

Project closing event (Valenciennes)

A closing day of the project was organized at Valenciennes on November 24th, 2017, bringing together some sixty industrial and academic participants. The morning was dedicated to a scientific presentation of the project. The afternoon was focused on demonstrations with the three prototypes developed during the project: the C1-ENSIAME vehicle, the Link&Go-AKKA vehicle and the SHERPA-LAMIH simulator.

Project closing event (Valenciennes)Project closing event (Valenciennes)Project closing event (Valenciennes)Project closing event (Valenciennes)Project closing event (Valenciennes)Project closing event (Valenciennes)Project closing event (Valenciennes)Project closing event (Valenciennes)

Photos : Serge DEBERNARD

Futur.e.s festival (Paris)

In June 2018 the LAMIH took part to Futur.e.s, the “festival of digital”, in Paris - la Villette. The laboratory presented the results of the CoCoVeA project with two demonstrators: the C1-ENSIAME vehicle and the SHERPA-LAMIH driving simulator (in its "development tool" version). In 2018, the festival attracted 12,000 visitors. Its specificity is to be dedicated to both professionals and the general public. Thanks to the simulator, visitors had the opportunity to try the automated vehicle prototype developed as part of the CoCoVeA project.

Futur.e.s festival (Paris)Futur.e.s festival (Paris)