Bâtiment LOTTMAN
Fonctions actuelles
- J’ai été désigné, par le directeur général de la recherche Pr Hafid AOURAGH en Algérie, expert depuis décembre 2008 pour la mise en place des programmes nationaux de recherche en Algérie dans le domaine du signal et de la vision orienté santé.De plus on m’a confié pour mission de monter un réseau STIC-santé pour regrouper et fédérer les compétences dans le domaine du signal et de l’image en Algérie et ainsi proposer une stratégie de recherche plus cohérente dans ce domaine.Je fais aussi partie des experts qui auditionne les enseignements chercheurs en Algérie pour bénéficier d’une Bourse de 18 mois en France afin de finaliser leur thèse dans le cadre du programme Franco-Algérien de formation supérieure en France (PROFAS anciennement BAF). Cette audition se déroule chaque année en Avril à Alger.
Au niveau international
Diplômes universitaires
- 2003 : HDR à l'université côte d'opale à Calais
- 1992 : Doctorat de 3éme cycle à l'université des sciences et technologies de Lille 1
Intervention TV, radio, audio-visuel
- Rapporteur de HDRZ. Baarir, «Compression d’images avec et sans pertes» HDR de l’Université de Biskra, Algérie, jury le 13 février 2008.Rapporteur de thèsesMahmoud Ghoniem, ‘Régularisation spatio-temporelle : applications au débruitage, à l’inpainting et à la classification’ Thèse de doctorat de l’université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Spécialité : Informatique et applications, le 14 Décembre 2010.Correcteur d’articles pour les revues :Pattern Recognition, IEEE TCAS, International Journal of Fusion, Pattern Recognition, IEEE SMC part B, Pattern Recognition Letters, Optical Engineering, Journal of mathematical Image Vision, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, International Review on Computers and Software, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, Advancement of Modelling & Simulation, Traitement du Signal et des Images,. JESA, ITBM-RBMCollaboration Inter université.Nous contribuons à un projet financé par le GRAISHYM entre le LAMIH de valsiriennes, GEMTEX de Roubaix, Université de Gand (Belgique), Ecole des mines de Douai et l’université de Nancy. Ce projet consiste à intégrer de l’information numérique, linguistique et de la connaissance experte humaine sur un produit ou un process au cours du temps. Plusieurs applications ont été envisagées, en industrie et dans le milieu médical. Ce projet a permis la soutenance d’une thèse, intitulée « Classification non supervisée de tissus corporels à partir de séquences images IRM ». Cette thèse a été financée par le conseil régional du Nord pas de calais et elle a été soutenue en janvier 2009.J’ai fait signer un protocole de collaboration entre l’université de Valenciennes et université de Mostaganem. Je suis entrain de finaliser aussi d’autre protocole notamment avec Biskra, Batna et Annaba. Ces protocoles me permettent de recevoir en stage des étudiants dans le cadre de leur finalisation de thèse (minimum 18 mois) et d’accueillir leur directeur de thèse pour des courts séjours de recherche (maximum 1 moisDans le cadre d’un projet financé et porté par la DGRST en Tunisie et le CNRS nous travaillons sur les problèmes inverses en EEG pour l’Analyse spatio-temporelle des rythmes corticaux. Ce projet a permis la soutenance d’une thèse intitulée « Contribution à la localisation de l’activité électrique cérébrale : Problème inverse en EEG », le 24 novembre 2010 à Sfax.Conférencier invité :Ø ISPA 2010, Biskra, AlgérieØ ISPA 2009, Mostaganem, AlgérieØ CITIC ’2009, 04-06 Mai 2009, Setif, Algérie,Ø CISA ‘2008, 1st Mediterranean Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Automation, Annaba, AlgérieØ SNIB 2008, Séminaire Nationale d’ Informatique nationale de Biskra, Mai 2008, Biskra ,AlgérieØ CIP’2007, 03-05 Novembre 2007, Setif, Algérie,Ø CVA’2007, Conference sur la Vision Artificielle, 18- 20 Novembre 2007, Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie,Chairman:Ø ISPA 2010, Biskra, AlgérieØ ISPA 2009, Mostaganem, AlgérieØ CITIC ’2009, 04-06 Mai 2009, Setif, Algérie,Ø CISA ‘2008, 1st Mediterranean Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Automation, , Annaba, AlgérieØ SNIB 2008, Séminaire Nationale d’Informatique nationale de Biskra, , Mai 2008, Biskra ,AlgérieØ CIP’2007, 03-05 Novembre 2007, Setif, Algérie,Ø CVA’2007, Conference sur la Vision Artificielle, , 18- 20 Novembre 2007, Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie,Ø Symposium on the 3D Analysis of Human Movement, Valenciennes, Juin 2006.Ø A Human Machine iNteraction Conference, HuMan07, Mars 2007, Timimoun Algérie.Ø First International Workshops on Image Processing Theory, Tools & Applications, November 24-26, 2008, Sousse, Tunisia
Enseignements actuels
- je suis professeur à l'IUT GE2I du Mont Houy à Valenciennes, j'enseigne le traitement du signal, la logique, le langage C, et le systeme d'exploitation Unix et enfin la théorie de la communication.
Revue internationale avec comité de lecture
Aissaoui A., Ouafi A., Pudlo P., Gillet C., Baarir Z.-E., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2018). Designing a camera placement assistance system for human motion capture based on a guided genetic algorithm. Virtual Reality, 22 (1), pp. 13-23. [IF=0.628]
Medjram S., Babahenini M., Ben ali Y., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2018). Automatic Hand Detection in Color Images based on skin region verification. Multimedia Tools and Applications. [IF=1.53] [DOI=https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-017-4995-0].
Garadi A., Djebbari A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). Exact analysis of signal-to-noise ratio for SAC-OCDMA system with direct detection. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 145, pp. 89-94. [IF=0.835]
Medjram S., Babahenini M., Taleb-Ahmed A., Ben ali Y. (2017). Real-time wrist localization in color images based on corner analysis. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76 (14), pp. 15297-15324. [IF=1.53]
Meadi M., Babahenini M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). New use of the HITS algorithm for fast web page classification. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 25 (3), pp. 2015-2032. [IF=0.578]
Bekhouche S., Ouafi A., Dornaika F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Hadid A. (2017). Pyramid multi-level features for facial demographic estimation. Expert Systems with Applications, 80 (1), pp. 297-310. [IF=3.928]
Benachenchou K., Hamadouche M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). New formulation of GNSS acquisition with CFAR detection. International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, 35 (3), pp. 215-230. [IF=1.079] [DOI=10.1002/sat.1177].
Kandouci C., Djebbari A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). A new family of 2D-wavelength-time codes for OCDMA system with direct detection. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 135, pp. 8-15. [IF=0.835] [DOI=10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.01.065].
Ouamane A., Boutellaa E., Bengherabi M., Taleb-Ahmed A., Hadid A. (2017). A novel statistical and multiscale local binary feature for 2D and 3D face verification. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 62, pp. 68-80. [IF=1.57] [DOI=10.1016/j.compeleceng.2017.01.001].
Elhannachi S., Benamrane N., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). Adaptive Medical Image Compression Based on Lossy and Lossless Embedded Zerotree Methods. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 13 (1), pp. 40-56 [DOI=10.3745/JIPS.02.0052].
Mostaria L., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). Simplified Log-Likelihood Ratio Calculation for Binary LDPC Codes. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 10 (1), pp. 37-40
Djeffal A., Babahenini M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). Fast binary support vector machine learning method by samples reduction. International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, 9 (1), pp. 1-16
Chemsa A., Saigaa D., Ghodbane H., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). Novel semi-blind estimation for turbo decoding in impulsive noise channel. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 8 (suppl. 1), pp. 188-197
Meadi M., Babahenini M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). Fast binary support vector machine learning method by samples reduction. International Journal of Data Mining Modelling and Management, 9 (1), pp. 11-21
Ouamane A., Belahcene M., Benackcha A., Bourennane S., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). Robust multimodal 2D and 3D face authentication using local feature fusion. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 10(1), pp. 129-137. [IF=1.43] [DOI=10.1007/s11760-014-0712-x].
Ouadfel S., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). Performance Study of Harmony Search Algorithm for Multilevel Thresholding. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 25(4), pp. 473-513
Boulmaiz A., Messadeg D., Doghmane N., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). Robust acoustic bird recognition for habitat monitoring with wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Speech Technology, 19(3), pp. 631-645
Ouadfel S., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). Social spiders optimization and flower pollination algorithm for multilevel image thresholding: A performance study. Expert Systems with applications, 55, pp. 566-584. [IF=2.981]
Chouiti S., Merad L., Meriah S., Raimundo X., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). An Efficient Image Reconstruction Method for Breast Cancer Detection Using an Ultra-Wideband Microwave Imaging System. Electromagnetics, 36(4), pp. 225-235. [IF=0.333] [DOI=10.1080/02726343.2016.1158612].
Attia A., Moussaoui A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). fMRI Data Analysis Using Dempster-Shafer Method with Estimating Voxel Selectivity by Belief Measure. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 7(1), pp. 316-324
Habchi Y., Beladgham M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). RGB Medical Video Compression Using Geometric Wavelet. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 6 (4), pp. 1627-1636
Beklaouz H., Hamadouche M., Mimi M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). CFAR Detection in the Framework of Time-Frequency Analysis. International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), 11 (3), pp. 323-330 [DOI=10.15866/iree.v11i3.8305].
Mostaria L., Taleb-Ahmed A., Bounoua A. (2015). Simplified soft output demapper for non-binary LDPC codes. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 126 (24), pp. 50745076 [DOI=10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.09.210].
Merah M., Taleb-Ahmed A., Larbi B. (2015). R-peaks detection based on stationary wavelet transform. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 121 (3), pp. 149-160 [DOI=10.1016/J.CMPB.2015.06.003].
Derraz F., Forzi G., Delebarre A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Oussalah M., Peyrodie L., Verclytte S. (2015). Prostate contours delineation using interactive directional active contours model and parametric shape prior model. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 31(11). [IF=2.052] [DOI=10.1002/cnm.2726].
Boydev C., Taleb-Ahmed A., Derraz F., Peyrodie L., Thiran J., Pasquier D. (2015). Development of CBCT-based prostate setup correction strategies and impact of rectal distension. Radiation oncology, 10 (1), pp. 10-83 [DOI=doi.org/10.1186/s13014-015-0386-8].
Hadid A., Ylioinas J., Bengherabi M., Ghahramani M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2015). Gender and texture classification: A comparative analysis using 13 variants of local binary patterns. Pattern Recognition Letters, 68 part 2, pp. 231-238. [IF=1.551]
Fassi B., Djebbari A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2014). Ternary Zero Correlation Zone Sequence Sets for Asynchronous DS-CDMA. Communications and Network, 6 (4), pp. 209-217 [DOI=10.4236/cn.2014.64023].
Naceur A., Merahi B., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2014). A Combined DMIRLS Algorithm in Adaptive Processing Antenna System. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39 (10), pp. 7109-7116. [IF=0.367] [DOI=10.1007/s13369-014-1230-4].
Bentrah A., Djeffal A., Babahenini M., Gillet C., Pudlo P., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2014). Full Body Adjustment Using Iterative Inverse Kinematic and Body Parts Correlation. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 10, pp. No. 3&4 : 309-326
Aissaoui A., Baarir Z.-E., Ouafi A., Pudlo P., Taleb-Ahmed A., Gillet C., Derraz F. (2014). Optimisation technique of camera placement for motion capture simulations.. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 17(sup1), pp. 122-123. [IF=1.793]
Djebbari A., Garadi A., Dayoub I., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2013). A New Code Construction with Zero Cross Correlation Based on BIBD. International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124 (18), pp. 3419-3421. [IF=0.51] [DOI=DOI 10.1016/j.ijleo.2012.10.078].
Boukhobza A., Bounoua A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Taleb N. (2013). Design of Biorthogonal Filter Banks Using a Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for an Image Coding Scheme. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 32 (4), pp. 1725-1744
Benchabane A., Bennia A., Charif F., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2013). Multi-dimensional Capon spectral estimation using discrete Zhang neural networks. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 24 (3), pp. 583-598. [IF=1.617]
Fassi B., Djebbari A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Dayoub I. (2013). A New Class of Binary Zero Correlation Zone Sequence Sets. IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 5 (3), pp. 15-19
Ben aissa M., Bassou A., Beladgham M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2013). Investigation of the performance of modified TCM scheme for the protection of SPIHT-based compressed images over fading channel. International Review on Computers and Software, 8 (1), pp. 271-276
Meddeber L., Zouagui T., Taleb-Ahmed A., Berrached N.-E. (2013). A new automatic image registration algorithm based on corner detector for remote sensing applications. International Review on Computers and Software, 8 (1), pp. 347-352
Kang H., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2013). Automatic tissue classification by integrating medical expert anatomic ontologies. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 5 (1), pp. 3-13 [DOI=10.1504/IJAOM.2013.051322].
Lakehal M., Ferdi Y., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2012). On the self-similarity of 1/ f _\beta sequences synthesized by recursive filtering. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 38 (2), pp. 282-293
Dib djamel E., Djebbouri M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2012). Wavelet de-noising technique applied to the PLL of a GPS receiver embedded in an observation satellite. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications ( IJACSA ), 3 (2), pp. 106-110
Ouadfel S., Batouche M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). Automatic image clustering using a swarm intelligence approach. International Journal of Computer Science, Vol 8, N°5,, pp. 294-302
Gouicem M., Benmahammed K., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). Multi-objective GA optimization of fuzzy penalty for image reconstruction from projections in X-ray tomography. Digital Signal Processing, Ed Elseiver, pp. 10-21
Abdelmalek A., Slimane Z., Feham M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). A Security Framework for Buddy System based MANET Address Allocation Scheme. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8 (4), pp. 28-38
Slimane Z., Abdelmalek A., Feham M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). Secure and Robust IPv6 Autoconfiguration Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Networks under Strong Adversary. International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 3 (4), pp. 216-235
Kang H., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Zeng X. (2011). An Intelligent System for Tissue Classification on MR Images by Integrating Qualitative Medical Knowledge. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 6 (1), pp. 21-26
Chouakri A., Bereksi F., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). QRS complex detection based on multi wavelet packet decomposition. Applied Mathematics and computation, 217 (23), pp. 9508-9525
Mechgoug R., Golea N., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). Times Series Prediction to Basis of a Neural Network Conceived by a Real Genetic Algorithm. Computer Technology and application, 2 (3), pp. 219-226
Zitouni A., Baarir Z.-E., Ouafi A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). A new approach based on set partitioning in Hierarchical tree algorithm for image ccmpression. Computer Technology and application, 2 (4), pp. 270-279
Beladgham M., Bessaid A., Moulay lakhdar A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2010). Medical Image Compression Using Quincunx Wavelets and VQ Coding. International Review on Computers and Software, 5 (6), pp. 601-608
Zouch W., Taleb-Ahmed A., Benhamida A., Derambure P. (2010). Shrinking Smooth WMN-FOCUSS Based Method for 3D Neuronal Brain Activity Estimation". Optical Engineering, Edts SPIE Digital Library, Vol 49, N°11. [IF=0.65]
Pinti A., Rambaud F., Griffon J.-L., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2010). tool developed in Matlab for multiple correspondence analysis of fuzzy coded data sets - Application to morphometric skull data. Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 98(1), pp. 66-75
Messadi M., Bessaid A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2010). Segmentation of dermatoscopic images used for computer-aided diagnosis of melanoma. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol 10, N°2, pp. pp 191-212
Amrouche A., Debieche M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2010). An efficient speech recognition system in adverse conditions using the nonparametric regression. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 23 (1), pp. 85-94
Derraz F., Pinti A., Lenne B., Peyrodie L., Taleb-Ahmed A., Chikh A., Hautecoeur P. (2010). Corpus Callosum deformation analysis in Multiple Sclerosis. Advancement of Modelling & Simulation (AMSE), 71 (3), pp. 47-58
Derraz F., Peyrodie L., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Chikh A., Hautecoeur P. (2010). Semi-automatic Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Based Active Contours Model and Variational Dirichlet Process. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES), 67 (2), pp. 95-118
Djeffal A., Babahenini M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2010). An SVM based system for automatic dates sorting. International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), vol 4
Messadi M., Bessaid A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2009). Extraction of specific parameters for skin tumour classification. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, Vol 33, N°4,, pp. pp 288 295
Abdelmalek A., Feham M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2009). On Recent Security Enhancements to Autoconfiguration Protocols for MANETs: Real Threats and Requirements. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 9 (4), pp. 401-407
Amrouche A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Rouvaen J., Yagoub M. (2009). Improvement of the speech recognition in noisy environments using a nonparametric regression. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Vol 24, Issue 1, pp. 49 - 67
Ferdi Y., Taleb-Ahmed A., Lakehal M. (2008). Efficient generation of 1/fbeta noise using signal modelling techniques. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol 55, N 6, pp. 1704-1711
Ouafi A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Baarir Z.-E., Zitouni A. (2008). A modified embedded zerotree wavelet (MEZW) algorithm for image compression. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 30, pp. 298-307
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Pinti A., Chikh A., Bereksi F. (2008). Prevent Handicap caused by Multiple Sclerosis based Geometrical Active Segmentation based Model. Advancement of Modelling & Simulation (AMSE), Modelling C, 69 (3), pp. 55-67
Amrouche A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Rouvaen J., Yagoub M. (2007). A Robust speech recognition system using a general regression neural network. International Scientific Journal of Computing, Vol 6, issue 3,, pp. 6-15
Taleb-Ahmed A., Baarir Z.-E., Doghmane N., Zitouni A. (2007). A New Approach Based on Shapiro's Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW) Algorithm for Image Compression. Optical Engineering, Edts SPIE Digital Library, july 2007, Vol 47, issue 7, pp. 10
Duquenoy E., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2006). Applying the Hough Transform pseudo-linearity property to improve computing speed. Pattern Recognition Letters, Edts Elsevier, July 2006, vol 27, pp. 1893-1904
Revue nationale avec comité de lecture
Hedoux P., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2009). Pixel classification method using statistical attributes of distributed imagelets. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA), 43(3), pp. 337-350
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Gouicem M., Yahi M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2015). Fuzzy Edge Detection In Computed Tomography Through Genetic Algorithm Optimization. Metaheuristics for Medicine and Biology, Springer, pp.
Djaroudib K., Lorenz P., Taleb-Ahmed A., Zidani A. (2015). Pectoral and Breast Segmentation Technique Based on Texture Information, Computational and Experimental Biomedical Sciences: Methods and Applications. Volume 21 of the series Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, pp. 219-228
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Chikh A., Boydev C., Peyrodie L., Forzi G. (2012). Segmentation of prostate using interactive finsler active contours and shape prior. In Elmoataz A., Mammass D., Lezoray O., Nouboud F., Aboutajdine D., Image and Signal Processing. ICISP 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7340, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 397-405 [DOI=doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31254-0_45].
Ouadfel S., Batouche M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2012). ACPSO: A Novel Swarm Automatic Clustering Algorithm Based Image Segmentation. Multidisciplinary Computational Intelligence Techniques: Applications in Business, Engineering, and Medicine, pp. 226-238 [DOI=10.4018/978-1-4666-1830-5.ch014].
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Peyrodie L., Forzi G., Boydev C. (2011). Fast finsler active contours and shape prior descriptor. In San Martin C., Kim SW., Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. CIARP 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7042, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 189-196
Abdelmalek A., Slimane Z., Feham M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). TCSAP: A new Secure and Robust Modified MANETconf Protocol. Recent Trends in Wireless and Mobile Networks, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 162, Springer, pp. 73-82
Abdelmalek A., Feham M., Slimane Z., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2009). Joint IP Address and Public Key Certificate Trust Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Lectures notes in Computer Science Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks, 5793, Springer, pp. 385-390
Conférence internationale avec actes et comité de lecture
Lachachi Y., Ouslim M., Taleb-Ahmed A., Niar S. (2018). LIDAR and Stereo-Camera fusion for reliable Road Extraction. IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM'2018), Sousse, Tunisie, décembre .
Bécar J.-P., Canonne J.-C., Vermeiren L., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2018). HOW ROBOTICS VISION AND COMPUTER VISION IMPROVE INTERDISCIPLINARITY. 10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2018), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, juillet .
Maaloul B., Taleb-Ahmed A., Niar S., Harb N., Valderrama C. (2017). Adaptive Video-Based Algorithm for Accident detection on Highways. 12th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, Toulouse France, juin .
Cheriet A., Cherif F., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2016). Fast Solutions Enhancing using a Copula-based EDA and SVM for many-objective problems. IFAC-PapersOnLine - Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, 49 (12), pp. 781-786, janvier .
Maaloul B., Taleb-Ahmed A., Valderrama C., Niar S., Derraz F., Harb N. (2015). A Survey on Vision-based Traffic Accident Detection Techniques. International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Signal Processing (ICOSIP 2015), Tlemcen, Algeria, novembre .
Bekhouche S., Ouafi A., Benlamoudi A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Hadid A. (2015). Automatic Age Estimation And Gender Classification In The Wild. International Conference on Automatic, Telecommunication and Signals (ICATS), Annaba, Algeria, novembre .
Samai D., Ouafi A., Bekhouche S., Taleb-Ahmed A., Hadid A. (2015). Face spoofing detection using Multi-Level Local Phase Quantization (ML-LPQ). International Conference on Automatic, Telecommunication and Signals (ICATS), Annaba, Algeria, novembre .
Bekhouche S., Ouafi A., Benlamoudi A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Hadid A. (2015). Facial age estimation and gender classification using multi level local phase quantization. Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), 2015, Tlemcen, Algeria, mai .
Benlamoudi A., Samai D., Ouafi A., Bekhouche S., Taleb-Ahmed A., Hadid A. (2015). Face spoofing detection using local binary patterns and Fisher Score. Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), Tlemcen, Algeria, mai .
Benlamoudi A., Samai D., Ouafi A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Bekhouche S., Hadid A. (2015). Face Spoofing Detection From Single Images Using Active Shape Models with Stasm And LBP. CVA'2015, avril .
Bekhouche S., Ouafi A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2014). Facial age estimation using BSIF and LBP. International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEEB'14), Biskra, décembre .
Aissaoui A., Baarir Z.-E., Ouafi A., Pudlo P., Taleb-Ahmed A., Gillet C., Derraz F. (2014). Evaluating and optimizing multi-camera network positioning for motion capture tasks. International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEB'14, Biskra, décembre .
Gouicem M., Yahi M., Taleb-Ahmed A., Drai R. (2014). Particle Swarm Optimization Of Fuzzy Penalty For 3D Image Reconstruction In X-Ray Tomography. Conference IC-WNDT-MI, 2014, Annaba, Algeria, novembre .
Gouicem M., Yahi M., Taleb-Ahmed A., Drai R. (2014). Fuzzy Edge Detection In Computed Tomography Through Particle Swarm Optimization. META2014 : International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, Marakeche, Maroc, octobre .
Bentrah A., Djeffal A., Babahenini M., Gillet C., Pudlo P., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2014). Full body adjustment using iterative inverse kinematic and body parts correlation. Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA, Le Havre, France, juin .
Boydev C., Taleb-Ahmed A., Derraz F., Peyrodie L., Thiran J., Pasquier D. (2014). Développement d'une méthode de recalage automatique rigide pour la radiothérapie prostatique guidée par l'image. Cancer/Radiothérapie, 18(5), pp. 611-612, mai .. [IF=1.109] [DOI=doi.org/10.1016/j.canrad.2014.07.076].
Boydev C., Pasquier D., Derraz F., Peyrodie L., Taleb-Ahmed A., Thiran J. (2014). A comparison of rigid registration methods for prostate localization on CBCT and the dependence on rectum distension. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 489 (1), Art N° 012025, mars . [DOI=10.1088/1742-6596/489/1/012025].
Boydev C., Pasquier D., Derraz F., Peyrodie L., Taleb-Ahmed A., Thiran J. (2013). Automatic prostate segmentation in cone-beam computed tomography images using rigid registration. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, Japan, juillet .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Peyrodie L., Forzi G. (2011). Fast Finsler Active Contours and Shape Prior Descriptor. Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP 2011, Chili, novembre .
Chouakri A., Benaiad M., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). Run Length encoding and wavelet transform based ECG compression algorithm. International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, octobre .
Derraz F., Hautecoeur P., Taleb-Ahmed A., Peyrodie L., Pinti A., Forzi G., Chikh A. (2011). Semi-automated based Active Contours method in detecting multiple sclerosis lesions. Computer assisted radiology and surgery, Berlin Allemagne, juin .
Derraz F., Hautecoeur P., Taleb-Ahmed A., Peyrodie L., Pinti A., Forzi G. (2011). Incorporating expert knowledge in fast semi-automated based ActiveContours method in detecting multiple sclerosis lesions. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Berlin, Allemagne, janvier .
Friha S., Mansouri N., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2011). Une Nouvelle Méthode Hybrid pour l'Identification du Locuteur. TAIMA, Hammamet, Tunisie, janvier .
Derraz F., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Peyrodie L., Forzi G., Chikh A. (2010). Graph cut based active contours and statistical shape priors. 10th Worldcomp Biocomp, Las Vegas USA, juillet .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Pinti A., Peyrodie L., Chikh A., Bereksi F. (2010). Corpus Callosum shape deformation analysis for Multiple Sclerosis deasis. 10th Int. IEEE Conf. on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (IEEE BIBE 2010), Philadephie USA, juin .
Kang H., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Zeng X. (2009). An Intelligent Generalized System for Tissue Classification By Incorporating Qualitative Medical Knowledge. 7th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 266-269, août .
Derraz F., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Chikh A. (2009). Active contour based appearance priors applied to tumours segmentation. 7th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 287-291, août .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Peyrodie L., Pinti A., Chikh A., Bereksi F. (2009). Active contours based battachryya gradient flow for texture segmentation. IEEE- 2nd International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (CISP'09), Vol. 4, IEEE, Tianjin, China, pp. 1700-1705, juillet .
Derraz F., Peyrodie L., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Chick L. (2009). Multiple sclerose segmentation based geometric active contour model. , Edition Tech Science Presss, ICCES'09, Phuket, Thailand, pp. 557, janvier .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Pinti A., Betrouni N., Chikh A., Bereksi F. (2009). Unsupervised texture segmentation using active contours driven by the chernoff gradient flow. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (ICIP 2009), Cario, Egypt, pp. 3005-3009, janvier .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Pinti A., Peyrodie L., Betrouni N., Chikh A., Bereksi F. (2009). Fast Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Active Contours Model Driven by Bhattacharyya Gradient Flow. E. Bayro-Corrochano & J.-O. Eklundh, 14th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP, pp. 193-200, janvier .
Ferdi Y., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2008). A procedure for efficient generation of 1/fbeta noise sequences. International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP 2008), Vol. 5099, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cherbourg-Octeville, Normandy, France, pp. 490-497, juillet .
Mekhnache C., Ferdi Y., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2008). Design of full-band and low-pass FIR differentiators: a comparative study. 1st Mediterranean Conference on Intelligent Systems and Automation (CISA'08), Vol 1019, pp. 143-146, juin .
Kang H., Zeng X., Taleb-Ahmed A., Pinti A. (2008). Integration of human knowledge for automatic tissue classification on medical images.. KANG H., ZENG X., TALEB-AHMED A., PINTI A., The 8th International FLINS Conference on Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control, Madrid, Espagne, pp. 447-452, janvier .
Derraz F., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2008). Variational method based Dirichlets priors applied to tumor segmentation. F. DERRAZ, A. PINTI, A. TALEB-AHMED, A. CHIKH, F. BEREKSI-REGUIG, IEEE ISSPIT, Bosnie Herzégovine, janvier .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Pinti A. (2008). A geometrical active contour based sobolev metric. F. DERRAZ, A. TALEB-AHMED, A. CHIKH, A. PINTI,F. BEREKSI-REGUIGA, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Sarajevo, Bosnie, pp. 437-440, janvier .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Pinti A., Chick L. (2008). A geometrical active contour based on statistical shape prior model. DERRAZ F., TALEB-AHMED A., PINTI A., CHIKH A., BEREKSI-REGUIG F, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Sarajevo-Bosnie, pp. 432-436, janvier .
Kang H., Pinti A., Vermeiren L., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2007). Tissue classification for MRI of thigh using a modified FCM method.. KANG H., PINTI A., VERMEREIN L., TALEB-AHMED A., ZENG X., IEEE Computational Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Lyon, pp. 5579-5584, janvier .
Kang H., Pinti A., Vermeiren L., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2007). An Automatic FCM-Based Method for Tissue Classification Application to MRI of Thigh.. KANG H., PINTI A., VERMEREIN L., TALEB-AHMED A., ZENG X., . IEEE Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE), Wuhan, Chine, pp. 510-514, janvier .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Chick L., Pinti A. (2007). Segmentation of head bygeometrical active contour method.. DERRAZ F., TALEB-AHMED A., CHIKH A., BEREKSI F., PINTI A., IEEE HUman Machine iNteraction Conference (HUMAN), Timimoun, Algérie, pp. 108-112, janvier .
Pinti A., Hedoux P., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2006). An automated pixel classification method using surface expansion: Application to MRI image sequence. CESA, in Multiconference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, October 4-6, Beijing, China, janvier .
Pinti A., Kerkeni N., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2006). Corrected errors in 3D cephalometry radiographic. CESA, Multiconference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications , October 4-6, Beijing, China, janvier .
Pinti A., Selmi O., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2006). Segmentation of image video by SVM. CESA, Multiconference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, October 4-6, Beijing, China, janvier .
Selmi O., Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A., Kerkeni N. (2006). Use of support vector machines for color image segmentation.. SELMI O., PINTI A., TALEB-AHMED A., KERKENI N., IEEE Computational Engineering in Systems Application (CESA), Pékin, chine, pp. 574-577, janvier ., ISBN 7-900718-14-1
Pinti A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2006). ). Correction of radiographic errors in several three dimensional cephalometry. PINTI A., TALEB-AHMED A., ROUSSET M.M., IEEE Computational Engineering in Systems Application (CESA), Pékin, Chine, pp. 1510-1513, janvier ., ISBN 7-900718-14-1
Pinti A., Hedoux P., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2006). Method for analysis of volume progression tissues in hemiplegic subject. PINTI A., HEDOUX P., TALEB-AHMED A., 6th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Reims, France, pp. 279-283, janvier .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2005). Evaluation of segmentation quality for the geometrical active contour method. IEEE ISISPA, 4th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Zagreb, Croatia, janvier .
Conférence nationale avec actes et comité de lecture
Canonne J.-C., Cartignies é., Becar J., Vermeiren L., Taleb-Ahmed A., El hillali Y. (2018). Computer Vision viewing over Mathematics.. CETSIS 13 Colloque de l'Enseignement des technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes, Fès, Maroc, octobre .
Aissaoui A., Pudlo P., Ouafi A., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2017). Reducing the number of cameras and increasing the calibrated volume for motion capture. 41ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Reims, France, janvier .
Aissaoui A., Ouafi A., Baarir Z.-E., Pudlo P., Taleb-Ahmed A., Gillet C., Derraz F. (2014). Optimization technique of camera placement for Motion Capture. 39ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Valenciennes. France, août .
Derraz F., Pinti A., Lenne B., Peyrodie L., Hautecoeur P., Taleb-Ahmed A. (2010). Etude des déformations du corps calleux causées par la SEP à partir d'IRM. Conférence Handicap, Paris, France, juin .
Derraz F., Taleb-Ahmed A., Pinti A. (2008). Segmentation de la sclérose en plaques par contour actif géométrique. DERRAZ F., TALEB-AHMED A., CHIKH A., PINTI A., BEREKSI-REGUIG F., 5ième Conférence Handicap,, Cépaduès éditions,, Paris, pp. pp. 76-81, janvier .
Séminaire et autres communications
Bentrah A., Chaouki B., Pudlo P., Taleb-Ahmed A., Djaffel A. (2013). Interactive System Design of Scene for the Positionning of Cameras for Motion Capture. Workshop on Artificial Interlligence Information and Communication Technologies, Biskra. Algérie, mai .
Atef B., Baarir Z.-E., Taleb-Ahmed A., Ouafi A., Derraz F., Pudlo P., Gillet C. (2013). Système d'aide interactif au positionnement des caméras pour la capture de mouvement. Workshop on Artificial Interlligence Information and Communication Technologies, Biskra. Algérie, mai .
Boydev C., Pasquier D., Derraz F., Peyrodie L., Taleb-Ahmed A., Thiran J. (2012). Shape-based Interpolation of a Set of 2D Slices. The Insight Journal, janvier . [DOI=http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3390].