Call for papers

The Disab2023 workshop aims to explore interactive systems engineering for users with disabilities.  The steps in the design process concern: specification, implementation, verification, and validation. The disabilities can be:

  •  permanent (visual, hearing, mobility impairments, ...),
  •  evolutive (in the case of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson) or
  •  temporary (situationally impaired people).

Topics include but are not limited to:

Important Dates

Abstract template (docx)

Abstract paper deadline: May 10th, 2022

Acceptance of abstracts: May 20th, 2022

Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words (1 page). The scientific committee will select them and then communicate to the participants on the acceptance of their abstract. A timetable outlining further communication arrangements will also be indicated.



1er Classe,
75 rue d'Alembert 59267 Proville

AKENA Caudry,
Bd du 08 mai 1945 59540 Caudry

Rue Renè Descartes 59267 Proville     


Conference registration

Early Bird Rate (paid before June 1)

  1. Regular Attendee : 300.00 €
  2. Student : 200.00 €
  3. Non-Presenter : 150.00 €

Normal/Regular Rate (if paid after June 1)

  1. Regular Attendee : 400.00 €
  2. Student : 300.00 €
  3. Non-Presenter : 250.00 €

Guests' Rate

  1. Per person : 150 €

Keynote Speakers

Walter R. StahelWalter R. Stahel,

The three “worlds” of circularity

Bio-cycles of Nature’s, tech-material cycles of the manufactured world, invisible quality cycles of the immaterial world. Circular society of scarcity, circular industrial economy (from 3000 BC to 2020)


Organizing Committee

Abdelghani Bekrar, LAMIH & INSA Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France
Abdessamad Ait El Cadi, LAMIH & INSA Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France
Raca Todosijevic, LAMIH & INSA Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France
Mustapha Ratli, LAMIH & UPHF, Valenciennes, France
Xavier Delcorte, LAMIH & UPHF, Valenciennes, France


The advances in the area of interactive systems are unquestionable. New multi-modal, multi-user, multi-device/screen interaction and interaction techniques, new development methods and processes to improve the development of interactive systems, and so on, have been widely proposed by the community. Using these approaches in the development of interactive systems for people with disabilities can be challenging. It may require adapting, customizing, evolving and even defining new approaches. This is even more evident when advocating user-centered design.


Cher(e)s collègues,
