
Affichage de 2611 à 2620 sur 6409

  • Communication dans un congrès

Simulation CFD des échangeurs de chaleur dans un moteur Stirling à Double effet

Ramla Gheith, Mohamed Frikha, Houda Hachem, Fethi Aloui, Sassi Ben Nasrallah

Journées Internationales de la Thermique 2017, Oct 2017, Monastir, Tunisie. ⟨hal-03439563⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Communication sans fil à 2.4 GHz dans le milieu ferroviaire

Sara Iben Jellal, Ulrich Biaou, Laila Sakkila, S. Baranowski, Michael Bocquet

Assemblée Générale « Interférences d’Ondes » du GDR Ondes, Sophia Antipolis, Oct 2017, Nice, France. ⟨hal-03574244⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Caractérisations morphologique et mécanique des films sol gel par méthodes ultrasonores

Marc Duquennoy

Journée de Lancement du Programme Européen Interreg TRANSPORT, Oct 2017, Ghislenghien, Belgique. ⟨hal-03591117⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

An Embedded Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Design for Vehicle Perception Tasks

Mokhtar Bouain, Karim Mohamed Abedallah Ali, Denis Berdjag, Nizar Fakhfakh, Rabie Ben Atitallah

Nowadays, multi-sensor architectures are popular to provide a better understanding of environment perception for intelligent vehicles. Using multiple sensors to deal with perception tasks in a rich environment is a natural solution. Most of the research works have focused on PC-based...

ICCSIT 2017 : 2017 10th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2017), Oct 2017, Florence, Italy. ⟨hal-03412391⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

RFIW 2017: LPQ-SIEDA for large scale kinship verification

Oualid Laiadi, Abdelhamid Benakcha, Abdelmalik Ouamane, Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed

As a part of the RFIW 2017 Data Challenge Workshop, we demonstrate performance on the large-scale FIW dataset, along with several pre-existing image collections. Noticing available version of SIEDA method work well on smaller datasets (i.e. Cornell and UB KinFace datasets) than on FIW, we propose...

Workshop on Recognizing Families In the Wild, RFIW 2017, Oct 2017, Mountain View, CA, United States. pp.37-39, ⟨10.1145/3134421.3134426⟩. ⟨hal-03665847⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Performance Evaluation Model of Railway Operators Safety Management Systems

Cyril Legrand, Laurent Cebulski, Joffrey Clarhaut, Mohamed Ghazel, Laurent Cauffriez, El Miloudi El Koursi

The European legal framework and particularly safety directive 2004/49 introduce the necessity for railway operators to have a Safety Management System (SMS) authorised by a National Safety Agency (NSA) during a limited period. A SMS offers a systematic and precise description of the company...

IRSC 2017, 27th International Railway Safety Council 2017, Oct 2017, Hong Kong, China. ⟨hal-03412434⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Influent Fabric Parameters on the Energy Absorption During Dynamic Tensile Loadings

François Boussu, Caroline Chevalier, Christophe Kerisit, Daniel Coutellier

Based on numerous research works [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6], fabric parameters such as: the yarn’s properties, the yarn-to-yarn friction coefficient and the distribution of end and pick densities, have been revealed as influent on the energy absorption mechanism during ballistic impact. However, most...

American Society for Composites 32nd Technical Conference, Oct 2017, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. pp.2865-2874, ⟨10.12783/asc2017/15394⟩. ⟨hal-03436402⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

How to Build a “Cooperative” Safety Bubble for a Reconfigurable Assembly System?

Yves Sallez, Thierry Berger

Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing (SOHOMA'17), Oct 2017, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-03412516⟩