
Affichage de 1131 à 1140 sur 6407

  • Communication dans un congrès

Bilan contentieux de l’état d’urgence sanitaire et de l’(in)efficacité des voies de droit

Olga Mamoudy

La mise en œuvre de l'état d'urgence sanitaire sur le territoire de la République : quel bilan et quelles perspectives dans l'Hexagone et en Outre-mer ?, Jun 2020, Virtual Event, France. ⟨hal-03704157⟩

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Self-adaptative Early Warning Scoring System for Smart Hospital

Imen Ben Ida, Moez Balti, Sondès Chaabane, Abderrazak Jemai

With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), various interconnected objects can be used to improve the collection and the process of vital signs with partially or fully automatized methods in smart hospital environment. The vital signs data are used to evaluate patient health status using…

The Impact of Digital Technologies on Public Health in Developed and Developing Countries, 12157, Springer International Publishing, pp.16-27, 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-303051516-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-51517-1_2⟩. ⟨hal-03678330⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Using Learning Techniques to Observe Elderly’s Behavior Changes over Time in Smart Home

Dorsaf Zekri, Thierry Delot, Mikael Desertot, Sylvain Lecomte, Marie Thilliez

18th International Conference On Smart Living and Public Health, Jun 2020, Hammamet, Tunisia. pp.129-141. ⟨hal-03380371⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

FSO-CDMA Systems Supporting end-to-end Network Slicing

Thiago Raddo, Javier Perez-Santacruz, Ulf Johannsen, Iyad Dayoub, Shyqyri Haxha, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Antonio Jurado-Navas

A new flexible, secure FSO-CDMA system supporting end-to-end network resource slicing is proposed and investigated. New mathematical formalisms considering distinct turbulence conditions are derived. The system supports different applications, use cases, and traffic requirements.

3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications, Jun 2020, Washington, DC, United States. pp.JW2A.38, ⟨10.1364/3D.2020.JW2A.38⟩. ⟨hal-03382865⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Contribution à l’estimation des canaux relatifs aux systèmes full-duplex dédiés aux communications 5G

Soheyb Ribouh, Yassin El Hillali

Technologie 5G et Beyond, Jun 2020, Villeneuve d'Ascq (visioconférence), France. ⟨hal-03576431⟩