Affichage de 1021 à 1030 sur 6406
Apprentissage automatique dans la prédiction des durées de séjour hospitalier
Rachda Naila Mekhaldi, Patrice Caulier, Sondès Chaabane, Sylvain Piechowiak, Julien Taillard, Arnaud Hansske
10ème conférence Francophone en Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers, GISEH2020, Oct 2020, Valenciennes, France. ⟨hal-03198124⟩
Kinship Verification From Gait?
Salah Eddine Bekhouche, Abdelhakim Chergui, Abdenour Hadid, Yassine Ruichek
27th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2020), Oct 2020, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. pp.2950-2954, ⟨10.1109/ICIP40778.2020.9190787⟩. ⟨hal-03571814⟩
Doit/peut-on encore licencier ?
Stéphane Michel
Journée d'études Régionale en Droit du travail : La rupture du contrat de travail, une technique évolutive, Oct 2020, Douai, France. ⟨hal-03704160⟩
Histoire de la CPVE : illustration en matière d’expropriation
Corinne Bléry
Dalloz Actualité, 2020. ⟨hal-03720687⟩
Local stabilization of discrete-time nonlinear systems
Zsofia Lendek, Jimmy Lauber
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020, ⟨10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.3031383⟩. ⟨hal-03424347⟩
Reflections on some research work of bang-yen chen
Joeri van Der Veken, Alfonso Carriazo, Ivko Dimitrić, Yun Myung Oh, Bogdan D Suceavă, Luc Vrancken
Geometry of submanifolds AMS special session in honor of Bang-Yen Chen's 75th birthday, Oct 2018, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. 756, American Mathematical Society, 2020, Contemporary Mathematics, ⟨10.1090/conm/756/15195⟩. ⟨hal-03722847⟩
Warped product hypersurfaces in pseudo-riemannian real space forms
Marilena Moruz, Luc Vrancken
AMS Special Session on Geometry of Submanifolds, in honor of Bang-Yen Chen's 75th birthday, Oct 2018, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. pp.173-186, ⟨10.1090/conm/756/15207⟩. ⟨hal-03722924⟩
Prototype of micro-hand based soft micro-transducers for medical application
Lauréline Seurre, Vadim Becquer, Sofiane Ghenna, Caroline Soyer, Sébastien Grondel, Giao T.M. Nguyen, Cedric Plesse, Frederic Vidal, Eric Cattan
1st Annual Meeting GDR 2088 BIOMIM, BIOMIM 2020, Oct 2020, Nice, France. . ⟨hal-03585726⟩
Droit propre du débiteur et absence de comparution du liquidateur à l'instance
Benjamin Ferrari
Gazette du Palais, 2020, 388t0, pp.70. ⟨hal-03702356⟩