259 Résultats pour votre recherche
Seminar "Understanding the mechanisms and management of people suffering from patellofemoral pain".
As part of the scientific activities of the department SHV of the LAMIH, a seminar will be held by Professor Jim Richards of the University of Lancashire (United Kingdom)
Published on 01/06/2023
Researcher Profile #2: Céline Morin
As part of these actions to promote gender parity in scientific research, the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 is highlighting its female researchers through video vignettes tracing their careers and their representation of scientific research as women.
This action aims to communicate about scientific careers to young women.
Published on 01/03/2023
Seminar "General conference on biomechanics of injuries: Research with impact".
As part of the scientific animation of the Department Mechanics of LAMIH, I am pleased to announce the seminar of Cynthia Bir from Wayne State University in the United States.
It will take place on Thursday, October 26, Bâtiment Claudin Lejeune 3, amphi E14.
Published on 20/10/2023
Seminar "Moving fast and slow: Cognitive mechanisms and brain correlates of motor timing".
As part of the scientific animation of the department SHV of the LAMIH, a seminar will be held by Ségolène Guerin, post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Neuroscience (UCLouvain, Belgium).
Published on 01/06/2023
The "Crash materials and structures" platform is dedicated to the identification of mechanical properties at the material scale and the verification of crash performance at the structural scale.
Published on 01/04/2022
Seminar "The internal combustion engine in the context of sustainable individual road mobility (?)".
As part of the scientific leadership of the Mechanics department of LAMIH, I am pleased to announce the seminar by Adrian CLENCI, University Professor and Vice-Rector in charge of Scientific Research and Digitization at the University of Pitești (UPIT) on Thursday November 30 at 2:00 pm in amphitheatre E1 of the Claudin le Jeune 1 building.
Published on 20/11/2023
Translational biomechanics: when modeling bridges the gap between medicine and science" seminar
As part of the scientific leadership of the Sciences de l'Homme et du Vivant (SHV) du LAMIH, a seminar will be held by Antoine PERRIER, podiatrist, engineer, PhD, HdR in biomechanics, attaché at the Pitié Salpêtrière and Croix Saint-Simon hospitals (Paris), associate researcher at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) and the TIMC laboratory (Grenoble).
Published on 26/09/2023
Human motor analysis
Published on 01/04/2022
Portrait of Kathia Marçal de Oliveira
Meeting with Kathia Marçal de Oliveira, a professor in the computer science department at LAMIH.
Published on 11/04/2023
Research laboratories
Published on 25/03/2022