
Affichage de 2571 à 2580 sur 6409

  • Communication dans un congrès

La gestion de la myopie en architecture distribuée

William Derigent, Emmanuel Adam

24èmes journées STP (Sciences et Techniques de la Production) du GdR MAC, Faculté Des Sciences Et Techniques De Vandoeuvre & AIP Lorraine, Nov 2017, Nancy, France. ⟨hal-03394431⟩

  • Poster de conférence

Adaptive GoP for broadcast linear video coding under bandwidth constraints

Anthony Trioux, François-Xavier Coudoux, Patrick Corlay, M Gharbi

Journées de la section électronique du club EEA, « Véhicule autonome - Transport intelligent », Nov 2017, Valenciennes, France. ⟨hal-03574669⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Strain-engineered magneto electric effect in piezoelectric-ferrite heterostructure

Jianyun Lian, Denis Remiens, Freddy Ponchel, Nicolas Tiercelin, T. Lasri, Ying Chen, Wending Zhang, Genshui Wang, Xianlin Dong

10th International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics, CICC-10, Nov 2017, Nanchang, China. ⟨hal-03565981⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Preliminary clusters analysis based on functional disability scales for chronic Low Back Pain – Kinematic and EMG differences

Yannick Delpierre, M. Ritz, Cyril Garnier

42ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Nov 2017, Reims, France. ⟨hal-03463323⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Reducing the number of cameras and increasing the calibrated volume for motion capture

Azeddine Aissaoui, Philippe Pudlo, Abdelkrim Ouafi, Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed

42ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Nov 2017, Reims, France. ⟨hal-03420136⟩

  • Article dans une revue

A novel anatomical ceramic root canal simulator for endodontic training

Lieven Robberecht, F. Chai, Marion Dehurtevent, Pierre Marchandise, T. Bécavin, Jean-Christophe Hornez, Etienne Deveaux

Introduction Endodontic therapy is often complicated and technically demanding. The aim of this study was to develop a reproducible biomimetic root canal model for pre-clinical and postgraduate endodontic training. Material and Methods A specific ceramic shaping technique (3D printing and slip...

European Journal of Dental Education, 2017, 21 (4), pp.e1-e6. ⟨10.1111/eje.12207⟩. ⟨hal-03079712⟩