
Affichage de 2541 à 2550 sur 6388

  • Communication dans un congrès

JND-guided perceptual pre-filtering for HEVC compression of UHDTV video contents

Eloïse Vidal, François-Xavier Coudoux, Patrick Corlay, Christine Guillemot

18th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ACIVS 2017, Sep 2017, Antwerp, Belgium. ⟨hal-03579818⟩

  • Article dans une revue

JND-Guided Perceptual Pre-filtering for HEVC Compression of UHDTV Video Contents

Eloïse Vidal, François-Xavier Coudoux, Patrick Corlay, Christine Guillemot

In this paper, two new perceptual filters are presented as pre-processing techniques to reduce the bitrate of HEVC compressed Ultra high-definition (UHD) video contents at constant visual quality. The proposed perceptual filters rely on two novel adaptive filters (called BilAWA and TBil) which...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10617, pp.375-385. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-70353-4_32⟩. ⟨hal-03565787⟩

  • Article dans une revue

3 questions à Romélien Colavitti sur le cadre juridique de la politique de la ville

Romélien Colavitti

Le Club des juristes, 2017. ⟨hal-02887557⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Couplage vibratoire bioinspiré pour la propulsion d'un nano-drone mimant l'insecte

Damien Faux, Eric Cattan, Olivier Thomas, Sébastien Grondel

7es Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit, JJCAB 2017, Nov 2017, Paris, France. ⟨hal-03565852⟩

  • Poster de conférence

Using 802.11ah for a healthcare IoT

Prasaja Wikanta, Iyad Dayoub, Andy Triwinarko, El Hadj Dogheche

5th International Conference on Sensors, Energy Harvesting, Wireless Network and Smart Objects, SENSO 2017, Nov 2017, Gardanne, France. ⟨hal-03553069⟩

  • Poster de conférence

Stochastic modeling of IEEE 802.11p output process for efficient V2X large-scale interworking

Fatma Salem, Yassin El Hillali, Smail Niar

Proceedings of 24th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology, SCVT 2017, Nov 2017, Leuven, Belgium. ⟨hal-03582344⟩