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Multi-electrode array for spectral bandwidth control
Justine Champagne, Jean-Claude Kastelik, Samuel Dupont
Fourteenth School on Acousto-Optics and Applications, Jun 2019, Torun, Poland. pp.27, ⟨10.1117/12.2541007⟩. ⟨hal-03549127⟩
A 2D multiphysics model for vibration induced heating at closed defects
Kevin Truyaert, Koen van den Abeele, Vladislav Aleshin, Anton Pylypenko, Marina Terzi, Steven Delrue
24th International Conference on Nonlinear Elasticity in Materials, ICNEM 2019, Jun 2019, Krakow, Poland. ⟨hal-03595029⟩
Variable-sized bin packing problem with color constraints
Raouia Taktak, Said Hanafi, Ali Ridha Mahjoub, Christophe Wilbaut
JPOC11 : Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire, Jun 2019, Metz, France. ⟨hal-03472346⟩
Control Synthesis for Fuzzy Systems with Local Nonlinear Models Subject to Actuator Saturation
Tran Anh-Tu Nguyen, Pedro Henrique Coutinho, Thierry-Marie Guerra, Reinaldo Martinez Palhares
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2019), Jun 2019, New Orleans, United States. ⟨hal-03467659⟩
Electro-optical analysis of 30% InGaN/GaN MQW LED devices
Kutsal Bozkurt, Orhan Özdemir, Neslihan Ayarci Kuruoğlu, Bandar Alshehri, Karim Dogheche, Quentin Gaimard, Abderrahim Ramdane, El Hadj Dogheche
10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT 2019, Jun 2019, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. ⟨hal-03552932⟩
Surface acoustic wave generation and propagation on polar glass-ceramic for high temperature sensors
F. Dupla, Marie-Sophie Renoirt, Maurice Gonon, Nikolay Smagin, Marc Duquennoy, Gregory Martic, Mohamed Rguiti
20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII, TRANSDUCERS 2019 & EUROSENSORS XXXIII, Jun 2019, Berlin, Germany. ⟨10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2019.8808519⟩. ⟨hal-03586843⟩
[Invited] Size reduction of InGaN/GaN based led devices as a major challenge for boosting light fidelity frequency bandwidth
Bandar Alshehri, Karim Dogheche, El Hadj Dogheche
10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT 2019, Jun 2019, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. ⟨hal-03572369⟩
ZnO nanorods applications to improve hydrodynamic surfaces performances: sliding speed and drag forces
Ali Ahmed Alshehri, Philippe Champagne, Laurent Keirsbulck, El Hadj Dogheche
10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT 2019, Jun 2019, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. ⟨hal-03552980⟩
Synthèse et étude structurale du nouveau phosphate Ca2MgFe2(PO4)4
Saleck Ahmed Ould, Claudine Follet-Houttemane, Assani Abderrazzak, Saadi Mohamed, Cyrille Albert-Mercier, Ammari Lahcen El
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC 2019), Jun 2019, Rouen, France. ⟨hal-04318745⟩
Le traitement juridique de la circulation des personnes dans l’Union européenne, The legal treatment of the movement of persons in the European Union
Marion Ho-Dac
Droit. Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, 2019. ⟨tel-03694972⟩