
Affichage de 2031 à 2040 sur 6407

  • Poster de conférence

Scattering cross-section estimation using passive imaging in reverberating elastic plates: case study of rigid isotropic inclusion

Lynda Chehami, Julien de Rosny, Emmanuel Moulin, Jamal Assaad, Claire Prada

Proceedings of IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2018, Oct 2018, Kobe, Japan. ⟨hal-03586892⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Peut-on juridiquement ne pas rembourser la dette publique ?

Matthieu Caron, Caroline Lequesne Roth

séminaire IDP/Conférence THEMOS/UVHC, Oct 2018, Valenciennes, France. ⟨hal-03155767⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Human-Robots Team Cooperation in Crisis Management Mission

Lydia Habib, Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, Patrick Millot

With technological progresses, machines such as robots are increasingly used to work on hazardous and dynamic environments. In general, robots work with humans in a team. For this reason, our research aims to improve human-robot cooperation using human-machine cooperation principles. An important…

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Oct 2018, Miyazaki, Japan. pp.3219-3224, ⟨10.1109/SMC.2018.00545⟩. ⟨hal-03408660⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Multiple Controller Switching Concept for Human-Machine Shared Control of Lane Keeping Assist Systems

Chouki Sentouh, Tran Anh-Tu Nguyen, Jérôme Floris, Jean-Christophe Popieul

This paper is concerned with a new control method which can share the control authority between a human driver and a lane keeping assist system. Based on the concept of multiple controller switching, this shared control method is composed of two levels: operational and tactical. At the operational…

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Oct 2018, Miyazaki, Japan. pp.2730-2735, ⟨10.1109/SMC.2018.00466⟩. ⟨hal-03408620⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

A Reliability Study on CNNs for Critical Embedded Systems

Mohamed Ayoub Neggaz, Pablo Ribalta, Ihsen Alouani, Smail Niar

Deep learning systems such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown remarkable efficiency in dealing with a variety of complex real life problems. To accelerate the execution of these heavy algorithms, a plethora of software implementations and hardware accelerators have been proposed. In…

2018 IEEE 36th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), Oct 2018, Orlando, United States. pp.476-479, ⟨10.1109/ICCD.2018.00077⟩. ⟨hal-03430208⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Du bassin de vie à la Smart City

Igor Crevits, C. Hemery

MTO'2018, 10ème édition du colloque Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, Institut Montpellier Management, Oct 2018, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-03432054⟩