
Affichage de 701 à 710 sur 6405

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Noblesses transrégionales. Grands propriétaires, chefs militaires et négociateurs de paix dans les sociétés de frontière pendant les guerres de religions (xvie-xviie siècle)

Yves Junot, Violet Soen

Violet Soen; Yves Junot. Noblesses transrégionales. Les Croÿ et les frontières pendant les guerres de religion (France, Lorraine, Pays-Bas, XVIe-XVIIe siècle), Brepols, pp.357-365, 2021, 978-2-503-58299-3. ⟨hal-03699761⟩

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Au-delà de Château-Porcien et Montcornet. Les laboratoires de définition de la noblesse et de la religion aux frontières de France, de Lorraine et des Pays-Bas (XVIe-XVIIe siècle)

Yves Junot, Violet Soen

Violet Soen; Yves Junot. Noblesses transrégionales. Les Croÿ et les frontières pendant les guerres de religion (France, Lorraine, Pays-Bas, XVIe-XVIIe siècle), Brepols, pp.23-51, 2021, 978-2-503-58299-3. ⟨hal-03699770⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Machine learning approach for predictive maintenance of transport systems

Issam Mallouk, Yves Sallez, Badr Abou El Majd

Transportation companies must face to a huge competition and must reduce downtime and the associated costs. This can be achieved through predictive maintenance (PM), which defines maintenance actions based on the health of the system and its environment. Relevant information can be extracted from…

3rd International Conference on Transportation and Smart Technologies, TST 2021, May 2021, Tangier, Morocco. pp.96-100, ⟨10.1109/TST52996.2021.00023⟩. ⟨hal-03710656⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

AI-based speed control models for the autonomous train: a literature review

Antoine Plissonneau, Damien Trentesaux, Wael Ben Messaoud, Abdelghani Bekrar

The railway industry recently showed interest in the potential use of AI to render trains autonomous in order to reduce cost and improve security and performance. This paper focuses on the integration of AI into Automatic Train Operation (ATO) systems to control train speed. The objective of this…

2021 Third International Conference on Transportation and Smart Technologies (TST), May 2021, Tangier, Morocco. pp.9-15, ⟨10.1109/TST52996.2021.00009⟩. ⟨hal-03408335⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

La trace vidéo de la perspective subjective commentée de l'activité : vers une nouvelle forme de médiation ?

Marine Thébault

Entre méthodologies audio-visuelles et création filmique : postures et apports transdisciplinaires en SHS, May 2021, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-03808809⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Optimizing Energy-Conscious Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling: Multi-agent Simulation Approach

Abdelkader Mekhalef Benhafssa, M’hammed Sahnoun, Belgacem Bettayeb, Abdelghani Bekrar

Nowadays, manufacturing industry around the world is facing strong economic pressures and enormous environmental challenges due to its huge energy consumption and associated environmental impacts. One of the effective strategies to reduce energy consumption is by employing intelligent scheduling…

1st International Conference On Cyber Management and Engineering, CyMaEn 2021, May 2021, Hammamet, Tunisia. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/CyMaEn50288.2021.9497301⟩. ⟨hal-03710647⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Supply Chain Performance Measurement using SCOR Model: a Case Study of the Coffee Supply Chain in Vietnam

Thi Thuy Hanh Nguyen, Abdelghani Bekrar, Thi Muoi Le, Mourad Abed

Coffee is one of the national agricultural commodities in Vietnam. Several problems have existed in the coffee supply chain that threatened Vietnamese coffee's competitiveness. Using the latest version of the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model, the study proposes a standard coffee…

1st International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn), May 2021, Hammamet, Tunisia. pp.1-7, ⟨10.1109/CyMaEn50288.2021.9497309⟩. ⟨hal-03710636⟩