Affichage de 4921 à 4930 sur 6388
Towards Indicators for HCI Quality Evaluation Support
Ahlem Assila, Káthia Marçal de Oliveira, Houcine Ezzedine
Advances in Conceptual Modeling, 8823, Springer International Publishing, pp.178-187, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-331912255-7. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-12256-4_19⟩. ⟨hal-03659706⟩
How to Select the Most Relevant 3D Roughness Parameters of a Surface
Raphaël Deltombe, Krzysztof Kubiak, Maxence Bigerelle
Scanning, 2014, 36 (1), pp.150-160. ⟨10.1002/sca.21113⟩. ⟨hal-03627416⟩
Using Value Ranges to Reduce User Effort in Preference Elicitation
Emmanuelle Grislin-Le Strugeon
Group Decision and Negotiation. A Process-Oriented View, 180, Springer International Publishing, pp.211-218, 2014, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 978-3-319-07179-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-07179-4_24⟩. ⟨hal-03472801⟩
Current configuration detection in hybrid systems: Application to a conjunction–disjunction mechatronics system
Fayssal Arichi, Cherki Brahim, Mohamed Djemai
Mechatronics, 2014, 24 (8), pp.1262-1268. ⟨10.1016/j.mechatronics.2014.09.012⟩. ⟨hal-03430103⟩
Déploiement du Processus d’Aide à la Décision dans l’inspection filtrage aéroportuaire
Igor Crevits
[Rapport de recherche] Laboratoire automatique, de mécanique et d'informatique industrielles et humaines. 2014. ⟨hal-03405180⟩
Higher-Order Sliding Mode Observer for Speed and Position Estimation in PMSM
Suneel Kumar Kommuri, Kalyana Chakravarthy Veluvolu, Michael Defoort, Yeng Chai Soh
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 2014, pp.589109. ⟨10.1155/2014/589109⟩. ⟨hal-03644609⟩
Incorporating Usability into Model Transformation
L. Ammar, A. Trabelsi, Adel Mahfoudhi
Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3, 300, Springer International Publishing, pp.27-38, 2014, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-08491-6_3⟩. ⟨hal-03659215⟩
Well-posedness and spectral properties of heat and wave equations with non-local conditions
Delio Mugnolo, Serge Nicaise
Journal of Differential Equations, 2014, 256 (7), pp.2115-2151. ⟨10.1016/j.jde.2013.12.016⟩. ⟨hal-03163703⟩
Active modes and switching instants identification for linear switched systems based on Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization
Sahbi Boubaker, Mohamed Djemai, Noureddine Manamanni, Faouzi M'Sahli
Applied Soft Computing, 2014, 14 (Part C), pp.482-488. ⟨10.1016/j.asoc.2013.09.009⟩. ⟨hal-03649047⟩
L'actionnabilité des dispositifs de formation continue dans les petites entreprises
Isabelle Alphonse-Tilloy, Antoine Masingue, Jean-Michel Pottier
Gérer les RH dans les PME, Vuibert, 2014, 978-2-311-40012-0. ⟨hal-02942655⟩