
The advances in the area of interactive systems are unquestionable. New multi-modal, multi-user, multi-device/screen interaction and interaction techniques, new development methods and processes to improve the development of interactive systems, and so on, have been widely proposed by the community. Using these approaches in the development of interactive systems for people with disabilities can be challenging. It may require adapting, customizing, evolving and even defining new approaches. This is even more evident when advocating user-centered design.

This workshop aims to explore interactive systems engineering for users with disabilities. These disabilities can be permanent (visual, hearing, mobility impairments, ...), evolutive (in the case of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson) or temporary (situationally impaired people).

The idea is that researchers in software engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and developers of applications for people with disabilities will come together to present and discuss ideas, experiences, and findings in this field in order to contribute to future innovative research.

Disab2023 is a workshop co-located with EICS2023