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Topology optimization of plane structures using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method
Jun Lin, Yanjin Guan, Guoqun Zhao, Hakim Naceur, Ping Lu
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2017, 110 (8), pp.726-744. ⟨10.1002/nme.5427⟩. ⟨hal-03448089⟩
Blandine Perona, Tristan Vigliano
Érasme et la France, Classiques-Garnier, pp.9-21, 2017, 978-2-8124-3862-2. ⟨10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-3862-2.p.0009⟩. ⟨hal-04462369⟩
Bénédicte Gorrillot, Fabrice Thumerel
B. Gorrillot; F. Thumerel. Christian Prigent : trou(v)er sa langue, Hermann, pp.7-11, 2017, Colloques de Cerisy, 9782705694104. ⟨10.3917/herm.gorri.2017.01.0006⟩. ⟨hal-03962138⟩
Postface : fin des « actions » ?
Bénédicte Gorrillot, Fabrice Thumerel
B. Gorrillot; F. Thumerel. Christian Prigent : trou(v)er sa langue, Hermann, pp.485-486, 2017, Colloques de Cerisy, 9782705694104. ⟨10.3917/herm.gorri.2017.01.0485⟩. ⟨hal-03962142⟩
Governança territorial e Inovação social nos processos de desenvolvimento regional em territórios de mineração: um modelo teórico em construção
Castro P., Guimarães L., Pereira, D., Diniz A., Ckagnazaroff I., Guillaume Schmitt
« Régional Studies Association - Latin America Division », « Urbanisation in Latin America: Exclusion, Marginality and Conflict », May 2017, Sao Paulo, Brazil. ⟨hal-04502198⟩
Rethinking Interoperability in Contemporary Software Systems
Rebeca Campos Motta, Káthia Marçal de Oliveira, Guilherme Horta Travassos
2017 IEEE/ACM Joint 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and 11th Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems and Systems-of-Systems (JSOS), May 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.9-15, ⟨10.1109/JSOS.2017.5⟩. ⟨hal-03388363⟩
Utilitarian Approach to Privacy in Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
Julien Savaux, Julien Vion, Sylvain Piechowiak, René Mandiau, Toshihiro Matsui, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Makoto Yokoo, Shakre Elmane, Marius Silaghi
Proceedings of the 30th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS, May 2017, Florida, United States. pp.454 - 459. ⟨hal-03388399⟩
Towards the Quality Improvement of Cross-Platform Mobile Applications
Matias Martinez, Sylvain Lecomte
IEEE/ACM 4th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), May 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.184-188, ⟨10.1109/MOBILESoft.2017.30⟩. ⟨hal-03388377⟩
Evaluation and Application of Utility-Based Approaches to Privacy in Distributed Constrained Problems
Julien Savaux, Julien Vion, Sylvain Piechowiak, René Mandiau, Toshihiro Matsui, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Makoto Yokoo, Shakre Elmane, Marius Silaghi
The Thirtieth International Florida Artificia l Intelligence Research Society Conference, May 2017, Marco Island, Florida, United States. ⟨hal-03432117⟩
Économie solidaire et universités. Le rôle du Crida dans la construction de formations universitaires en économie sociale et solidaire
Laurent Gardin, Elisabetta Bucolo
Forum international de l’économie sociale et solidaire, Engagement, citoyenneté et développement : « Comment former à l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire ? », May 2017, Marrakech, Maroc. ⟨hal-03073917⟩