Affichage de 2111 à 2120 sur 6407
On the modeling of a visco-hyperelastic polymer gel under blunt ballistic impacts
Anthony Bracq, Grégory Haugou, Benjamin Bourel, Christophe Maréchal, Franck Lauro, Sébastien Roth, Olivier Mauzac
International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 118, pp.78-90. ⟨10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2018.04.001⟩. ⟨hal-03451027⟩
Study of engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics fueled with diesel-like fuel produced from waste engine oil and waste plastics
V. Edwin Geo, Ankit Sonthalia, Fethi Aloui, J. Femilda Josephin
FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and ENGINEERING, 2018, 12 (4), ⟨10.1007/s11783-018-1063-6⟩. ⟨hal-03450001⟩
Homme, personne, être humain
Vassil Mostrov, Angelina Aleksandrova
Linx, 2018, 76, pp.133-162. ⟨10.4000/linx.2531⟩. ⟨hal-03236231⟩
A discrete element approach for modeling the 3D thermal-induced damage
Ghassan Alhajj Hassan, Solange Humblet, Gregory Martic, Emmanuel Bellenger, Willy Leclerc, Meric Tandja, Mohammed Guessasma, Christine Pelegris, Marc Duquennoy, Maurice Gonon
13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM XIII, and 2nd Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, PANACM II, Jul 2018, New York, NY, United States. . ⟨hal-03596254⟩
Non à la transformation de la Cour de Cassation en "Cour suprême
Magali Jaouen
Non à la transformation de la Cour de Cassation en "Cour suprême". Les, 2018, 22741, pp.6. ⟨hal-02942980⟩
Assessment of the mechanical and tribological performance of a ZrN PVD coating
Mariana Henriette Staia, A. Trocelis, Amel Zairi, Maribel Suarez, Eli Saúl Puchi-Cabrera, A. Iost, Alex Montagne
Surface Engineering, 2018, 35 (6), pp.491-500. ⟨10.1080/02670844.2017.1414766⟩. ⟨hal-03676488⟩
Détermination des courbes de dispersions des ondes guidées ultrasonores : nouvelle approche
Farouk Benmeddour
Centre de Recherche en Technologies Industrielles, Unité de Développement des Couches Minces et Applications, CRTI-UDCMA, Jul 2018, Sétif, Algérie. ⟨hal-03597051⟩
Étude de l’interaction des ondes guidées ultrasonores avec les endommagements : application aux transports
Farouk Benmeddour
Centre de Recherche en Technologies Industrielles, Unité de Recherche en Matériaux Avancés, CRTI-URMA, Jul 2018, Annaba, Algérie. ⟨hal-03597107⟩
From Persona to Living Persona, Preliminary Data from a Pilot Study in HCI Education
Christophe Kolski, Bruno Warin
5th International Conference Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Design, Development and Technological Innovation, LCT 2018, Jul 2018, Las Vegas, United States. pp.136-146, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-91743-6_10⟩. ⟨hal-03338014⟩
Lattice Boltzmann Model for Incompressible Axisymmetric Thermal Flows With Swirl
Insaf Mehrez, Ramla Gheith, Fethi Aloui, Samia Ben Nasrallah
ASME 2018 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Jul 2018, Montreal, Canada. ⟨10.1115/FEDSM2018-83337⟩. ⟨hal-03676498⟩