CESCIT2021 will be organized using a virtual platform that has a web interface. Only registered conference attendees can log in the conference. Each participant will receive an email with the connection information.
During the conference, sessions will be accessed by different persons:
- A session chair, whole role is to introduce presenters and manage the questions/answers part. The session chair will be helped by a technical moderator during the sessions.
- A speaker, that will make a presentation
- Many participants that will assist at the conference.
Good practices
All participants can share their webcam and microphone. When logging in, it is requested that these devices are not shared.
When a participant wants to speak, he must ask to the session chair to do so by "raising the hand". The session chair can view on his interface the demands and he can notify the person to whom he is giving the speech.
The speaker can download its presentation in pdf format or can share its screen in case of use PowerPoint application for example.
Several user guides are available:
A virtual room will be open the previous week before the conference, and you can test the connection at the platform. If you have a problem, you can send an email to the helpdeskcescit2021 [at] uphf.fr address.