Affichage de 931 à 940 sur 6406
Model and Flow Sheet Improvements for Coal fired Power Plants Equipped with a CO2 Capture Process Using Monoethanolamine
Tanguy Hahn, Jian Chen, Weiyang Fei, Fethi Aloui
12th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-12), Dec 2020, Doha (en ligne), Qatar. ⟨hal-04161203⟩
Theoretical Investigations of Stirling Engine Performances for Different Working Fluids
Houda Hachem, Ramla Gheith, Fethi Aloui
12th International Exergy, Energyand Environment Symposium (IEEES-12), Dec 2020, Doha (en ligne), Qatar. ⟨hal-04161214⟩
Spectral Analysis of LBM-LES Numerical Data on Lid-Driven Cavity
Insaf Mehrez, Ramla Gheith, Fethi Aloui
12th International Exergy, Energy and EnvironmentSymposium (IEEES-12), Dec 2020, Doha (en ligne), Qatar. ⟨hal-04161225⟩
Heating Rate Effect on Tetrapak Paper Pyrolysis: Thermogravimetric Analysis
Afef Bouazizi, Emna Berrich, Imene Bekri, Ezzedine Srasra, Fethi Aloui
12th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-12), Dec 2020, Doha (en ligne), Qatar. ⟨hal-04161239⟩
5G for Remote Driving of Trains
Yamen Alsaba, Marion Berbineau, Iyad Dayoub, Emilie Masson, Gemma Morral Adell, Eric Robert
15th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft 2020, Nov 2020, Bordeaux, France. pp.137-147, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-66030-7_12⟩. ⟨hal-04135688⟩
Parallel machine scheduling problem with a single server, Ordonnancement sur des machines parallèles avec un serveur partagé
Abdelhak El Idrissi
Computer Science [cs]. Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France; Institut national des sciences appliquées Hauts-de-France; Ecole Mohammadia d'ingénieurs (Rabat, Maroc), 2020. English. ⟨NNT : 2020UPHF0034⟩. ⟨tel-03429508⟩
Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement et de la rupture de thermoplastiques pour une large gamme de vitesse de déformation et de température, Characterization and modeling of the behaviour and the failure of thermoplastics in a wide strain-rate range and temperature
Vincent Dorleans
Sciences de l'ingénieur [physics]. Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France; Institut national des sciences appliquées Hauts-de-France, 2020. Français. ⟨NNT : 2020UPHF0031⟩. ⟨tel-03376760⟩
Avoiding unmeasured premise variables in designing unknown input observers for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems
Tran Anh-Tu Nguyen, Jun-Tao Pan, Thierry-Marie Guerra, Zhenhua Wang
59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 2020, Jeju Island, South Korea. ⟨hal-03408370⟩
On the Sum Rate of MCM-Based NOMA and MCM-Based OMA Systems
Yamen Alsaba, Michel Saideh, Iyad Dayoub, Marion Berbineau
2020 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), Dec 2020, Adelaide, Australia. pp.1-5, ⟨10.1109/ICSPCS50536.2020.9310001⟩. ⟨hal-03382843⟩