
Affichage de 1451 à 1460 sur 6407

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

“Représenter au naturel” – Rhétorique et mise à nu dans les Essais

Blandine Perona

Montaigne : une rhétorique naturalisée ?, Honoré Champion, pp.193-210, 2019, 9782745351821. ⟨hal-04462162⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Alterations in torque steadiness following transfemoral amputation

Rowan Smart, Emilie Simoneau-Buessinger, Jennifer Bassement, Jennifer Jakobi, Sebastien Leteneur, Anis Toumi

Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology annual general meeting, Nov 2019, Kelowna, Canada. ⟨hal-03462088⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

All solid-state ionic actuators based on polymeric ionic liquids and electronic conducting polymers

Frédéric Braz Ribeiro, Giao T.M. Nguyen, Alexander Shaplov, Eric Cattan, Frederic Vidal, Cedric Plesse

Ionic electro-active polymers (EAP) are promising materials for actuation and sensing. In order to operate in open-air, they are usually built in a trilayer configuration where the internal polymer membrane is soaked with an exogenous electrolyte and sandwiched between two electronic conducting...

5th International Conference on Ionic Liquid-based Materials, ILMAT 2019, Nov 2019, Paris, France. ⟨10.1117/12.2300774⟩. ⟨hal-03582759⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Ode aux tatoués. Apaches, Affranchis, Hommes du Milieu : les mauvais garçons, héros magnifiés de la chanson réaliste

Audrey Coudevylle

« La littérature dans la peau : enjeux, imaginaires, pratiques », Tatouage et performance, Paris-8; UPHF, Nov 2019, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04540134⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Solving heat conduction problems with phase-change under the heat source term approach and the element-free Galerkin formulation

Juan Carlos Álvarez-Hostos, Erick Gutierrez-Zambrano, Joselynne Salazar-Bove, Eli Saúl Puchi-Cabrera, Alfonso D. Bencomo

The present work has been conducted in order to introduce an alternative solution for heat transfer problems with phase-change and moving boundaries, via the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method. In this novel approach, the phase-change non-linearity is addressed under the heat source term...

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 108, pp.104321. ⟨10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2019.104321⟩. ⟨hal-03675401⟩