SAMDI - Système d’Aide à la Mobilité pour les personnes présentant une Déficience Intellectuelle
Système d’Aide à la Mobilité pour les personnes présentant une Déficience Intellectuelle


Today, France has 900,000 people with intellectual disabilities (ID), which represents about 20% of people with disabilities. Every year, between 6,000 and 8,500 children are born with an intellectual disability [Rogeret, 2020].

National and international policies place inclusion and social participation at the heart of the laws governing the rights of people with disabilities. In France, the law of February 11, 2005, calls for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship for people with disabilities (compensation, education, employment, accessibility and administrative simplification). This law is completed at the international level by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD, UN 2006), signed by France in 2010, which aims at the respect of individual autonomy, the freedom to make one's own choices, social participation and accessibility

The scientific problem of the project is to respond to the difficulties of movement of people with an intellectual disability that reduce their social participation and their autonomy.La problématique scientifique du projet est de répondre aux difficultés de déplacements des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle qui réduisent leur participation sociale et leur autonomie.

The project has two main objectives:

  1. An operational objective which aims to develop a mobility aid system adapted to people with intellectual disabilities, in order to promote the development of autonomy in navigation, and which adapts to the context (environment, transport, user).
  2. A structural objective that aims to develop and structure collaboration between interdisciplinary university research, associating the two domains of Humanities and Social Sciences and of Sciences and Technology, the associative world and entrepreneurship.