
Affichage de 411 à 420 sur 6405

  • Article dans une revue

A Comparative EPR Study of Non-Substituted and Mg-Substituted Hydroxyapatite Behaviour in Model Media and during Accelerated Ageing

Monica Vidotto, Timor Grego, Bozana Petrovic, Nicolas Somers, Tatjana Antonic Jelic, Damir Kralj, Nives Matijakovic Mlinaric, Anne Leriche, Maja Dutour Sikirić, Ina Erceg, Nadica Maltar-Strmečki

To assess the application potential of novel biomaterials, their behaviour in model media and upon sterilization should be investigated, as well as the stability related to their storage conditions. Such data are lacking for Mg-substituted HAP (Mg-HAP). Therefore, the changes in the local structure...

Crystals, 2022, 12 (2), pp.297. ⟨10.3390/cryst12020297⟩. ⟨hal-04491859⟩

  • Article dans une revue

L’héritage gréco-latin dans la littérature française contemporaine. I, des écrivains traducteurs

Bénédicte Gorrillot

Po&sie [Poésie], 2022, 177-178, pp.79-94. ⟨hal-03513129⟩

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Legendre Polynomial Modeling of a Piezoelectric Transformer

Derandraibe Jeannot Falimiaramanana, Hassna Khalfi, Joli Randrianarivelo, Faniry Emilson Ratolojanahary, Lahoucine Elmaimouni, I. Naciri, Mohamed Rguiti

A polynomial approach is used for solving wave propagation to forecast the performance of piezoelectric transformers (PTs). The method consists in integrating straightforwardly into the equation of motion via a delta function the continuity and boundary conditions. Resonance and anti-resonance...

Advanced Technologies for Humanity, 110, Springer International Publishing, pp.320-330, 2022, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-94188-8_30⟩. ⟨hal-04491826⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

« Le Minotaure chez Jorge Luis Borges, Enrique Serna et Pablo Picasso »

Nicolas Balutet

Atelier de recherche mastéral Les monstres. Histoire, imaginaires et sociétés, Nicolas Balutet, Jan 2022, Valenciennes, France. ⟨hal-04527540⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

« Conquérants et chroniqueurs face au “péché indicible” : schèmes mentaux, mythe des géants et exactions espagnoles »

Nicolas Balutet

Atelier de recherche mastéral Les monstres. Histoire, imaginaires et sociétés, Nicolas Balutet, Jan 2022, Valenciennes, France. ⟨hal-04527541⟩