

University of Valenciennes
Campus du Mont Houy

Valenciennes downtown is 10 min by tramway from the conference site at the University of Valenciennes - Campus du Mont-Houy, see the Campus map.


Monday 4 July 2016

9h - 9h15 : Registration
9h20-9h30 : Opening
9h30-10h10: A. Haraux
10h10-11h: R. Joly
11h-11h20 : Coffee break
11h20-12h10 : M. Mehrenberger
12h20 - 14h30 : Lunch
14h30-15h20 : M. Choulli
15h20-16h10 : F. Triki
16h10-16h40 : Coffee break
16h40h-17h30 : N. Cîndea


Lectures are only on invitation.

Three  posters session will be organized.

To submit a poster presentation, please download the appropriate template.

Once your abstract is ready, please send it to us the tex and pdf files to serge.nicaise [at]


Confirmed speakers


Organizing committe

Kaïs Ammari, Monastir, Tunisie,
Serge Nicaise, Valenciennes, France.

Scientific committe

Jean-Michel Coron, University of Paris 6, France,
Eduard Feireisl, Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic,
Gilles Lebeau, University of Nice, France,
Marius Tucsnak, University of Lorraine, France,
Enrique Zuazua, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain.


The main goal of control theory is to study the behavior of dynamical systems. In particular, the control and stabilization of distributed parameter systems of partial differential equations are motivated by the necessity to control large structures, like robots, space stations or acoustic systems. The essential problems are to know how to act on the system (choice of the feedback law) and to determine the region on which we act (often characterized by geometrical properties).


> Poster (PDF)


Kaïs Ammari*, Serge Nicaise **
* UR Analysis and Control of PDEs-University of Monastir, Tunisie
** LAMAV, FR CNRS 2956-University of Valenciennes, France


July 4th - 7th 2016


22 lectures and three poster sessions over 4 days.



Votre venue au congrès

Le congrès Science et football aura lieu à l’Université de Valenciennes et Hainaut-Cambrésis (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France), Campus Mont-Houy, (au sud de Valenciennes) du 1 au 4 mars 2016.

Young investigators award

Prix jeune chercheur

Le Comité invite les jeunes chercheurs dans le domaine des Sciences du Sport à soumettre des résumés se concentrant sur de nouvelles recherches qui contribuent au champ scientifique dans le domaine du Football.



> Inscription en ligne

Type d’inscription

Tarifs d’inscription (tous les règlements se feront en euros)

  • Etudiant* (100€ avant le 15 janvier 2016, 125€ après)

  • Membre I3SAW ** (100€ avant le 15 janvier 2016, 150€ après)
