable L3 : Gestion des informations et des ressources
Serge Debernard, Bernard Riera, Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, Frédéric Vanderhaegen
[Rapport de recherche] LAMIH, Valenciennes. 2016. ⟨hal-03420547⟩