Affichage de 4961 à 4970 sur 6388
Description of a Self-adaptive Architecture for Upper-limb Rehabilitation
Alexis Heloir, Sylvain Haudegond, Yoann Lebrun, Fabrizio Nunnari, Christophe Kolski
REHAB 2014, 2nd ICTs for improving Patient Rehabilitation Research Techniques Workshop, May 2014, Oldenbourg, Germany. ⟨10.4108/icst.pervasivehealth.2014.255246⟩. ⟨hal-03383720⟩
Mapping Personality to the Appearance of Virtual Characters Using Interactive Genetic Algorithms.
Fabrizio Nunnari, Alexis Heloir
Intelligent Virtual Agents - 14th International Conference, IVA 2014, Aug 2014, Boston, United States. pp.316-319, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-09767-1_40⟩. ⟨hal-03387851⟩
L'invention de la figure d'auteur-compositeur-interprète dans la chanson française, des troubadours à Brel, A invenção da figura da autor-compositor-intérprete na canção françesa, dos trovadores a Jacques Brel
Stéphane Hirschi
Palabras cantadas III, Presses de l'Université de Rio, pp.339-362, 2014. ⟨hal-03248333⟩
Les dispositions de la loi ALUR relatives aux baux de logements meublés et meublés touristiques
Solène Ringler
Revue trimestrielle de droit immobilier, 2014, Spécial Loi ALUR, pp.40-45. ⟨hal-02926436⟩
Adaptations morphologiques pour modélisation passagers PMR-âgés
François Gabrielli, Philippe Pudlo
[Rapport de recherche] Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis; Laboratoire d'Automatique, de Mécanique et d'Informatique industrielles et Humaines. 2014. ⟨hal-03642690⟩
Proposition of an analysis framework to describe the "activeness" of a product during its life cycle part i: Motivations and modelling
Yves Sallez
Borangiu; Trentesaux; Thomas. Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing and Robotics, 544, Springer, pp.257-270, 2014, 978-331904734-8. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-04735-5_17⟩. ⟨hal-03404202⟩
Cohomological equations and invariant distributions on a compact Lie group
Aziz El Kacimi Alaoui, Hadda Hmili
Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 2014, 43 (2), pp.151-173. ⟨10.14492/hokmj/1404229920⟩. ⟨hal-03164536⟩
Etude des imaginaires suscités par des jeux vidéo de premières générations, Study of players imaginary related to first generations of video games
Julian Alvarez, Sylvain Haudegond
Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM) = Journal of Human Mediated Interactions, 2014, 14 (1). ⟨hal-03465527⟩
Roughness statistical influence on cell adhesion using profilometry and multiscale analysis
Sylvain Giljean, Maxence Bigerelle, Karine Anselme
Scanning, 2014, 36 (1), pp.2-10. ⟨10.1002/sca.21061⟩. ⟨hal-03663349⟩
Solidarity-based initiatives: Field realities and analysis
Laurent Gardin
Jacques Defourmy; Lars Hulgard; Victor Pestoff. Social enterprise and the Third sector, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, pp.114-130, 2014, 9780203487747. ⟨hal-02948742⟩