Prof. Hubert Ripoll
Coaches of Football : How to Manage the Crisis ?
Hubert Ripoll is Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Sport Sciences - Aix-Marseille University and Honorary President of the French Society of Sport Psychology. He created at the National Institute of Sport and Performance (INSEP) the first French laboratory of cognitive psychology applied to sport and several other laboratories in France and non-french universities. He worked with several French teams and athletes. He published more than 100 articles in top ranked revues and ten sport psychology books in French (7) and in English (3). After working more than 30 years with high level champions and French teams, Hubert Ripoll has confronted his experience with those of exceptional athletes, Olympic or world champions. This in two books: « Le mental des champions » Payot, 2008 (2012) and « Le mental des coachs » (Payot, 2014). He has processed by interviews during several years with near than 60 champions and their coaches. These books establish links between the sport psychology theoretical corpus and its application in the field.
Plenary Conferences Debates
Plenary Conference Debates N°1: The economics and management of European professional football and the media
Organizer: Dr Nicolas Scelles, University of Stirling, Scotland (UK)
This symposium aims to highlight the growing economic importance of the media in European professional football since the 1980s. In the French men’s first division, in 1980-1981, TV rights represented only 1% of clubs’ revenues; since 1999-2000, they represent more than half of their revenues. It leads to a “TV-dependency” for clubs which can be economically dangerous. Contrary to French men’s clubs after the 1998 World Cup, German men’s clubs took advantage of the organisation of the 2006 World Cup to improve their stadia and generate new revenues, meaning a smaller dependency on TV rights. In 2016, French men’s clubs have a similar opportunity thanks to the organisation of the 2016 Euro. Now, the improvement of stadia should include social media and new technologies regarding their growing use. Beyond their implementation in stadia, a focus on the overall economic importance of social media and new technologies is needed. In particular, it could provide some interesting perspectives for the development of women’s football in Europe.
Prof. Wladimir Andreff
Governance of professional team sports clubs: Agency problem and soft budget constraint
Professor Emeritus at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (France), President of the scientific council at the Observatory of the sports economy, French Ministry for Sports. Honorary President and former President (2002-05) of International Association of Sport Economists, Honorary President of the European Sports Economics Association, former President of the French Economic Association (2007- 08) and Honorary Member and former President of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (1997-98). Member of the French National Council for Physical and Sport Activities (2001-08). Research and teaching areas: sports economics, economics of (post-communist) transition, international economics. Seating in 9 scientific journal editorial boards and serving as a peer-reviewer with 32 scientific journals. Author of 12 books (5 in sports economics), 394 scientific articles (67 peer-reviewed) of which 129 in sports economics, and editor of 17 books (5 in sports economics), published in 18 languages.
Dr Boris Helleu
Boris Helleu is Lecturer in Sport Management at the University of Caen Normandy (France). He heads the Sport Management MSc since 2010. His research focuses on the relationship between social media and sports fans experience. He shares daily his international sport marketing and economy press review on his twitter account (@bhelleu). He also runs a blog dedicated to sport marketing (Hell of a Sport).
Prof. Markus Kurscheidt
Dr Markus Kurscheidt is professor of sport economics and department chair of sport governance and event management with the Institute of Sport Science at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. He also heads the BSc and MSc in “Sport, Business & Law” which were the first sport management programs in Europe. He is vice-president of the International Association of Sport Economists and founding editor of the IASE journal. His research deals with public and institutional economics of sport governance and major sport events focussing on topics like event visitor consumption, women’s football as well as league, fan and stadium governance.
Assist. Prof. Lidija T. Petrovic, PhD
Lidija T. Petrovic, PhD, MA Dipl. Ing. is Assistant Professor at ALFA University in Belgrade (Faculty of Trade and Banking & Faculty of Management in Sport). She holds a PhD in Strategic Management from the United Nations University for Peace (ECPD UPEACE). Both of her MA and BSc were awarded by the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Belgrade. As the sole author or a co-author she has published 25 scientific papers in the field of management, strategic management, sports event management and marketing, technology and innovation management (Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, Metalurgia International, Ecologica, Law and Politics, Management in Sport, Annual, etc.) including a chapter in the international monograph on Event Planning: Principles and Practices (Hesperia Edu, 2013) and the international monograph entitled Strategic Management and Event Management in Light of Generating Competitive Advantages of Organizational Units: A Resource-Based Approach (ECPD UPEACE, 2015).
Dr Nicolas Scelles
Nicolas Scelles is lecturer in sports economics at the University of Stirling in Scotland. His PhD defended in 2009 dealt with outcome uncertainty in professional sports leagues. It was awarded by the Grand Prix UCPF (Union of the French Professional Football Clubs) 2009 in the “Research” category. Nicolas has published scientific articles in several international journals (Applied Economics, Economics Bulletin, International Journal of Sport Finance, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Journal of Sports Economics). He is tutor in the IOC (International Olympic Committee) Executive Master in Sport Organisations Management (MEMOS).
Dr Ilya Solntsev
Ilya Solntsev heads Sports research department of Plekhanov Russian University of economics and as associate professor teaches “Sports finance & investments” at the same University. He is one of the coauthors of “Football development strategy of Russian Federation” and member of two committees within Football Union of Russia: “Football development programs” and “Appeal committee regarding licensing of football clubs”. Ilya participated in drafting a report for the President of Russian Federation about development of football in Russia and preparation for the World Cup 2018. His research focuses on following areas: value creation in sports industry; financial valuation of sport organizations and sport facilities; consumer preferences of football fans and loyalty programs; economic impact of sport events; applying rating models for evaluation of sports organizations.
Plenary Conference Debates N° 2: Arbitration, Video and New Technologies
Organizer: Dr Michel Pautot, Marseille France
Dr. Pascal Bouchez
Pascal BOUCHEZ began his career as a producer-director at the photographic and film-making institution of the French armed forces (Etablissement Photographique et Cinématographique des Armées). He continued on a free-lance basis and worked for three national television channels (TF1, M6 and La Sept/Arte) from 1988 to 1990. He then joined the team at the National Theatre in Lille (La Métaphore) and worked from 1991 to 1998 as a consultant videographer, head of the video department and producer-director of recordings, creative audiovisual rearrangements, music videos and documentaries (300 hours of image and sound). As a university lecturer and researcher, he then developed research work on face-to-face mediation and the ubiquitous digital media coverage of live performing arts using multi-camera filming techniques. This cross-disciplinary scientific research is now moving into experiments in various areas of practice, approached from the angle of a comparative and critical analysis of the many classic or innovative socio-technical means used for the production of multi-camera records of real life events.
Dr Michel Pautot
Michel Pautot is a lawyer recognised by the Marseille bar and the author of the book "Sport et Nationalités – quelle place pour les joueurs étrangers ?" (Sport and Nationalities - what place for foreign players?) (Ed. L'Harmattan). PhD in law, he is behind the Malaja case (Basketball) which, after the Bosman case (Football), has changed European professional sport completely. He is the author of different books: Le Sport et la Loi (Sport and Law), Le Sport et l'Europe (Sport and Europe), Les responsables du drame de Furiani (The responsible persons for the Furiani tragedy), La Convention collective nationale du sport (The national collective bargaining Agreement of sport), Les contrats de travail des sportifs (The employment contracts of athletes)... He is the author of a national PhD on Sport and Europe. He produces annually the study "Sport et Nationalités" (Sport and Nationalities) for eleven years, which has just been edited to L'Harmattan Editions. His expertise is recognised, he has published numerous columns on international football and the football World Cup. He supports, advises and defends the interests of federations, sports organisations and renowned athletes. He is managing editor for the sport juridical news bulletin Légisport and director of the Web site
Prof. Markus Raab
Does video technology improve the decisions of soccer referees ?
Markus Raab is a full professor of Sport Psychology at the Institute of Psychology at the German Sport University Cologne and also a research professor at the School of Applied Sciences at London South Bank University, UK. His main research interests are decision making in sports, hot hand, simple heuristics and embodiment. He has headed several research projects on these subjects funded by the German Soccer Association, 1. FC Cologne (first division soccer club), DFG (German Research Foundation), the German Ministry of Interior, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and PROBRAL Brazil. He is a member of FEPSAC’s (European Federation of Sport Psychology) managing council and founding member of the sport psychology group at the German Psychology Association. He provides and has provided several editorial service, e.g. as editor in chief for the German Sport Psychology Journal, as section editor for the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, as associate editor for Frontiers in Psychology – Performance Science and for Psychology, Sport and Exercise. He was invited as keynote in psychology, sport, performance conferences and published over 60 articles in refereed journals and (co-)edited 14 books.
M. Michel Vautrot
M. Michel VAUTROT is FIFA/UEFA referee observer and delegate. He is the previous National Technical Executive for French Refereeing, former member of the FIFA and UEFA refereeing committee. During his career as referee, he managed five football World Cup games, two in 1982 (Italy-Poland, first round, and Belgium-USSR, second round) and three in 1990 (Netherlands-Ireland and Argentina-Cameroon, first round, and Argentina-Italy, semi-final). He also has the record of the number of refereed French Cup finals with a total of five: 1979, 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1987. He refereed the Euro 1988 final that the Netherlands won against USSR. He also refereed the European Champion Clubs’ Cup final in 1985-1986, won by Steaua Bucarest against FC Barcelona. He was considered twice as the best worldwide referee, in 1988 and 1989, title awarded by IFFHS (International Federation of Football History & Statistics), that he is the only French referee to have got. In 1990, he was the winner of the Pierre-Paul Heckly Prize (Academy of Sports). In 2006, Michel VAUTROT was named ”Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur” (Knight of the Legion of Honor).
Plenary Conference Debate n°3: History: “another image of football”
Organizer: Prof Didier Rey, University of Corse Pasquale-Paoli (France)
Image is not only related to technology but also to history and sociology, hence the necessity to re-contextualize the history of football and its practices over the last century and a half. But questions are also beyond that. Thus, how to rise from movement and action which characterize football to museographic representation? What are the stakes to represent football and more generally sport in the framework of a closed space like a museum? What part to offer to fans and their expressions in such a space? And what are the metamorphoses which affect the world of partisan practices in front of globalization and dispossession felt following the arrival of new financial actors from different origins? We can also ponder representations and images associated to or wanted by a particular region or club, and with what goal? What are the stakes of memory (power?) for such representations? What about, for example, the labour culture in its relation with football in the Nord mineral field? Beyond that, how are perceived, from outside, these same regions and clubs? When we look at the team line up of the large Nord football clubs, how not to be hit by the numerous presence of players with Polish, Algerian, Moroccan and Italian origins? Migratory and sporting journeys question thus a page of the French history of the last century. But we can also ponder Nord clubs’ images and representations for young fans and/or players from immigrant families. Lastly, it remains to ponder video image in terms of football legend so as to come back to the technological problem. Does video risk to end a certain popular imaging and some football myths? Who would remember, even today, the 1966 World Cup final without the incident of the third English goal, the second by Geoffrey Hurst in this game? Would the aura of the 1954 Hungarian Golden Eleven be the same without the terrible injustice of this goal denied at the last minute to Puskas for an inexistent offside?
Dr. Claude Boli
Claude Boli is PhD in history (De Montfort University, Leicester, England). His research is mainly about the sporting fact, black populations in Europe, and the museography of sport. He is associate researcher at De Montfort University. Currently, he manages the Research Department at the National Museum of Sport (Nice). He has been exhibition curator for important subjects: Euro 96. Football and European migration, Pumphouse Museum of People History, Manchester (UK) 1996; Il était une fois le Tour de France, Monaco 2009; Football et Immigration, Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration, Paris 2010; Les footballeurs africains en France, Paris 2010, En Mode Sport, Nice 2015… Claude Boli is the author of several books, including Manchester United. L’invention d’un club, La Martinière, 2004; Football : le triomphe du ballon rond, Quatre chemins/Musée National du Sport, 2008; coedited with Yvan Gastaut et Fabrice Grognet: Allez la France ! Football et Immigration, Gallimard, 2010; Mohamed Ali, folio Gallimard (planned in 2016). He is member of the management committee for the Association of Sports Writers.
Prof. Olivier Chauvaux
Former pupil in CPGE at Faidherbe High School in Lille, Olivier Chauvaux defends his PhD in contemporary history in 1999 under the supervision of Prof Alain Lottin. Professor of contemporary history, he teaches the history of sport and physical education at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Liévin, of which he is Director since November 2011. Cofounder of the working group SHERPAS (now component of UeRPSSS) in 2001, with his sociologist colleague Williams Nuytens, his research is mainly about the history of sporting practices and culture during the Twentieth century, in particular football. He defends his Authorization to supervise research (HDR) in January 2012 (under the supervision of Professor Nicolas Bancel), on the theme of sporting violence. He is also jury member for CAPEPS, external and internal “agrégation” for physical and sporting education (EPS). He is President of the regional disciplinary action commission of the football League Nord-Pas-de-Calais since 2006, he is also delegate for the French Professional Football League (LFP).
Prof. Paul Dietschy
Paul Dietschy, former pupil of the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Fontenay-Saint-Cloud and qualified teacher in history, he is Professor of contemporary history at the University of Franche-Comté where he manages the research centre of historical sciences. He is also associate researcher at the Centre of history of Sciences Po. He takes part in the European consortium Football research in an enlarged Europe (FREE) funded by the European Union His research is in particular about the political and cultural history of football.
Among his publications: Histoire du football, Paris, Perrin, 2010 and Tempus, 2014, Feature “Le foot, du local au mondial”, Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, n°111, July September 2011, p. 3-72, Feature “Le sport et la Grande Guerre”, Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013/3, n°251 and “Making football global? FIFA, Europe, and the non-European football world, 1912–74”, Journal of Global History, Volume 8 / Issue 02 / July 2013, p. 279-298.
Dr. Yvan Gastaut
Yvan Gastaut is lecturer at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, UFR STAPS. He is in particular associate researcher in the UMR TELEMME (Time, Spaces, Languages, Southern Europe, Mediterranean) at the MMSH (Mediterranean House of Human Sciences) of Aix-en-Provence. Associate researcher at ERMES (Research Team on the Mutations of Europe and its Societies) at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis; Member of the Policy Committee of the National Society for the History of Immigration. Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Museum of Sport. He has published among othersLe métissage par le foot, l’intégration mais jusqu’où, Paris, Autrement, 2008. Générations, un siècle d’histoire culturelle des Maghrébins en France (Editor, with Driss El Yazami and Naïma Yahi), Paris, Gallimard, 2009 (exhibition catalogue). Nice cosmopolite, (with Ralph Schor and Stéphane Mourlane), Paris, Autrement, 2010. Allez la France, football et immigration, histoires croisées (Editor, with Claude Boli and Fabrice Grognet), Paris, Gallimard, 2010 (exhibition catalogue).
Dr. Stéphane Mourlane
Stéphane Mourlane is qualified teacher in history and PhD in contemporary history. Former member of the French School of Rome, he is currently lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Aix-Marseille and Sciences Po Paris. He is researcher in the UMR TELEMME at the Mediterranean House of Human Sciences of Aix-en-Provence. His research is about international cultural relations with an emphasis on Italy, migrations and sport. He has published in particular Le football dans nos sociétés. Une culture populaire 1914-1998, (with Y. Gastaut, Autrement, 2006), Histoire politique des Coupes du monde de football (with P. Dietschy and Y. Gastaut, Vuibert, 2006), Atlas de l’Italie contemporaine. En quête d’unité (with A. Delpirou, Autrement, 2011), Empreintes italiennes. Marseille et sa région (with C. Regnard, Lieux dits, 2014). Stéphane Mourlane is cofounder of the Association We are football ( and member of the expert panel for the National Museum of Sport.
Prof. Didier Rey
Didier Rey, PhD in history, Professor at the University of Corse Pasquale-Paoli (France), in charge of the Department of History, he is deputy general secretary of the review Études corses. He has published articles in specialized reviews and national and international collective books (Bolletino bibliografico della Sardegna, Insanyat, Ethnologie française, Vingtième siècle, Le Monde diplomatique). Didier Rey has coedited the book “Le football dans tous ses états : Évolutions et questions d'actualité” to De Boeck editions (2015). His research is about sports in general and football in particular (under his direction, Football en Méditerranée occidentale 1900-1975, Ajaccio, 2011). He has focused on the links that football has with societies and identity phenomena as well as the construction forms of representations of Other and Oneself and the conflicts they can generate (Sports et société en Corse des années 1860 à 1945. Anthologie, Ajaccio, 2006 and, in collaboration with Ludovic Martel, Sports et société en Corse depuis 1945. Anthologie, Ajaccio, 2009). His research also leads us to think about migrations with his research on Maghrebi footballers in Corsica.
Dr. Ludovic Tenèze
Ludovic Tenèze played football for 20 years at Saint-Florentin in the region of Bourgogne. He is a member of the technic commission 77 North since 1991. He coached (having obtained a coaching degree) for 15 years at Seine et Marne region, in Claye-Souilly, Quincy-Voisins and Pontault-Combault. Ludvic is also PE teacher. He taught Meaux Collegefor 15 years, and since 2005 he took the position of PRAG at l’UFR STAPS Paris Descartes. In 2011 he obtained his PhD for his thesis on the history of football laws. His expertise of Board archives allowed him to shed light on the processes of continuous transformation of football rules. He was awarded in 2013 “ Special Price of the jury of Professional football Clubs Union”. He is the author of 150 ans de football (150 years of football) published in 2015 by Éditions Raison et Passions.
Plenary Conference Debate n°4 : Football Stadiums, Design, Safety and New Technologies
Organizer: Hafida BOULEKBACHE & Sylvie TOURNAY, Valenciennes, France
Dr. Hafida Boulekbache
Hafida BOULEKBACHE, an urban planner architect, is researcher/ professor at the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis and member of the Design Visuel et Urbain (DeVisu) laboratory. Her work treats the processes of architectural conception and the appearance of graphic tracks, while analyzing the intentionality of the author, the produced tracks and their interoperability.
Prof. Jean-Pierre Frey
Prof. Jean-Pierre Frey has studied architecture (Strasbourg, 1973) and sociology (University of Nanterre), and has since contributed extensively to the understanding of architecture and urbanism according to a sociological approach. As Professor at the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris (School of Urbanism, Paris) at the University of Paris East-Créteil, and member of the UMR Habitat Research Center 7218 LAVUE at the Ecole National Supérieure d’Architecture at Paris Val-de-Seine, his research and teaching focuses on urban morphology and social morphology as well as on the history of urban theories and doctrines.
Prof. Miranda Kiuri
Miranda Kiuri is scientific collaborator at LEMA, ULg - Belgium. She had the opportunity to participate to a number of Olympic Bids planning and architectural projects. She was professor at the University UCJC and guest lecturer at UPM - Madrid, CEU - Madrid, AISTS - Lausanne, TU – Dresden, etc. Her thesis was dedicated to the interdependency between intangible and tangible values in Olympic Games and Stadium architecture. Her research is dedicated to the role of sport architecture in sustainable urban design from the perspective of cultural heritage.
Dr. Julien Piwowar
Julien PIWOWAR is a Ph.D. in operational optimization concerning safety and security in major events. He founded PACIFA decision in 2009 following its researches to develop innovative tools to improve daily management and general revenue for multipurpose Arenas. He is also corporate member of ESSMA - European Stadium and Safety Management Association – since 2010 and temporary teacher at University of Technology in Troyes. PACIFA decision tools are today in operation in more than 100 venues in the World and has become in 2015 the European leader in 3D seats for ticketing online solution and interactive staff management.
Michel Rémon
A 1977 graduate of the French School of Fine Arts, Michel Rémon quickly became known for two research works on the thickness of façades and bioclimatic urban architecture, which already testified to his thinking on heliotropism within a dense urban fabric - the common theme of an approach that he would subsequently develop. He was a Young Architecture Albums prizewinner and in 1984 created his own firm in Paris. In 1994, he was nominated for the Equerre d'Argent (Silver T-Square) prize for the Université des Chênes at Cergy-Pontoise, which in parallel obtained the first prize for architecture from the Val-d'Oise General Council. The leisure center at Torcy, the École Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers in Metz and the Forensic Science Laboratory at Écully were to confirm his reputation in this first period, from 1994 to 1997. With a team of forty people, including 35 architects, Michel RÉMON currently divides his time between public projects, public-private partnerships (PPPs) and prestigious private operations for Air Liquide or the headquarters of Airbus Helicopters at Marignane, which underscore the vitality of his studio by exploring new domains. A recognized company leader, he is high up on the roll of honor of large French architectural firms. Hospitals, stadiums, universities, research laboratories, tertiary and infrastructure facilities .... his studio in Paris carries out complex large-scale projects. Responding to exceptional programs, they all raise academic issues in terms of technicality, functionality and architecture for new-build and for the restructuring of sensitive sites. Following the National Institute of Solar Energy (INES) at Chambéry in 2013 – with its dual-geometry roof, natural ventilation and solar-powered air-conditioning – he also designed the CNRS building at Saclay, with a cleanroom having 3,000 m² of useful floor area. While the Reims Stadium, the hospital sites at Villeneuve-Saint-Georges and the Édouard-Herriot Hospital in Lyon showed Michel RÉMON to be a man of large scale and large sites, the creation of space, proportions, relationship to the site, ground and sky, and the art of roofs guide his writing. Attentive to the permanence of architecture, he always returns to context, evoking in turn Casa Malaparte on Capri or Alberti's De pictura. Prizes and the Medal of Honor from the French Academy of Architecture (2008) have crowned his works. A teacher and consultant architect to the Ministry of Territorial and Sustainable Development, he was also a consultant to the inter-ministerial commission that ensures high-quality public buildings (MIQCP).
Ms. Sylvie Tournay
Sylvie TOURNAY is the administrative and financial responsible of SAFCO (Continued Education and Education via Exchange) at the University of Valenciennes. She is assistant to the Mayor of Aulnoye-Aymeries since 2000 and in charge of urbanism and housing. Often, she is an intermediate between university and city politics and her task is to explain this connection to the students and researchers during conferences.
Plenary Conference Debate n°5 : Football and Media
Organizer: Patrick Mignion, INSEP, France
Pr. Patrick Mignon
Patrick MIGNON is in charge of the sociology research centre at INSEP (Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance; National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance). During several years, he led some researches on the forms of participation in sports spectacle, in particular on the phenomena of supporterism and hooliganism. In this area, he is the author of La Passion du football (The Passion of football), book published by Odile Jacob in 1998, as well as many articles and reports. He has been cowriter (with Nicolas Hourcade and Ludovic Lestrelin) of the Livre vert du supportérisme (Green book on supporterism) published in 2010 for the Ministry of Sports. His current research areas are about different aspects of sports performance, especially the study of careers and the sport labour arket, with a particular interest for the effects of mediatisation.
Dr. Jean Christophe Meyer
Dr. Jean Christophe MEYER is a Senior Lecturer at the Université de Strasbourg. He did his doctoral reasearch in conteporary history under a joint direction (cotutelle Université de Strasbourg, France/Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany). His Phd Thesis defended in December 2012 adressed the following subject : “Television Broadcast Football and its Reception by the Press in France and Germany (1950-1966): the Completion of the ‘Great Stadium’, a Conveyor of National and European Identity”. His current research interests are focused on the history of (French & German) television, the history of football and the history of the French-German relations.
Prof. Richard Giulianotti
Football, Globalization, and Media: Local and Global Challenges
Richard Giulianotti is Professor of Sociology at Loughborough University, and also Professor II at Telemark University College. His main research interests are in the fields of sport, globalization, development and peace, sport mega-events, crime and deviance, cultural identities and qualitative methods. He has headed several research projects on these subjects, funded by the UK ESRC, European Commission and Nuffield Foundation. He is author of the books Football: A Sociology of the Global Game (1999), Sport: A Critical Sociology (2005, revised 2015), Ethics, Money and Sport (with A. J. Walsh, 2007), Globalization and Football (with R. Robertson, 2009) and Hooligans e Oligarchi: L’invenzione del Calcio Globale (forthcoming). He has guest-co-edited special issues of British Journal of Sociology, Global Networks and Urban Studies, edited a further dozen books and published numerous articles in international journals and edited collections. His work has been translated and published in a dozen languages.
Dr. Jean-François Diana
Jean-François Diana is a senior lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Lorraine (France). He is also a member of the mediations research centre (EA 3476). His research focuses on the analysis of media representations and journalistic practices relating to high performance sport. He has published numerous articles on these issues, among which « De la difficulté d’être journaliste de sport » (And the difficulties of being a sport journalist) in 2014. In F. Wille & B. Delforce (Éds.), Les Cahiers du journalisme. 25. Lille : Esj. Québec : Université Laval ; in 2013, Le public brouillé par l’image de l’Equipe de France de football (is the public falling out with the Football French team representation?), in B. Amigo & G. Lochard (Éds.), Identités télévisuelles. Une comparaison France-Chili (Television identities. A France-Chile comparison) (pp. 179-198). Paris : L’Harmattan. In 2010, L’Italie, le football, la Lorraine. La médiation du Républicain lorrain. (Italy, Football, Lorraine. The Républicain Lorrain mediation). In C. Boli, Y. Gastaut & F. Grognet (Éds.), Allez la France ! Sport et immigration (Come on France, Sport and immigration) (pp. 173-176). Paris : Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration, Gallimard. He has recently guided two publications: in 2015 (with Gérard Derèze and Olivier Standaert). Journalisme sportif. Méthodes d’analyse des productions médiatiques (Sports journalism. Methods of analysis of media productions). Louvain : De Boeck Université. 247 p. ; in 2013, Spectacles sportifs, dispositifs d’écritures (Sporting events, writing plans). Nancy : Presses universitaires de Nancy. Éditions universitaires de Lorraine. Collection Questions de communication. série actes. 19. 360 p.
Abdelkader Cheniouni
Sport Comentator for BeIN Sport TV (Qatar), which broadcasts for the whole Middle East and North Africa region, Abdelkader Cheniouni is a trained and a passionate journalist. He capitalizes 35 experience in the domain of sport media and journalism in its different facets (Press, Radio, and TV). He holds BSc in Media and Communication (Algiers University), Diploma in Journalism delivered by Berlin International Institute of Journalism (1981) and MSc in Political Sciences (Québec University, Montreal). Abdelkader Cheniouni started his career first as a teacher before integrating media sector, first as reporter and columnist for the Algerian National Radio. He then joined the Algerian Press Association (APS), first in the editorial board for the national news, then the editorial board for sport news. In 1984 Abdelkader Cheniouni moved to the National Algerian Television where he worked as grand reporter, presentator of sport programs and match commentator. In 1994 he moved to London to work at the Middle East Broadcasting TV (MBC), followed by Arab News Network TV (ANN). In 2000, he joined Abu Dhabi TV in the UAE. In 2004 he moved to the leading Arab sport TV network Aljazeera Sport (Qatar), rebranded as beIN SPORTS MENA (beIN SPORTS Group). With a long standing experience in sport media (Press, Radio and TV), Abdelkader Cheniouni dedicated most of his career to the field. In 35 years he covered multitude of international sports events: FIFA World Cups, Olympic Games, European Cup of Nations, African Cup of Nations, to name a few. In parallel to his work with Algerian Radio and TV stations as well different Arab TV channels, he has collaborated with Algerian and Canadian newspapers.
Plenary Conference Debate n°6 : Analysis and Learning Tactics in Football « DataBase, Image and News Technologies »
Organizer : Dr. Bachir Zoudji, Valenciennes, France
Adrien Baquet
Mr Adrien Baquet, he works for over 10 years for Dartfish. Today, he is in charge of differents markets as country manager (France, Benelux, Spain, Portugal, Maghreb countries). As part of its mission, he coordinates football related projects and the deployment of Dartfish solutions in the clubs, leagues and federations. About Dartfish, Dartfish develops and offers cutting-edge video solutions that empower its users to CAPTURE, ANALYZE and SHARE video content.
Prof. Markus Breuer
Professor Markus Breuer is the Dean of the MA Sport Management program at the SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg, Germany. After his graduation in business administration and economics in Braunschweig and Chemnitz, he received a Ph.D. in Sport Economics from the University of Jena. From 2011 to 2014, Markus Breuer joined the KPMG transfer pricing office in Hamburg and received a master’s degree in international taxation from the University of Hamburg. Since 2014 he lectures business administration including but not limited to sports management and economics in Heidelberg. Moreover, Markus Breuer lecturers regularly at various local and foreign universities and presents his latest research findings at international conferences.
Michel Ebe
Michel EBE is the designer of the software Scanfoot which allows teachers to get game statistics in real time. Trained as Teacher of Physical Education, CREPS of Bordeaux under the direction of M. Dugrand. BE2 Degree in football and technical executive, member of the D.T.N. from 1979 to 1989. From 1984, beginning of work related to game observations, paper and pencil work and tape recorder. In 1988 « le Football au Scanner » : Details of the data capture method in live. In 1990 use of a first software (dos) during the Italian World Cup. Year 1992, creation of the Company of Computer assistance in Sport. From 1996 to 2006, collaboration with France Football. In 1996, collaboration with Ligue 1 coaches (P. Bergues, R. Denoueix, A. Perrin, F. Antonetti, G. Houllier). In 1998, World Cup in France. In 2001-2002, Japan national team with P. Troussier, World Cup in Japan. From 2000 to 2015, collaboration with TF1, M6, TPS, provision of data on the air.
Fadi Naoum
Fadi Naoum, SAP SE, Senior Vice President – Products & Innovation and Head of Sports and Entertainment. Fadi Naoum is Development Senior Vice President for Sports and Entertainment, the 25th industry at SAP. His key responsibility is the development of flexible and innovative end-to-end-solutions that help sports and entertainment organizations improve their processes and maximize achievement. Its customers include the German Football Association (DFB), San Jose Sharks, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, SAP Arena, Bayern München and 1. FC Nürnberg. The product portfolio of sports and entertainment comprises e.g. Team Management & Team Performance, Ticketing- & Point of Sale innovations. Mr. Naoum has been in global leading SAP positions for more than 15 years. He began his IT career at Lufthansa AG in 1989, where he was project manager on the implementation of SAP software. Fadi holds a Master degree in Economic Data Processing from the Cologne University, Germany.
Dr. Bachir Zoudji
Learning of Football Tactics: Memory, Expertise, and the contribution of New Technologies
Bachir ZOUDJI obtained his PhD in Sport Science from the University Paul Sabatier Toulouse (France). Currently Lecturer and Senior Researcher, Laboratory DeVisu to University of Valenciennes (France). This research has outlets on designing the perfect tool for training soccer players and coaches and the development of a methodology for knowledge transmission via imaging technologies. ZOUDJI Bachir is one of four members of inventors "SIMULFOOT." 3D simulator / video for learning and analyzing tactical football. Bachir ZOUDJI has coedited the book “Le football dans tous ses états: Évolutions et questions d'actualité” to De Boeck editions (2015). In 2009, He Editor is the first French Scientific Football book titled Science & Football "Current Research and Knowledge." He has published over scientific articles in this field. He gave over 30 lectures on football in International Congress and Conferences around the World. Bachir ZOUDJI is a founding member and President of the "International Society of Sports Sciences in the Arab World (I3SAW)." Head of I3SAW theme Science and Football (I3SAW).
Plenary Conference Debates N°7: Football & Medicine
Organizer : Caroline JANNES, Ghent University Hospital (Belgium)
Pr. Etienne Aliot, MD
Pr. Etienne Aliot is head of the “Cardio Medico Surgical Center” of the University hospital, Nancy, France 2013 -2016. Member of the Board the French Federation of Cardiology. Member of the “training fellowship program” committee of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). Member of the Medical Committee of the French Football Federation. Publications, 238 papers in peer reviewed international journals (see PUBMED); 55 invited books chapters. Invited lectures in: Argentina, Australia, Czech republic, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Marocco, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, USA. Books Ventricular tachycardias edited by E Aliot and R Lazzarra 1987; Amiodarone: past, present, future edited by E Aliot ,R Lazzarra 1990; Fight against Sudden Cardiac Death edited by E Aliot, E Prystowsky and J Clementy 2000; Catheter ablation of Atrial Fibrillation edited by E Aliot, M Haissaguerre and S Jackman 2008. Reviewer Circulation, JACC, PACE, JCE, Heart Rhythm, EUROPACE, European Heart Journal etc. Editorial board member, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, Journal of Interventional Electrophysiology, Europace, Revista latina de Cardiologia, Arch Cardiovasc Diseases. Past positions, Chairman of the Working Group on Arrhythmias of the French Society of Cardiology 1998-2000; Chairman of the Working Group on Arrhythmias of the European Society of Cardiology 2000-2002. Member of the Board of Trustees of NASPE/HRS (North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology/Heart Rhythm Society) 2002-2005 and 2007; Member of the committees on “International relations” and “Educational” of the European Heart Rhythm Association 2005-2007. Member of the “Document Writing Committee” and of the “Program Committee” of the European Heart Rhythm Association. Member of the Board of the French Society of Cardiology. Chairman of the French Universities’ National Council for cardiology (CNU) 2007-2013. Distinctions, Honorary professor of Medicine / University of Oklahoma USA; Doctor Honoris Causa / University of Timisoara (Romania); Member of the “Lorraine Academy of Sciences”.
Dr. Michel D'Hooge
Doctor - specialist rehabilitation and physical medicine. Member of the Executive Committee of FIFA. Chairman of the Medical Committee of FIFA and UEFA. President of F-MARC. Honorary President of the U.R.B.F.A. Honorary President of Club Brugge K.V. Received the title of Baron. Honorary Consul of Mexico. President of Brucosport vzw. President of New Casa Hogar. Extra ordinary lecturer at the University of Gent (R.U.G).
Isabelle Lauret
Isabelle Lauret is graduated from ENSERG (PHELMA) and Strasbourg Management School. During her career, she served as marketing and business developer in high technologies within international companies like Canal + Technologies and NXP. She joined the company BodyCap in 2012 as marketing director. She has in particular in charge the development of new uses for BodyCap products in partnership with large technological accounts or health actors.
Pr. Jean Pierre Rochcongar
Head of sport medicine at the Rennes Teaching Hospital until the 31st of August 2014. He is co-author with Daniel Rivière of the book Médecine du sport, Collection pour le praticien 487 p Masson Ed 2013), 164 national and international scientific publications in sport medicine. Participation to 47 other books. He has more than 150 communications and 116 conferences in national or international congress. Learned societies, President of the French Society of Sport Traumatology from 2003 to 2005. President of the French Society of Sport Medicine from 2006 to 2009. Responsibilities and Missions, Member of the prospective doping commission of the Council of Doping Prevention and Fight then of the French Anti-Doping Agency since 2003. President of the working group on prescription of corticoids in sport medicine (AFLD, HAS, AFSSAPS) 2008. Member of the working group, theme musculoskeletal system for the transposition of the directive Euratom 97/43 (ANAES 2004, HAS 2012). Expert attached to the High Authority for Health about the theme: Surgery of meniscus and knee ligaments, 2007-2008. Member of the Health Sport collective expertise group, INSERM 2006-2008. Member of the CNOSF medical commission since 2009. President of the scientific council of the Institute of biomedical Research and Sport Epidemiology (Ministries Youth and Sport, Research, University Paris V, INSERM) from October 2006 to January 2011). President of the INSEP scientific, medical and formation council since October 2010. Associate editor of the review science and sport. Mission entrusted by the Minister of Health and Sports on the 14th of May 2010, on the theme physiological profile and sporting performance. President of the National Professional Council of sport medicine since 2014. Duties in football, Doctor of the French Football team from 1988 to 1993. President of the association of professional football club doctors, and member of the LFP administrative council from 2000 to 2009. FFF national federal doctor since 2009. Member of the UEFA medical commission since 2012. Third vice-President since 2015. Distinctions, Gold Medal of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Gold Medal of the French Football Federation. Officer of the Order of ‘Academic Palms’. Knight in the Order of the Legion of Honour.