
Affichage de 1461 à 1470 sur 6407

  • Communication dans un congrès

Ode aux tatoués. Apaches, Affranchis, Hommes du Milieu : les mauvais garçons, héros magnifiés de la chanson réaliste

Audrey Coudevylle

« La littérature dans la peau : enjeux, imaginaires, pratiques », Tatouage et performance, Paris-8; UPHF, Nov 2019, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04540134⟩

  • Poster de conférence

Agent intelligent pour la gestion du trafic routier : Cas d'un trafic avec feux de circulation à l'intersection.

Martial Razakatiana, Christophe Kolski, René Mandiau, Thomas Mahatody

Doctoriales, Communication 26 CSFR, ARES, Nov 2019, Majunga, Madagascar. ⟨hal-03389477⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Effect of microstructure and temperature on the stress corrosion cracking of two microalloyed pipeline steels in H2S environment for gas transport

Amilkar Fragiel, S Serna, J. M. Malo-Tamayo, P Silva, B. F Campillo Illanes, E. A Martínez-Martínez, Leonel Cota, Mariana Henriette Staia, Eli Saúl Puchi-Cabrera, Ramiro Peréz

The stress corrosion cracking resistance of two API X65 microalloyed steels, with different microstructures has been evaluated both at room temperature and at 55 °C, by means of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) specimens known as MWOL (Modified WOL specimen), under constant displacement.…

Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019, 105, pp.1055-1068. ⟨10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.06.028⟩. ⟨hal-03675456⟩

  • Ouvrages

SIDA. Une écriture au féminin

Nicolas Balutet, Florence Lhote

Sipayat. 128 pp., 2019, Sciences Humaines, 9782919228348. ⟨hal-04054467⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

[Invited] Exploitation of ambient noise and ultrasound coda properties for low-resource structural health-monitoring applications

Emmanuel Moulin, Farouk Benmeddour, Lynda Chehami, Jamal Assaad

3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Applications, AMPSECA 2019, Oct 2019, Marrakech, Morocco. ⟨hal-03595956⟩

  • Poster de conférence

Transparent, stretchable artificial skin: proximity and touch sensibility

Tan Ngoc Nguyen, Mirza Sarwar, C. Preston, Aziliz Le Goff, Cedric Plesse, Frederic Vidal, Eric Cattan, John D.W. Madden

3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Applications, AMPSECA 2019, Oct 2019, Marrakech, Morocco. ⟨hal-03590979⟩