Affichage de 2251 à 2260 sur 6407
Technological and collaborative affordances in corporate innovation Labs – a case study in the retail industry
Olivier Irrmann, Fatma Güneri
3rd Abbé Grégoire Innovation Days, Apr 2018, Paris, France. ⟨hal-03279081⟩
Influence of radiative heat transfer model on the computation of residual stresses in glass tempering process
Kossiga Agboka, Fabien Béchet, Norbert Siedow, Dominique Lochegnies
International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 2018, 9 (2), pp.235-251. ⟨10.1111/ijag.12335⟩. ⟨hal-03451187⟩
Mechanisms of pattern formation from dried sessile drops
Maryam Maria Parsa, Souad Harmand, Khellil Sefiane
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 254, pp.22-47. ⟨10.1016/j.cis.2018.03.007⟩. ⟨hal-03450040⟩
Geometrically nonlinear bending analysis of functionally graded beam with variable thickness by a meshless method
Jun Lin, Jiao Li, Yanjin Guan, Guoqun Zhao, Hakim Naceur, Daniel Coutellier
Composite Structures, 2018, 189, pp.239-246. ⟨10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.01.063⟩. ⟨hal-03450880⟩
Quantitative Evolution of WC-Co Cemented Carbide Tool Surface during the Cold Forming of Steel Parts
Laurent Dubar, Colin Debras, Mirentxu Dubar, André Dubois
Key Engineering Materials, 2018, 767, pp.290-297. ⟨10.4028/⟩. ⟨hal-03450818⟩
MIP formulations for identical parallel machine scheduling problem with single server
Abdelhak El Idrissi, Rachid Benmansour, Mohammed Benbrahim, David Duvivier
2018 4th International Conference on Optimization and Applications (ICOA), Apr 2018, Mohammedia, Morocco. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ICOA.2018.8370596⟩. ⟨hal-03383549⟩
[Invited] Study of the spectral bandwidth of a double-pass acousto-optic system
Justine Champagne, Jean-Claude Kastelik, Samuel Dupont, Joseph Gazalet
13th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications, Jun 2017, Moscow, Russia. pp.C49-C55. ⟨hal-03549258⟩
Livrable D4.1 : Spécifications des stratégies de coopération Homme-machine
Chouki Sentouh, Philippe Simon, Jérôme Floris, Jean-Christophe Popieul
[Rapport de recherche] LAMIH, Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France. 2018. ⟨hal-03420605⟩
Towards the Numerical Prediction of Galling Onset in Cold Forming
Oussama Filali, André Dubois, Laurent Dubar, Mirentxu Dubar
Key Engineering Materials, 2018, 767, pp.103-110. ⟨10.4028/⟩. ⟨hal-03450907⟩
Wavelength characterization of an acousto-optic notch filter for unpolarized near-infrared light
Jean-Claude Kastelik, Justine Champagne, Samuel Dupont, Konstantin B. Yushkov
13th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications, Jun 2017, Moscow, Russia. pp.C36-C41. ⟨hal-03549268⟩